The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1520

"It doesn't matter, it's just an incarnation anyway." Shabu smiled indifferently: "When I was playing with that demigod iron block just now, I wanted to end it quickly, so I used some of the power of the three pillars of gods, causing a burst of divine power. Excessive use... oops, I really haven't lowered my avatar for too long, and I can't control the strength of my shots."

"Then let me be the main force in the next battle against Ferak."

"Is that the genuine powerful incarnation of the ancient god?"

Shabu glanced at the rising black iron-colored divine power in the distant void.

"Ferak is a difficult ancient god... Its vision and knowledge reserves are not comparable to yours, Little Rope. Let me use this incomplete incarnation to create opportunities for you."

"I hope that your avatar can see the moment of my victory, instead of returning to the kingdom before that."

Luo Pei turned around, and the ever-increasing aura caused ripples in the void.

"I want you to watch my back too."

Today, thousands of years later, he finally has the courage to say this to a true god.

The sense of well-being in the heart is unparalleled.

"...This masculinity also makes me very fascinated."

Shabu flew up, wrapped his arms around Rope's neck, and whispered in his ear with a playful smile.

"Don't be self-willed, let's go together. Compared with Cthulhu, Nyarlathotep, and Yog Sothoth, I also have something I want to give you. I have thought about it for a long time, why don't I send you that forward How about a guiding light on the road?"

Luo Pei no longer refused, and held Shabu's little hand with his right hand.

Then strode towards the direction of the surging black iron-colored divine power.

In the center of the black iron light is a rusty statue of a god.

The most simple robot, holding an ancient stick in his hand, even a guy like Luo Pei who has no relationship with technology can tell that the mechanical statue was built using the most primitive and backward equipment.

But even so, the nobility and magnificence he exudes is still far incomparable to those two mechanical priests.

Time loses its defining function.

After the divine power of the God of Science and Technology was fully gathered, the rust on the metal idol was completely peeled off. He took one step at a time, getting off the platform like a baby learning to walk.

The mirror-like eyes flashed a red stream of data, and the mechanical sound automatically sounded.

"World coordinates WTM553... Avatar level. Powerful incarnation... Sleeping time of 114,000 years... The reason for activation, the prayer of believers, the threat from the chaotic evil god..."

Lopez waited with bated breath, watching carefully.

In a battle of this level, rash action is the way to death.

It is necessary to make careful judgments and observations, and then find the weakness of an ancient god incarnation from the impossible possibility.

Then Felak awoke.

His staff lit the void and began to move.

"...The moment I woke up, I even suspected that my divine center was malfunctioning."

Felak's tone was very gentle.

"Shabu Nicholas, you shouldn't be so unwise. You, the three-pillar god with boundless wisdom, even want to challenge me with your incarnation in the sealed state. Do you think that your broken incarnation can defeat me at this moment? ?”

"Who knows."

Shabu's pretty cheeks were covered with frost.

"After the battle in the Caponemin world, we never met again, and then my opponent was replaced by the Winged One of Light. Maybe it's because of nostalgia, maybe it's because of the memory of the one who broke you into scrap iron kind of pleasure."

"Crazy, the twin nouns that match you..."

Ferrac's indifferent tone only lasted for a while.

When he cast his gaze on Luo Pei, the data flow went from disdain, to suspicion, to attention, and then to incredible.

In the end, Felac's staff was pointed at Shabu Nicholas.

"This is the breath of the 'snake'! An important treasure left by the great serpent! "

He growled at Shabu.

"You! Shab Nicholas! How dare you reach out to the Chosen One! That power full of chaos, you and Nyarlathotep repeated their tricks and corrupted him! Damn guy, hateful chaos How dare you defile the pure Chosen One..."

"What do you think?"

Hearing Shabu's provocative words, Felak raised his staff flatly, and the black iron-colored divine power boiled again.

"Things have changed."

Felak said coldly.

"I'm going to carry out the purge immediately, and destroy you, the incarnation of the mother of deformed life! Save the Chosen One from your hands!"

"You seem to have misunderstood something, Ferak." Rope said.

"Don't worry, Chosen One."

Felak said indifferently.

"I know that your current sanity and even your actions are controlled by that female goddess. But don't worry, I will save you. You are the heir to the inheritance of "Snake". As the "God of Civilization and Technology", The ancient god of order, even if he abandons the existence of this incarnation, he will save you from the hands of evil! "

The ancient gods are a group of existences who believe in their own cognition extremely.

When Luo Pei heard the words, he felt that his reputation was well-deserved.

Felak seems to believe that he was bewitched by Shabu, and stood on the opposite side of the ancient gods and order, but he didn't know that this was the path he walked firmly.

"Gather your strength and forge it, my war legion, in the name of the Machine Creator, command you to reorganize the pioneer army in this void."

The long staff shone, and behind Felac, countless mechanical creations emerged from the void.

Star destroyers, spaceships, space robots, heavy armored slayers, blades of the order...

The vast cosmic battleships that cannot be seen in sci-fi movies, in Ferrac's structure, just a breath of time forms the void space that occupies the entire world after it is broken.

Felak stands on the Mechanical Throne.

The long staff was tilted, and the naval guns of the fleet were instantly charged, which was also mixed with the divine power of the god of technology, Felak.

This round of salvo is more than enough to destroy a world from the root!

The rainbow flashed across, and countless naval guns roared, attacking Shabu Nicholas and Luo Pei, and among them, there was an insignificant black iron-colored divine power, trying to divert Luo Pei from the attack.

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