The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1501

"Master Yasaka, do you need a rest?"

Yasaka, who was leaning on the railing, waved his hand and weakly pushed the maid away.

"...The concubine is fine. You go to Jiuzhong's side immediately, and let her stay at home until this grand banquet of the gods is over."

Nine-Tailed Fox thought about it again and said.

"Forget it, the concubine should go by herself."

"Yes, I'm going to prepare the imperial drive for you right now."


Sitting in the sedan chair carried by several green-faced ghosts with fangs in the dense mist, Yasaka hurried towards home.

At dusk, people came and went on the road, but no one could watch the Lord of the Hundred Ghosts go.

If you don't want ordinary people to see demons and monsters, ordinary people can't see them full of demon power, which is a characteristic of Japanese monsters. It is also because of this that Yasaka can secretly maintain the atmosphere of Kyoto unchanged for a hundred years.

Along the way, Yasaka kept thinking about the Demon God.

The "Vice Lord of the Kingdom of Heaven" Michael was able to carry the name of the Demon God, which was naturally due to a discussion between the two. Presumably the Demon God himself also supported the coming of peace.

But Yamata no Orochi's words are not without reason.

Even with the passage of time, it is a fact that the Demon God once served as the king of the evil dragons. If the sealed mad dragon Yamata no Orochi was noticed and lifted the seal on the sword, then before the anti-peace faction ran amuck, Kyoto would have to suffer a "Tenryu-level" evil dragon to wreak havoc.

Yasaka, the general of the Japanese monster East, felt deeply exhausted.

She may have a very powerful power in one-third of an acre of land in Japan, but if she rises to the international level, in front of those unreasonable existences, Yasaka is nothing more than a little fox.

...Do you want to get in touch with the God of Demons?

No, maybe the Demon God doesn't want to care about Yamata no Orochi at all. If he goes like this, it will make the Demon God think about it.

"Master Yasaka!"

While meditating, Yasaka heard the panicked voice of Aoki.

The Nine-Tailed Fox raised the bamboo curtain, and the sight in front of her made her golden eyes widen.

It was a lingering mist.

The original scene can no longer be seen around, the buildings of modern society, the trees on both sides, the pedestrians on the street, and the cars are all gone.

There is only a dense fog that is impenetrable to sight.

"This, this, this... The streets of Kyoto have been small for a hundred years, and it is impossible to go wrong!"

Qinggui and his companions panicked.

Yasaka pulled away the escorts and stepped out of the sedan chair.

From the back of her body, nine golden-haired fox tails grow out, and the power of a real big monster adds a bit of majesty to her charming cheeks.

"It has nothing to do with you, this is someone who deliberately wanted to bring this concubine here."

But who is it?

Who on earth could bring a thousand-year-old demon here without making a sound?

Applause sounded from the edge of the fog.

Soon, Yasaka saw who it was.

A rough and unrestrained male, wearing a coarse cloth clothing similar to a warrior, and carrying a big gun with no light on his shoulder.

"As expected of Japan's strongest monster, form judgment is not covered."

"The Thirty-Three Heavenly Emperor of Mount Sumeru..."God of War" Indra..."

"Oh? Do you recognize me? It's easy to say that you recognize me." Di Shitian laughed and said, "Ms. Yasaka, the lord of the ghosts in Kyoto, has troubled you to come with us because of some things. Don't worry, don't worry." What will I do to you, I just want to invite you to be a simple guest."

The jade-faced golden-haired nine-tailed fox looked at Di Shitian warily, and his words were as cold as the severe winter of the twelfth lunar month.

"I don't remember having friendship with the Emperor of Mount Sumeru, so much so that I have to invite you personally as a guest. The peace meeting of the gods is coming soon, and I can't leave the capital. I'm afraid I won't be able to obey your kindness!"

"Oh, I just finished praising Mrs. Yasaka for your formal judgment, don't make me take my words back so quickly..."

Di Shitian scratched his hair in distress.

From behind him, the mist gradually dispersed, and several figures appeared in front of Yasaka.

Those people were male and female, except for a male who looked like a demon monkey, the rest were purebred humans.

"Lord Di Shitian, the deployment of "Extreme Mist" has been completed. In this way, no matter how messed up in this space, it will not affect the outside world, nor will it be noticed by others. "

The man with glasses on the bridge of his nose said that a green magic circle was unfolding in his hand, and it was obvious that the thick fog came from him.

"You god-killing tool holders' abilities are sometimes convenient enough to make me jealous."

Di Shitian shrugged and spread his hands towards Yasaka.

"That's it. Even if you want to be tough, you have to ask Mrs. Yasaka to move. You can't be my opponent. In order to avoid the pain of the battle, let's capture it with nothing. It will save everyone from hurting the peace. Our goal is not to Against the monsters of Kyoto."

"Di Shitian, stop talking nonsense."

Among those people, the leader who seemed to be the leader spoke.

He did not use honorifics to the Heavenly Emperor of Mount Sumeru, but spoke in a very common collaborator's tone.

Yasaka looked intently, half of the man's body was almost corroded by some kind of energy, but he was still alive under the light of the extremely dangerous spear in his hand.

The leader of the heroes is Cao Cao, who holds the most powerful god-killing tool "Twilight Spear".

He was not killed by the demon's shocking blow. Although it was very difficult, the power of the God of the Bible remaining in the Holy Spear of Twilight finally allowed him to grasp the one hundred thousandth chance of survival. With this picture of neither human nor ghost The appearance of lingering.

"If you hadn't said that disturbing the atmosphere in Kyoto would be helpful to our plan, I would never have ordered Georg to show the power of a god-killing tool to a woman who has no power to restrain a chicken. That would be against my heroism .”

"Young people nowadays are impatient..."

Di Shitian muttered.

Just as Yasaka was thinking about how to solve the predicament in front of her, the figure of the Emperor of Heaven disappeared from her eyes.

Along with the pain from the neck, the Nine-Tailed Fox's vision was gradually swallowed by the darkness.

Looking at Yasaka who fell on the ground, Takeshi shook his head regretfully.

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