The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1503

"I'm still estimating how long you'll be with me. It's no fun just running out, Odin."

"Oh? Was it discovered?"

Odin, the god king of the Nordic protoss, walked leisurely to Lopez with his hands in his sleeves.

"I think I'm giving it my all. Didn't I hide from your perception? Since when did you notice that I was following you?"

"at the very beginning."

"Is that so, it's so terrifying that the hairs stand on end..."

Odin sighed.

Roseweizer, the Valkyrie in charge of the god-king's bodyguard, moved closer to Odin and whispered.

"Master Odin, please don't act recklessly like this, this man is very dangerous..."

Luo Pei tilted his head and smiled.

"Did you hear, Odin, your lovely bodyguard is trying to persuade you not to touch me without authorization?"

"Just listen to what she says, don't take it seriously."

Odin shook his head.

"I made you laugh. Rossweisse is just a good-for-nothing virgin Valkyrie whose experience without a boyfriend is equal to her age, and her personality is a bit serious."

"You you you you you!"

Odin used his good intentions to persuade him to make fun of him, and it was the most embarrassing experience.

Roseweisse's pretty cheeks were flushed. If she hadn't wanted to maintain the majesty of the Lord God in front of the Demon God, she really wanted to slap the spear on Odin's old and unscrupulous face.

Compared with the Nordic god-king, Roseweizer even felt that the demon god was more in line with the "highest person" posture.

She secretly looked at this rumored extraterrestrial demon.

On the way, she saw a lot of behaviors that did not conform to the horror legends of Rope, and it could be regarded as slightly changing Roseweather's view of Rope, but now she was officially standing in front of the Demon God, and the Valkyrie was still shocked.

One is the handsome appearance that makes her feel like a dream, and the other is the extremely noble temperament of a nobleman.

The good-for-nothing Valkyrie who doesn't have a boyfriend equal to her age shrinks her body involuntarily and hides behind Odin, just like a little girl who seeks the protection of her parents when she sees her crush.

"So, is Lord Luo Pei going to see the traditional activities in this country? Since yesterday, the weather in this city has been weird, maybe it will rain soon..."

Odin seemed to have a deep meaning to say.

Luo Pei didn't care at all, and nodded with a smile.

"That's exactly what I intended."

Lopez and Odin walked side by side, Roseweizer followed closely behind.

The summer festival here is not a big festival, at best it can only be regarded as a small-scale temple fair, and the scenery of the shrine faintly revealing a corner from the forest also illustrates this point.

"Odin, when you came to Kyoto, you didn't look for the gods of various pantheons who came here. Why did you come to me?"

"Look at what you said." Odin shrugged: "This is a meeting organized in your name. I'm not a group of timid brats. It's totally inappropriate to come to your city and not visit you. "

"Save the trash talk and go back to your God's Domain."

" really don't understand the old man's long-windedness."

Odin scratched his head, spread his hands and said.

"I just arrived here in the morning, and the big monster who was supposed to be in charge of organizing the venue of the organizer was nowhere to be found. The only people who came to greet me were two or three small fish and shrimp. I thought I had stayed in Northern Europe for too long, and everyone didn't take it seriously. I took it seriously, and later found out that there was something else hidden in the capital."

"so what?"

"Someone has kidnapped the city's great monster."

"What does that have to do with you coming to me?" Luo Pei looked at Odin amusedly: "Could it be that you think I captured that nine-tailed fox? Although Yasaka's beauty is indeed worth letting me play It's a drama of stealing people, but with my current mood, I am more inclined to communicate normally."

"Of course I don't doubt that you have invincibility written all over your face..."

Odin sighed again, and when he raised his head, the old man's face was full of seriousness.

"Lord Rope, those guys who oppose peace have already started to act. Loki under my command led Fenrir and one of the five dragon kings, the mass-produced body of the "End Dragon". I suspect he is allied with some people who want to sabotage this peace conference. The Nine-Tailed Fox in Kyoto is their handwriting. They intend to disturb the city's Qi and make it form a large enchantment. "


Rope only responded with one word.

He looked at Odin as if he was looking at a mentally retarded.

The Nordic god king couldn't stand this look, and his serious expression instantly collapsed.

"It's because of you that I'm worried..." the old man muttered.

"worry about what?"

"With your attitude of not caring at all, if Loki proposes a more interesting suggestion, I'm afraid you will really think it over again? I am very happy with the peace that everyone finally hoped for. You suddenly changed your mind..."


Rope laughed.

"It's nothing to worry about, Odin."

"So you don't just say it because of Michael's words, but you also sincerely hope for peace?"

"No, I don't like peace."

Rope said.

"Similarly, I don't like chaos at the moment. This is the last period of peace for me. I don't want too noisy world situation."

"Very good……"

Odin breathed a sigh of relief.

"Your power puts too much pressure on people. Some main gods still suspect that you are building a meeting in your own name, and you plan to call them together and wipe them out."

"Maybe it's like that?"

"Hahaha, you really know how to joke..."

At the beginning, Roseweizer could listen carefully to the exchange between the two, but later on, because she was too mysterious, she couldn't keep her mind busy, and she had long since turned her attention away from Rope and Odin, enjoying the foreign festival.

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