The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1517

As for those inherently powerful races that are anti-progress and anti-technology, Felak is completely unfazed, because it is a belief that is contrary to his essence.

But as a good god, Felak will not express the idea of ​​destroying this anti-tech civilization. He just doesn't like it and will never violate the order of "everything grows for its own reason". Only let the tide ebb and flow, survival of the fittest.

"The three evil mechanical gods, Melvazoa, Rigal Zeva, and Serraserbes; and at least two demigod mechanical priests, the real ancient gods who do not know where they are sleeping, "God of Civilization and Technology "Ferak..."

"How does little Luo Pei start? I don't care what I do, the preparations have already been made."

Shabu's smile gradually became darker.

"This is a rare opportunity to fight the ancient god again, let us kill that hateful iron incarnation~"

Shab Nicholas was an existence that fought against Ferak a long time ago. Like other evil gods, she wished to annihilate Ferak's divinity and shatter the kingdom of God.

It's just that she rarely shows it on the outside.

"Start with greetings, I want to completely liberate the violence of "war"! "

Rope raised a hand.

In an instant, the powerful scarlet divine light pierced through the sky, blowing away the dark clouds and piercing the space.

The dense and filthy divine power gradually gathered and compressed into a single point, and finally pulled into a huge sword that covered the sky.

"Sword of Dispute" at full strength!

"Say good morning to the world!"

The black-haired youth laughed ferociously in the storm.

"If the world can exist a moment later—"

The scarlet sword fell, and the whole world became distorted under the incomparable power of the demon.

Violence tore it all apart.

It evaporates steel, turns mechanical cities into dust, and drags all normal and abnormal creatures into hell.

The yellow sand and the earth's crust under the yellow sand disappeared in the blink of an eye, and steaming black rocks and magma appeared, all of which were fragmented and messy.

But before the "Sword of Dispute" completely destroyed the world, a black iron-colored barrier of divine power shrouded the earth.

After it collided with the sword of strife, it did not explode, nor did it produce an annihilation effect. The scarlet blade was continuously eaten away by the black iron-colored divine power barrier, and slowly melted away.

Luo Pei took a closer look, but found that it was not a simple barrier at all.

It was a light curtain made up of countless tiny mechanical spiders, and Felac's divine power endowed them with strength. They gathered millions of trillions together to dissolve the sword of dispute and protect the world from the violence of demons.

"That's right...the incarnation of the ancient god!"


The strongest god in this world, the royal city of Melvazoa also opened the same curtain of light.

This Mechanic God, who is probably more powerful than the Great Red, is looking up at the scarlet sword outside the light curtain. No matter how quickly the data is processed, he is shocked by the sudden scene in front of him.

He didn't hesitate, and after sensing this power, he immediately turned and went to the bottom of the royal city.

Behind the dark basement door came the sound of electricity and the rattle of gears.

"Master Magnut! Master Meffins!"

If this scene is seen by the residents of this world, I am afraid that their jaws will drop in shock, right?

The strongest Melvazoa calls the existence behind the door "Master".

After the mechanical pressure is released, the left and right sides of the door are automatically opened.

Click, click, click.

With steely steps, two robots in red came out.

They have undergone a lot of transformation, and they are full of true divine light that can only be understood by the outside of the multiverse. A golden heraldic ribbon draped over the shoulders, with a hammer and cogs interlaced emblem.

"God of Civilization and Technology" Felac's holy emblem.

And the two of them are the attendants of the God of Technology, the Mechanical Archbishop of the Mechanic Order.

"Melvazoa, my lord already knows everything." Magnut said in the tone that a machine should have: "This is a disaster caused by the ancient evil in the outer world, and it is one of the conditions for our combat operations."

"My lord will come soon. Before that, we will fight for the time being. You should dodge as soon as possible. This is not a battle you can participate in."

The two mechanical priests pointed their steel-cast fingers on Ferak's holy emblem, pinched the ribbon and raised it gently.

"We swear, we will protect civilization, protect progress, and prevent the chaos and evil of the multiverse!"

With strong and powerful steps, Magnut and Memphis, who are both "half gods", walked out of the royal city that had not moved for thousands of years.

And in the temple where the two stayed before, the towering mechanical statue was constantly peeling off its rust, and its black iron-colored divine power blocked its dazzling brilliance.

Chapter 120 Battle of Destruction, Advancement to "Higher Demigod"

It lasted for about five minutes, before Ropey's sword of strife was decomposed and devoured by the mechanical spiders that contained Ferak's divine power.

The black-haired youth stood in the void, constantly analyzing the nature of Ferak's divine power.

Technology, machinery related to technology, construction related to machinery. Evolution, in the constant face of dirty energy, evolves suitable body performance.

Just those insignificant little mechanical spiders, after absorbing the divine power of the God of Technology, they have all become creatures more terrifying than the Ex-Machinas in No Game No Life.

The title of God of Evolution is well-deserved.

Rope raised his head and turned his gaze to the southwest.


he said.

"Isn't this feeling... the creatures inside the world, the divine power full of structural sense... the rank of demigods, the attendants of the gods of Mechanicus?"

"The quantity is two, which is just right."

Beside Luo Pei, Shabu said with a smile.

"Ferak's avatar is waking up, and it's a warm-up before the real battle. I'll pick one first, okay? After such a long time in the world, I really want to reflect the feeling of abolishing those iron blocks~"

"Please do as you please."

Luo Pei's demon crown floated above his head, and the phantom of the dark blue demon god overlapped with him behind him, putting on his human body the boneless faceless mask of the demon god's body and the bone spurs growing from his shoulders.

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