The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1487

Stamping his feet, Cao Cao's strength shattered the entire empty building, shuttled through the falling rubble like a meteor, and the flames of the Holy Spear at Dusk erupted, instantly tearing apart the clouds in the sky.

The tip of the spear shines, piercing the demon who is also falling.

"So I can't hate you brats with heroic dreams, especially with such a clear fighting spirit..."

The exquisite spear technique seems to be able to cut through the space.

Humans do not have as many advantages as demons and angels. All Cao Cao can do is to extend his "skills" to the end that cannot be seen.

However, even if it is the result of painstaking efforts, it is still immature to Luo Pei.


In an instant, Cao Cao involuntarily opened his mouth.

The holy spear, which was said to be able to penetrate gods, stopped at the tip of the young man's index finger.

Luo Pei didn't even analyze the trajectory of the gun's swing, and caught Cao Cao's attack just by instinct.

The black-haired young man smiled slightly, held the Holy Spear of Twilight with his backhand, and punched Cao Cao in the abdomen, knocking him out like an aurora.

During the flight, Cao Cao managed to open one eye under the wind pressure, but found that the demon had come to him.

"Don't forget to think that you can fight me with the basic form of God's Extinguisher, free your forbidden hands. It's not to defeat me, but to survive. A too inferior exit will stain your heroism with dust of."

Luo Pei's voice was so wonderful that it was transmitted to Cao Cao's mind across time in one-thousandth of a second.

Then another blow landed on his chest.

In the severe pain that blurred his vision, Cao Cao heard the sound of ribs breaking and fell to the ground.

When he quickly regained his sight, he found that after this blow, he had already come to a deserted forest.

That blow made him fly a thousand kilometers away.

After thousands of years of hard work, the body protected by the holy spear almost fell apart.

And the attacking demon, not to mention anything unusual, didn't even mess up the corners of his clothes. He put his arms around his arms and looked at the embarrassed Cao Cao playfully.

"Is this the end of the hero's drama?" Rope asked.

Cao Cao felt ruthless, pointed his spear at the black-haired young man, and began to chant the congratulations of "Forbidden Hands".

"—Like! The true holy spear that pierces through the gods!"

"—absorb the overlord's ideal dormant in my body, and open the gap between blessing and destruction!"

"—Ru, expound your last will and turn it into glory!"

Luo Pei pondered looking at Cao Cao's forbidden hand.

This is the first time he has seen the "Forbidden Hand Transformation" of a real God Exterminator.

Although the power is as usual to make the demon unmotivated, but the upgrade of the artifact that changes with the change of the user's aura has a special way, which is worthy of his behavior of specifically including the "artificial artifact production method" in his pocket.

After liberating Cao Cao, a halo of divine brilliance emerged from behind, shining straight into the sky. Seven bowling-ball-sized spheres surround him, representing seven abilities for various combat situations.

"This is my forbidden hand, the "Brilliant Spear of the Heavenly Wheel of the Extreme Night". "

Cao Cao set his posture.

"But even so, I can also feel my own powerlessness."

"If I run away now, I'll pretend I didn't see it? Hero kid." Luo Pei laughed.

The only response to him was Cao Cao's silence.

Rope sighed.

He raised a hand, and the dark energy boiled and surged.

"I like to decide the winner with one blow. I have enough time to delay with you. Whether you can survive the next attack depends on your luck... I have to go over there. The surprised girl in the truth is revealed. Missed sight."

Luo Pei opened his palm lightly, and the dark energy flew forward at a not-so-fast speed.

It is shaped like a lotus flower, and it constantly erodes the surrounding space while blooming, destroying everything that can be destroyed.

Cao Cao released all the arrogance of the Forbidden Holy Spear, and the most violent and hard-to-handle "General Treasure" among the seven abilities came to his hand, and galloped away facing the dark lotus.

It looked like a moth to a flame.

But it is such stupid behavior that heroes are called heroes.

A flash later, a dark aurora took over the sky of this small city.

Chapter 103 Take it away, the next one

The time went back to ten minutes before the meeting between the demon god and the hero.

Xenovia and Irina were running wildly in the deep mountains and old forests.

The erupting aura of the King's Sword made them dare not delay for a second.

No matter how dark and dirty the Catholic Church is, they and the angels are forces standing on the human side. For example, the exorcist was killed by the demon, the demon was killed by the fallen angel, and the fallen angel was retreated by the exorcist. These are the continuation of the conflict.

The modern human world is not ancient, and it cannot withstand the full intervention of supernormal forces such as angels, fallen angels, and demons.

Cocabele's actions are undoubtedly ringing the bell of the Apocalypse.

"Stop it, Irina!"

Xenovia stopped suddenly.

Irina didn't hesitate after hearing that, and leaned back to back with the blue-haired girl.

"Something is wrong, the breath of King's Sword suddenly disappeared..."

She took out the "Holy Sword of Destruction" wrapped in cloth, and looked around vigilantly.

Irina also held the "Sacred Mimic Sword" in her hand, her breathing became heavy.

Although the two are not fledgling novices, it is definitely the first time in their lives that they will target the fallen angel cadres who participated in the three clan wars in ancient times. Even if they are prepared to sacrifice, this sense of spiritual oppression surrounds Xenovia and Irina all the time.

There was a sudden noise in the quiet jungle, and without thinking about it, Xenovia swung the holy sword with a ray of light and slashed towards the top of the short slope.

But with a more dazzling light, Xenovia's attack was blocked.

Then an elderly male's voice sounded.

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