The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1507

"It's a great honor for you to come."

"Hahahaha, it's so interesting to see you at the meeting that symbolizes "peace", Mr. Rope. "

"Welcome, I'm waiting for the ruler."

Three different voices represent three different tribes in the Bible.

Michael, the vice-lord of the heavens, Azazel, the governor of the fallen angels, and Serjex Lucifer, the demon king of the underworld.

Lopez waved his hand, took Rossweisse to sit down casually in the hall, and said.

"This is still your meeting, I just came here for some reason."

"Is it about those guys who oppose peace? I also heard that the big youkai in Kyoto has disappeared recently..."

Sergex frowned.

"However, there are many powerful gods and kings of various races gathered here, plus your name, those guys shouldn't dare to make trouble here, right?"

"It's not certain." Azazel rubbed his chin: "Perhaps it is precisely because of Lord Luo Pei's name that they flock to him..."

"Di Shitian didn't come."

"Tsk, sure enough, that war madman can't understand this plan."

Luo Pei reached out to suppress the noisy voice, opened a bottle of Japanese specialty wine and filled it up for himself.

"You guys have to quarrel, stay so energetic and talk at the meeting for a while, don't make noise around me."

He cast a glance at Michael and the gods.

"I don't care what Loki, Indra, and Hades think. If they dare to show up today, I don't mind giving them death. I just saved the Nine-Tailed Fox in Kyoto, so I can save myself. Oh By the way, today the representative of Kyoto is temporarily replaced by Yasaka's daughter Kunou, don't bully her just because she is young."

"You have said that, how dare we not follow..."

The faint tone of the demon god was like a basin of cold water, extinguishing the chaotic flames of the gods.

What happened next has nothing to do with Rope.

Michael presided over the splendid meeting, speaking impassionedly from the podium about his vision for peace. Then the representatives of the gods nodded in agreement, reached a consensus on specific regulations, and finally wrote their names on the peace agreement.

As Luo Pei warned, even the weakest and youngest Kunou among the gods, the gods did not look down on him at all, and let Jiuzhong sign the agreement on behalf of Japan with courtesy.

The blond girl cast a grateful look at Lopez.

Overall, the meeting went well.

Until Luo Pei drank a whole bottle of red wine, a thick and ominous mist emerged in the hall where the gods were.


Second, ask for a monthly pass!

Chapter 114: Gods, Heroes, and the Dead, Playing with Demons

"What's the matter with this fog?"

"Damn it! What a powerful force!"

"Is it finally here... How brave to still come here even when the demon god is in charge!"

In the end, it was the gods whose eyes were higher than the top. Although the effect of "Extinct Fog" surprised them, they were still not in chaos. Instead, they criticized the enemy's behavior of directly entering the meeting site.

You know, here is where the most top powerhouses among the gods are gathered.

Sergex, Michael, Odin, Azazel, Zeus...the existence of the world's top names that can be ranked is here, not to mention the black-haired and blue-eyed supreme demon sitting in the corner.

"I remember that artifacts and god-killing tools are only possessed by human beings, or pre-human beings who were born into other races."

Odin asked, Azazel nodded and answered.

"That's right. Unless it is of a very special type with human blood, it is impossible to have a divine weapon or a god-killing tool. This is the last mercy left by the God of the Bible to mankind."

"That is to say, a bunch of humans and pre-humans plan to step into the place where the gods' peace conference is held? It's a little bit too much."

"Hahaha, don't say that, the world lacks everything, except fools."

Azazel laughed loudly.

"What's more, if there are strong people leading them, I'm afraid those God Extinguisher hosts who are not afraid of anything will even break into the dens of dragons and tigers."

"Obviously the treaty was almost completed..."

"It's not too late to continue signing later."

Odin's one-eyed eyes showed divine light, and he shouted towards the main entrance where the fog was the thickest.

"Since you're here, you must have something to say, right? Loki! If you dare to do this kind of behavior, you must have made up your mind. It's not your style to hide your head and show your tail!"

The mist cleared, and accompanied by a giant gray wolf, a man with water-blue long hair appeared in front of the gods with high spirits.

"Still as sharp as ever, old man Odin."

"Loki, turn around and leave now, I can still act as if nothing happened."

"Impossible, I have already come here. As you said, I am fully aware of the consequences."

Loki reached out and stroked the giant wolf's neck.

"What's more, I even brought it. Without the blood of the gods, this child will not be able to calm down."

Someone among the gods had already recognized the famous Nordic monster, and exclaimed with wide-eyed eyes.

"Fenrir! That's Fenrir!"

"The offspring of the evil god Loki, the legendary wolf whose sharp teeth can kill a god..."

"You bastard! Are you serious!"

Where there is strength there is weakness, this is a matter of course.

There are many gods present, even if they bear the names of gods, their actual strength is just like that, and they are completely incomparable with the real strong. What they have is just a symbolic lofty status, just like the Roman Senate, which represents all forces, and all policies have to go under their noses.

"Oh? Do you think I'm joking with you?"

Loki looked vaguely at where Rope was.

Unlike the Valkyrie who immediately got up to guard, the black-haired young man didn't even turn his head around, and poured himself a glass of wine contentedly.

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