The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1518

In an instant, Luo Pei and Shabu disappeared into the space.

Then it reached the sky where Magnut and Memphis were galloping.

The high-dimensional biological detection radar of the mechanical demigod issued an alarm in an instant, and the two had unparalleled responsiveness as mechanical creations.

At the same time that Rope and Shabu appeared, the right arm formed a black cannon muzzle, gathering attacks mixed with divine power and neutron reaction.


A blue energy explosion several times stronger than a nuclear explosion spreads in the sky.

"Magnut, did you see that female just now?"

Meffins asked Magnut in the communication device.

"I see."

Magnut said that even the mechanical sound is dignified.

"The mother of corrupted beings, the supreme god of flesh and blood, the black goat of the forest that gave birth to tens of thousands of offspring... You can't be wrong, it must be her, my religious leader participated in the war between our lord and the mother of the black goat , there will be no misjudgment of the divine power of the Three Pillars God."

"The other is the demigod favored by Shabu Nicholas?"

"Insufficient information, the other party's divinity is very complicated, conservatively estimated to be more than three, and the divine power is several times that of ours, so be careful." Magnut said: "The incarnation of the three-pillar god invaded the world is not a joke. We will try our best to delay until the main god wakes up."


There is no need to spend functional analysis at all, the attack just now is definitely impossible to hurt the opponent.

Magnut and Meffins immediately used space jump to distance themselves from the energy shock wave.

But in the next millisecond, the mechanical demigod detected the divine reaction behind him.

Shabu's divine power corrupted, deformed, and gave birth to all things, and the hateful magic fell on Magnut.

With a resistance accurate to milliseconds, Magnut counteracted Shabu's incarnation's divine spell imperfectly through calculation and loading of "corrupted life programs".

"Oh, I'm good at fighting as always, you rotten irons." Shabu smiled coquettishly, "If my avatar's divine power were stronger, I would have seen the distortion and distortion of a demigod machine just now. It's a disappointment~"

Although Magnut counteracted the effect of the divine spell, the power contained in it still receded towards the magma and the mechanical light curtain on the ground.

At the speed of breaking the sound barrier.

"Magnut! How's the body damage?"

Meffins yelled over the communicator.

But before he finished asking this sentence, Ropey's right hand grabbed its mechanical head.

"The power of your psychic devices is leaking out, like shouting in my ear."

The bones were facelessly cracked, and the demon's palm mercilessly gathered divine power.

"Your opponent is me, mechanical demigod."

Before the "Sigh of the Living" detonated, Memphis transformed.

His steel body was decomposed into countless small cubes, and then combined into a shape similar to a solar pot.

"Flesh and blood are weak, and the machine soars!"

The mechanical sound roared the idea of ​​the Mechanical Order, and even the dimensional space was opened by Memphis' divine power, constantly absorbing the purest space energy.

——High-dimensional segmentation.

In this attack, Rope was cut into countless pieces together with the space.

But the "Sigh of the Living" on the index finger of his right hand did not dissipate, and he hit Mavens.

Constantly regenerating and healing, the demon, whose soul is immortal and immortal, laughed, and at the same time as the magnificent gray explosion formed, he grabbed Memphis with both hands.

"Divinity. Conflict and destruction."

"This divinity and divine power analysis is..."war"..."

Memphis's steel body creaked, and under Luo Pei's powerful divine power, even these god-made mechanical bodies could not carry it.

Then came the flashes of world birth and destruction.

This time, the light curtains that devoured the sword of strife were completely unable to stop the disaster because of their overload.

With Rope as the center, the southeast direction of the entire world has disappeared.

——The world is destroyed in violence.

Half of Meffins' body evaporated.

He frantically used divine power to shape replacement parts from the void, but the afterglow of the destruction of the divine power of war was merciless, crushing his single "technology" divinity and divine power.

"Your strength seems to be weaker than Sman?"

In nothingness, the spiritual voice of the demon demigod was transmitted to Mei Fansi's mind.

The data flow of Memphis surged, and the only remaining half of her body was transformed, and her right hand showed a protective cover of divine power, resisting the scarlet sword that the demon took the opportunity to attack.

"You haven't participated in the battle of a demigod since you served as the servant of Felak, right? Mechanical." Luo Pei said with a sinister smile.

"Let me teach you, what is the gap between demigods."

Space jumps, restructures, blocks, releases, and collapses.

Daemons and Mechanic Priests engage in dizzying battles in a half-destroyed world.

Meffins only fought with him for six minutes and forty-seven seconds before he felt the metallic wail of the divine power output furnace.

What's going on, the divine power and divinity of this demigod...why, as a follower of Shabu Nicholas, still possesses Nyarlathotep's "Chaos"!

"Divinity. The highest level of time stop."

This divine power is!

Memphis drives divine power, restructures her mind and body, trying to make it work in the supreme time-stopped divine art.

But after all, it was slow for a moment.

His body has only completed about forty percent of the transformation.

"All things are one...His Majesty Yog Sothoth..."

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