The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1508

It seemed that even the arrival of the demon wolf that devoured the gods could not add a little trouble to him.

Loki was upset at first, then relieved.

Being able to win a big victory in the exaggerated battles of ancient times, it is reasonable for the extraterrestrial demons to look down on Fenrir.

"Loki from Northern Europe, open your eyes and take a good look at this place."

Serges said calmly.

"In front of the Vice-Prince of the Kingdom of Heaven, the Governor of Fallen Angels, the Demon King, and the King of Gods, do you really think that you can walk out of the venue safely with your own weak strength, or with Fenrir?"

"Of course I won't be so arrogant that I can only rely on myself, so I have found a lot of reinforcements..."

"Hahaha, next is my debut time."

"The old man doesn't like this kind of brave and foolish attack, but there is no other way right now. If you guys are allowed to formally sign a peace treaty, it will be even more embarrassing in the future."

Two more distinctive existences emerged from the fog.

Resisting the ancient and simple big spear, Emperor Shitian of Mount Sumeru. Hades, King of Hades, wearing a golden black robe and a crown.

Di Shitian was followed by a large number of heroes, as well as the heavenly soldiers and generals who occupied the sky in the fog. Hades, on the other hand, seemed to be alone, but the tumbling shadow showed that the master of death did not come alone.

"Hades! Di Shitian! Sure enough, you two guys are involved!"

Zeus growled.

Sergex and Michael's faces also showed seriousness.

If Fenrir and everyone join forces, maybe they can still win, then with the participation of the world's strongest Valkyrie and Hades Monarch, as well as a large number of troops and artifact users, even the god kings, demons, angels, fallen Angel also dare not say that he can get through it perfectly.

What Loki said was true.

With this lineup, he does have the ability to stand on the opposite side of the gods.

"I can understand the evil intentions of that skeleton." Odin rubbed his eyebrows: "But, Indra, are you really not going to think about it?"

"Consider? I have been thinking about it for nearly a thousand years!"

The Valkyrie smiled boldly and pointed his spear at Luo Pei who was sitting in the corner.

"Don't get me wrong! I have a higher priority goal than organizing a peace meeting for you guys! Da Zi Zai Tian Mo Bo Xun!"


Luo Pei got up slowly, turned the chair around, and then sat down.

He raised his legs, propped his cheek with his right hand, and looked at the heroic leader behind the vigorous warrior.

"You... survived that attack?"


There was no trace of resentment in Cao Cao's eyes.

"Thank you for your mercy, I barely survived with the "Twilight Spear". "

"Then what are you doing in front of me?"

"Probably...not reconciled?"

Cao Cao took a step forward and stood shoulder to shoulder with Emperor Shitian, announcing that he was not the servant of Emperor Xumi.

A strong arrogance impacted the surrounding mist formed by "Extreme Fog". Compared with the clearness last time, Cao Cao looked like a warrior who had experienced various Shura fields at this moment.

"From that day on, I can't forget the scene of struggling under your hands. Using this as a spur, I practiced very hard under Di Shitian's hands, just to be able to stand in front of you again!"

"Hahahaha, me too." The monkey monster in the hero faction laughed and said, "My old man always forbids me to mess around, and it's really boring. Knowing that you can make Cao Cao lose so miserably, I am so happy." The monkey has to join in no matter what!"

The heroes faction nodded one after another. Except for two or three of them with ulterior motives, all of them had stupid but enlightened eyes in their eyes.

"Is that so..."

Rope sighed.

"It's rare that I appreciate your heroic spirit, but you end up risking your own life for the second time..."

"I was defeated and died under your hands! I have no regrets!"

"...I won't show mercy anymore."

The black-haired youth stood up, and the strong wind pressure spread from his body.

Rossweisse, who was closest, was even thrown several meters away by the shock, barely lying on the ground.

No matter how powerful the gods, demons, and angels are, they all feel a sharpened sword of Damocles hanging above their heads, and some weak gods have already slumped on their chairs.

This is not a power show.

This is just Luo Pei's pure killing intent.

"This, what kind of power is this!"

The descendant of Faust, Georg's hand that maintained the "Extreme Mist" was trembling.

He has always been invincible with the strongest God Extinguisher Sequence, but this time just the aura of the enemy made him almost want to turn around and flee, and even the control of "Extreme Fog" appeared to be unstable.

"Da Zizai Heavenly Demon... Can we really fight him?"

"Don't be afraid, Georg."

A large hand rests on Georg's shoulder as he recedes.

The giant who inherited the soul of Hercules, Hercules half-closed his eyes, facing the terrifying killing intent of the demon god.

"We came here just because we had made up our minds, didn't we?"

"Is such that……"

The handsome Leonardo nodded. He was twirling with fantasies and activated the high god destroyer "Warcraft Creation" at any time.

The heroes are ready; the Valkyrie laughs rebelliously; the Evil God caresses Fenrir's neck, secretly plotting a battle plan; Hades releases the flames of death, and countless shadowy monsters emerge from its shadow run out...

"Lord Rope..."

Sergex moved to Rope's side.

"Stand back, Sergex."

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