The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1511

"Here, no one will survive."

The dark clouds gathered, and the massacre continued.

Chapter 116: The Land Where Gods and Heroes Fall

After the "Extreme Mist" was shattered, the large-scale different-dimensional space formed by the high god destroyer gradually dissipated, and the real Kyoto re-emerged.

Yasaka, who was placed in a remote corner, lost the restraint of "Extreme Mist", and the powerful blood of the demon quickly played a role, awakening her from the drowsiness.

It took her five seconds to regain her sanity, and thirty seconds later she had already flown into the sky of Kyoto.

Yasaka is the general of youkai in Kyoto, responsible for maintaining the city's "ki". After being attacked by Di Shitian and waking up, the first thing she thought of was to confirm the situation of the city, and to overcome all difficulties, she must immediately restore the rampage of Qi to its original state.

But above the sky, Yasaka's thinking faltered due to the scenery that greeted his eyes.

Not only was she running away with anger, but the suburban palace she had planned for the meeting of the gods in the distance had disappeared in large swaths, and even spread to the urban area of ​​Kyoto.

Smoke rose from countless flames, and in the eyesight of the Nine-Tailed Fox, there were corpses everywhere on the ground.

Beheaded by an owl; cut off; smashed into a pulp; heart pulled out; neck bone broken; half of the body annihilated by energy.

The bright red blood and dust coalesced into a thick and disgusting black stream, flowing between the ruins and the rocks of the collapsed mountain.

But what surprised Yasaka was that the existence of those tragic deaths was not human.

It is the heavenly soldiers and generals with power and divine arrogance, and the dark ghosts from the underworld.

"This is... what happened?"

The beautiful young woman with blond hair dragged her nine furry fox tails and headed towards the center of the disaster.

She doesn't know anything, she doesn't understand the status quo at all. But Yasaka's instinct as a mother almost made her faint, and she was extremely worried about the safety of her daughter Kunou.

As the flight approached, Yasaka finally saw human remains.

Nine-tailed fox knows those guys who died in a bad way.

While being attacked by Di Shitian, she had seen those people, without exception, all of them were followers of Di Shitian's human artifact holders.

However, the holders of these artifacts who possessed the aptitude of the famous quartet all fell to the ground at this moment, and lost their lives.

"Oh? The chief general of Kyoto?"

"After the effect of the god-killing tool was removed, did you also be released..."


Hearing the noise, especially the voice of his own daughter, Yasaka instantly changed the direction of his flight, and landed in front of the gods in a stream of golden demon power.

Kunou let go of Rossweisse, ran towards Yasaka, and plunged into Yasaka's arms.

Yasaka stroked Kunou's head affectionately, and asked with concern.

"Is there anything wrong? I'm really sorry, because of some things, my mother..."

"I have nothing to do! Compared to these, it's great that you have nothing to do, Mom!"

Kunou interrupted Yasaka's apology. In the eyes of the little girl, as long as her mother is safe and sound, then everything is not important.

Michael stepped forward and saluted politely.

"Miss Yasaka, I'm Michael. I'm sorry about what happened to you. If we could come to Kyoto earlier, you wouldn't have to suffer the reckless attack of Valkyrie."

"It's all in the past..."

Yasaka looked serious.

"My lord Michael, can you tell me what happened? Could it be that these are your handwriting? I hope you can raise your hand! Kyoto can't bear the battle between the gods. Don't you and the gods sign a peace? Did the agreement come here? Why..."

"Oh, don't get us wrong, lady."

Azazel smiled wryly.

"Even if we go together, we don't have the power to crush all these enemies. Loki, Fenrir, Indra, Hades... all the powerful beings in the world are here, in order to tear up the peace agreement."


Yasaka was in a daze and almost lost his balance and fell.

Those names alone are enough for Yasaka and all Japanese monsters to drink a pot, but they gathered together to fight for a peace agreement.

Yasaka even wondered if he should be thankful that Kyoto was only damaged so little under the ravages of those people.

"Then, everyone, hurry up and think of a way!" Yasaka said anxiously: "You are all famous gods, the capital of the concubine..."

"Don't wait for me to finish, Yasaka-sama. In fact, what you see now is the scene after the war."

Azazel said.

"The demon god of the underworld happened to come to the meeting site. The moment the anti-peace factions launched an attack, Lord Rope ended the war. The corpses you are looking at are all brought by Loki, Indra, and Hades. Yes, and even they themselves fell into the hands of Master Luo Pei."


Yasaka wanted to turn around and look at the cruel battlefield again.

But her sight caught a young man who was walking this way.

Luo Pei held Cao Cao's head in his left hand, and the skull of Hades, the god of the underworld, in his right hand. His expression was relaxed like a picnic, not at all like he had just experienced a big battle.

Sergex went forward to greet him first, and then the gods followed.

Luo Pei left Hades' head on the ground, but handed Cao Cao's head to Sergex.

"Bury him well."

The black-haired youth said.

"This is a human being who has not lost his glory until death. It doesn't matter if an arm or a foot is broken, even if the body is supported by a spear, he will attack me, and he will implement the way of stupidity to the fullest. Serjex , I order you to bury his god-killing tool "Twilight Spear" with him, and engrave "Hero" on the epitaph. "


Sergex took Cao Cao's head respectfully.

Lopez is brutal when he takes his enemies seriously.

But if that enemy has a shining point that he appreciates, he will not be stingy with the reward of dignity after death. This is also the belief in the war of the Demon God himself.

"Lord Rope." Odin asked, "About those guys..."

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