The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1502

"You said you didn't want to take action against a woman, why would I think so? We agreed to the plan of the evil Nordic god, in order to challenge the best opponent, not this little fox who is struggling to survive..."

"Juewu" was still activated, Cao Cao turned his back and prepared to leave.

"War creates heroes, this is your idea. And we idiots of the heroic faction are standing here because we agree with your idea. Whether we win or lose, use or be used, this will be the most important thing in our lives. It's a grand battle..."

"That's right, war creates heroes, and boring peace is the most annoying thing."

Di Shitian raised his big gun with a ferocious smile.

"Thousands of years ago, I never met with martial arts, this time I must not miss the opportunity again... Bo Xun, the "Da Zizai Heavenly Demon"! "

With the departure of the two main characters, only the heroes were left on the scene.

The offspring of the westward monster monkey, the beautiful monkey curled his lips as he looked at the four panicked green ghost bearers below.

"Di Shitian and Cao Cao only said that they want to save the life of the big fox, what about those insignificant little characters?"

"Leave it to me."

Georg pushed his eyes, and the mist of "Extreme Mist" spread towards the green ghosts, engulfing them in a blink of an eye.

"It's just some insignificant small roles anyway."

"That's right, a small character, compared to the Supreme Demon God we're about to face, it's not worth mentioning at all..."

Apart from "Extreme Fog", after Yasaka was isolated from the space of Kyoto, after hundreds of years of stability, the Qi of the city of Kyoto began to appear unstable.

About to go berserk.

Chapter 111: The Long and Straight Silver Valkyrie, the Young Fox with Blonde Hair in the Temple Fair

After arriving in Kyoto, the students of Kuou Academy began to appreciate the customs and customs of Kyoto after a good night's rest, running like wild horses.

Of course, Luo Pei will not be bored enough to act with the students.

He declined the invitation of Rias and Sona, and wandered alone on the streets of Tokyo full of ancient charm and tradition.

Some regrets are the seasons.

If you come here in the spring of March and April, you will have a taste of Kyoto when the cherry blossoms are in full bloom.

"...Do you want to modify reality?"

Luo Pei put his right hand in a pose ready to snap his fingers.

With his unreasonable power, changing the climate, environment, and plant growth is a breeze.

But then Luo Pei was amused by his own thoughts, shook his head and put his hands down.

Being too perfect will make the artistic conception go away quickly, and sometimes the lack of regret is also a necessary enjoyment.

Putting his hands in the pockets of his trousers and unbuttoning his jacket and suit, the black-haired young man walked freely and leisurely, with a vague smile on his lips.

In the open space next to it, there are children playing football games, and the competition is fierce.

"Pass the ball! Pass the ball!"


"Ah! Wrong kick..."

Luo Pei looked at the ball rolling towards his feet, raised his foot slightly and kicked the ball back.

"Thank you big brother!"

"Be careful when playing football, it's not good to affect others."


Azalia paid attention to Rope's behavior the whole time, and said in amazement.

"From the beginning to the present, the change of Ape's mentality is really exaggerated..."

"I thought you were used to it."

'Roughly the same. But if you have a chance, you have to use it to tease you, so that you can be regarded as a qualified wife. isn't it? '

"The head of the demons at the source actually called himself my wife so leisurely. Your believers and enemies will probably cry if they know?"

'I'll let them die! A bunch of trash who are a little bit better than trash! '

Azalea spat, and then asked suspiciously.

"I thought it was my illusion before, Ape, your mind seems to be getting more and more restless with the passage of time..."

"It's not a big deal."

Luo Pei stopped, raised his head and squinted his eyes to stare at the sky.

To be precise, it may be the dark cosmic landscape beyond the sky.

"When this trip to Kyoto is over, I will face the first ancient god in my life who stands on top of order. "God of Civilization and Technology" Felak, my heart is full of throbbing, that kind of uneasiness Sensation has become the most primitive fighting nourishment, which makes my soul burn from the most fundamental place. "

'The opponent is the powerful incarnation of the ancient gods, Ape, you must not commit any problems like being reserved as a warrior. Regardless of the means and the beliefs of the enemy, you must annihilate that incarnation without reservation. '

"I know."

Rope shrugged.

"The prototype of the Kingdom of God can be completely completed after witnessing the destruction of that world. Perfectly cross that hurdle and become a high-level demigod. The rest only needs to accumulate strength and be crowned. I will not be in such a critical battle. Get sloppy."

'Very good! Very handsome! '

Azalia praised Rope.

The latter chuckled and continued on.

Suddenly Luo Pei's footsteps stopped, listening to the noisy voices on the long stairs beside him.

On the handrail of the stairs, there are colorful flags fluttering in the wind, on which the words "Summer Festival" are printed in crooked artistic fonts.

"Want to go up and have a look?"

An old man's voice came from behind.

Luo Pei turned back unhurriedly, wearing a dark blue quaint robe, the old man with silver beard and one eye was smiling back.

Next to the old man was a tall, straight silver woman wearing a professional suit and exuding a vigilant air.

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