The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1510

Zhengtai turned his head, and the five fingers that greeted him were death's sickle-like five fingers.

To put it lightly, Leonardo had his head removed.

He didn't get preferential treatment because of his age. In the eyes of the demon god, who had already spread his killing intent, there was no enemy he couldn't kill!

With another wave of his hand, more than a hundred heavenly soldiers and generals, and ghosts from the underworld were wiped out.

Luo Pei stepped on the blade of Di Shitian's spear that came suddenly from the shadows, and held the dangerous Twilight Holy Spear in his right hand.

"Do you want to be successors? Very good!"


Fenrir came galloping, opened its sharp teeth that could kill even the gods, and closed them violently towards Rope.

Luo Pei's eyes flickered fiercely, and the power of divine power easily sent Di Shitian and Cao Cao flying a thousand kilometers away, and then grabbed Fenrir's jaws with both hands.

The light gray light gathered in the palm of the black-haired youth, and the energy roared violently.


After the sound of tearing eardrums and the blinding light, half of the entire Kyoto was destroyed.


Loki growled in disbelief.

His son died.

Loki is very sure that at that moment just now, his strongest demon wolf son died at the hands of the extraterrestrial demon.

Before he opened the distance, his neck was grabbed by a strong force.

"Uh ah ah ah ah ah ah!"

"Don't worry, you'll be together soon."

Pinching Loki's neck, Rope's index finger shone with a gray light as fine as a grain of rice.

After another aurora passed, Loki, who had lost his head, hung down.

Maybe until the moment of death, Loki was still thinking about why the extraterrestrial celestial demon was so strong, and whether his plot was wrong, right? Unfortunately, he never had a chance to think about it again.

The gods who stood farthest were shocked by Rope's ferocity.

Even Kunou didn't see admiration in his eyes, only holding Roseweather tightly, the strong fear that a young girl should have.

Not disgust, just apprehension that life is passing so simply and so quickly.

"Too bad, if Mr. Luo Pei continues to go on like this..."

Michael looked anxious and wanted to rush up.

But Sergex grabbed him and said cautiously.

"Didn't you hear? Lord Rope just said that anyone who stops him will become his enemy. You want to die, Michael?"


Michael was speechless.

The gods couldn't help but ponder, if Shiva, the god of destruction, hadn't stopped them from being impolite to the demons on Mount Olympus thousands of years ago, would the scene at this moment have happened at that time?

have no idea.

But there is only one thing, the gods are clear.

Fear is like tarsal maggots, gnawing at their hearts held high in the sky.

Standing in mid-air, Luo Pei slightly paused the killing action, and looked coldly at the challengers below who were frozen in the atmosphere.

The intimidated challengers all opened their mouths wide, not daring to make an attacking posture.

"Don't be intimidated!"

Cao Cao's roar sounded.

"We are heroes! We are heroes of mankind! In the face of dangerous demon gods, there is only one thing we can do! That is to leap!"

The Holy Spear of Twilight, which came rushing in, sparked with Luo Pei's palm, but it still didn't cut the demon god's body.

Luo Pei didn't talk too much nonsense. After tearing off Cao Cao's right arm, he took advantage of the situation with his left hand to grab Di Shitian who broke through the atmosphere and exploded with a powerful blow.

"If you want to be my enemy, you are far from qualified."

Seeing the scarlet sword blade emerging from Luo Pei's left hand, Di Shitian's pupils shrank sharply, wanting to run away immediately.

But the scarlet sword fell before he could react.


It was not Indra who wailed, but Georg on the earth.

Lopez's "Sword of Dispute" tore apart his God Extermination Tool in the blink of an eye, the "Extreme Mist" dissipated, and the real world gradually emerged.

And Di Shitian, or the Martial God who was once named Di Shitian, left only a broken spear after the scarlet light dissipated.

——The Valkyrie died.

"Hey hey hey..."

Mei Hou had long since lost the playful look he had at that time, and he looked up at the sky with cold sweat on his face.

"What did we do? Is this really able to appear in this world, the existence of this dimension?!"

"have no idea……"

Arthur Pendragon clenched the "Holy King Sword" tightly in his hand.

"I just know it's not over yet..."

The demon god stood calmly in the sky, with the corners of his clothes fluttering in the wind.

He held up two fingers, and a small distorted "Sword of Dispute" appeared on each of the two fingers.

"Don't be afraid, don't panic, don't be afraid, since you have made awakening, then bear the price of awakening."

Rope said calmly.

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