The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1516

"What happened?" If Luo Pei asked Shabu, he must not be asking about things in this world.

About the evil gods, about the ancient gods, about the upcoming powerful enemy——

"Finally, I succeeded in persuading that big bubble."

"His Majesty Yog Sothoth?"

"Who else is like a bubble besides it?" Shabu said helplessly: "Your name is still easy to use, Little Rope. Yog himself hates directly interfering with the material world, but when I say your name Afterwards, that big bubble also had to act. To be able to force Yog Sothoth to act, Little Rope, you are the first in all ages, right?"

"What kind of thing needs to be so cautious, and it must be done by the one who returns everything?"

"'God of Civilization and Technology' Felak. "

Shab said.

"His powerful avatar is sleeping in this twin world, but it is only an avatar after all. We just fight over it regardless. Even if that powerful avatar is destroyed, this experience will naturally return to Felak himself. When the time comes You will soon become famous in the multiverse, Luo Pei, and the army of the ancient gods will definitely destroy you in the growth stage without any explanation."

"That's a problem..."

"Remember the method I said before? My method is to let Yog Sothoth take action, intercept the return experience of Felak's incarnation, and imprison him on the boulder base. In that place, as long as Yog does not allow it, It almost never sees the light of day.”

Such is the authority of One who makes all things one.

Even the old gods who are enemies recognize his dignity, the ruler of all time and space and knowledge.

Let alone a powerful incarnation of an ancient god, even if the ancient god himself descends, there will be no benefit for Yog Sothoth to act.

"That is to say... have all the preparations been made?"

Rope rubbed his chin in thought.

Shabu nodded.

"What I can think of, what I can't think of, even the chance of one in ten thousand, I have taken it into account. The rest is up to you, little Luo Pei, whether you can really climb that mountain."

"I see."

Luo Pei rested his right hand on his neck, his eyes were piercing.

"Our departure time is set in one month, and I want to completely end this trial of choice!"

"As you wish~"

The demon is about to walk with the Supreme Mother.

Chapter 119: The Mechanic Realm of the Wasteland Plays the Destruction of the World

In the following month, Luo Pei dealt with all the trivial matters that could be dealt with.

The intricate relationship between the girls, together with Nix, who has been staying in the Greek gods, has been received into his sky city.

The mechanical world mentioned by Luo Pei is also the twin world "E×E" in the original book. It is basically in a state parallel to this world, and it doesn't matter if the two are counted as one world.

If destroying that world will have an impact on this world, even if there is only a one-in-a-billion possibility, the huge mysterious magic that Luo Pei left in the sky city can also save the lives of his girls, so don't worry about being caught between him and technology. God's forces were affected by the battle.

Then, without any scruples, he stepped into the door safely.

In the process of traveling through the space, Luo Pei once again saw the "Great Red" with its horn broken.

The dreamy red dragon didn't say anything about leaving this time, as if it knew it wouldn't help. It just watched Luo Pei and Shabu, constantly surrounding the power of "dream" in the entire dimension gap.

"That little lizard seems to feel something? For the omen of disaster, these dimensional creatures are very strong... It is overdrawing its own power to strengthen this space."

Shabu walked in the tunnel without a road, still dressed in the dress and sandals.

Lopedo looked at the "Great Red" twice, shook his head and said.

"It has nothing to do with us. Whether it is overdrawn or not, it doesn't matter as long as it doesn't bother me. If that dragon dares to enter the mechanical realm to disturb me, I won't let it survive this time, and kill it together."

"It's true~"

The illusory space twisted, folded, and after the blinking glare, Rope and Shabu stepped on the real earth.

This is the mechanical realm.

What greeted Luo Pei was not a high-tech cool mechanized city, but a sandstorm full of harmful substances flying all over the sky.

The earthy color stretches to the end of the line of sight.

On this vast desert, the giant rusty robot remains stand above the ground. Some of them were buried under the yellow sand, with only their hands exposed, while others were half-submerged in the sand sea.

But without exception, they all lost their lives, or the power source of their activities.

— Wasteland.

Rope couldn't find a more suitable description than this word.

Paranoid walking on mechanical technology, ignoring biological technology, this miserable and messy scene is completely reasonable.

"I remember that "E×E" is not only a machine and three evil gods, but also an elf that symbolizes the power of ecology..."

Luo Pei's blue eyes shone with divine light, penetrating tens of thousands of kilometers in an instant.

Then he saw a pitifully small dense jungle compared to the wasteland sand sea.

Among them, the winged, outstanding-looking and genderless villains worked hard to keep the forest from being eroded by the poisonous wind of the sand sea and waste soil, and built miracle trees one after another.

"Miss Shabu."


"If my information is correct, the "God of Civilization and Technology" should be a good god, right? "

"That's right."

"Then why are the native elf races in this world so miserable?" Luo Pei asked with a smile, "Or is it that Ferak's identity as a good god is just a disguise, and he only cares about mechanical races that suit his preferences?"

"Oh, the old god's "goodness" is actually quite awkward. "

Shab said.

"There are very few philanthropists like Nutz the Winged One of the Light. Felak doesn't only focus on the races it likes, but his kindness will not be poured into "anti-tech races". If you think about it, the kind of race that relies on life and natural forces will never want to embark on the road of steel technology. It is already a manifestation of kindness that Felac can tolerate their existence in this world. "

"I see."

""Flesh and blood are weak, and the machine soars" is a saying that is often talked about in the Felak Cult... It is disgusting. "

To put it simply, Felak loves and likes all races that uphold the road of steel technology. In particular, the process of human beings "from flesh and blood to mechanical sublimation" has made Ferak full of emotion, and more than once when some human worlds are facing major chaos and disasters, they have sent down mechanical legions to save them.

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