The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1521

Ferak didn't want to hurt the Chosen One.

But Rope didn't appreciate it, and a scarlet sword blade for several kilometers formed in his right hand, bouncing off Ferak's "good intentions".

"The principles of the kingdom, unfold."

The rainbow volley of divine power collided with Luo Pei's theory of the kingdom.

At that singularity of energy and order, a large black hole of annihilation appeared out of thin air.

Chapter 122 "Big Black Hole" and "Time Replication"

The large black hole caused by energy and rules has a strong gravitational force that is completely different from the naturally formed black hole.

As a world adjacent to "D×D", Mechland was even pulled out by the strong internal gravitational force from the hand of the high-level demigod and the incarnation of the ancient god, leaving the twin world and drifting towards the purest darkness of the multiverse.

"The god of technology is also a loyal supporter of multi-turret..."

Luo Pei gritted his teeth and resisted the seemingly limitless pouring of photon cannons, even the principles of the kingdom could not resist this purest power.

"Don't hold on."

Shabu put his hand on the back of Rope's hand.

"Ferak's creations will draw power from the dispersed energy, that is to say, the power we are consuming each other at this moment will all become Ferak's nourishment. He will process these nutrients into divine power and transport them through wonderful structures to his legion."

That is to say, once the battle starts, Felac is in a state of unlimited energy during the war.

This is just a powerful incarnation, and Luo Pei can hardly imagine what a terrible scene will be born in the era when the ancient gods and the old rulers were fighting with each other.

Shabu's magic created a barrier of filth and distortion in front of the Law of the Kingdom of Rope.

Countless human arms extended from it, and the palms transferred the torrent of photon cannons through the subspace, and returned them intact to Ferak on the Mechanical Throne.

Not to be outdone, Luo Pei suddenly condensed the divine power of "war", and bounced off the stalemate in one fell swoop.

Shuttle in the strong gravitational force, while resisting the pull of the big black hole, Rope swept away Ferrac's fleet all over the void like the autumn wind sweeping the fallen leaves.

The bravery of the war made him stronger as he fought.

In less than half a minute, under the ravages of the scarlet blade, the wreckage of steel floated in nothingness.

Felak stared at Rope, with data in his eyes.

"You...have become a "higher demigod"? "

The Mechanic God gently pushed away the flying wreckage of the warship with his cane, and Ferak asked suspiciously.

"The soul sublimation effect brought by the high-level demigod, it is impossible for you to be bewitched by the mere incarnation of Shabu Nicholas, right? Summoner, are you acting with your own reason?"

Luo Pei didn't respond, and the body of the four-armed dark blue demon god transformed and came out, holding the power of the kingdom high, and came to attack with the tyranny of his war power.

"Turning and leaping."

Ferak's figure only retreated a few tens of meters backwards.

But it was this tens of meters that broke away from Luo Pei's blockade and aiming, making the attack that collapsed the world fall through.

The big black hole is intensifying as fuel is added to the fire, and its gravitational force even cracks the world's diaphragm, tearing apart the strongest world barrier in the world.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Felak was silent for a moment before speaking.

"It turns out that it's like this... It's not an inducement, but you, the one who called you, have already fallen..."

In an instant, Luo Pei actually saw the pain in Ferak's data lens.

"Is the consequence of the ancient snake giving up his life such an ending... How ironic, our value of holding on to everything has been trampled like iron slag..."

Felak murmured.

The aura around him began to evaporate, and the strong killing intent turned into a dimensional storm, sweeping through Luo Pei's peripheral nerves.

"However, it's not too late!"

In an instant, the space stopped and the ether froze.

The beam of divine power on Ferak's body directly shattered the barrier of the world, rushing out of the universe.

In the mass of crazy growth, Felac truly showed the majesty of the "God of Civilization and Technology", the power of an ancient god.

"I just need to clean up the incarnation of you and Shabu Nicholas again! Everything can still be on the right track!"

Those star fleets that were shattered by Rope were restored under the divine power of Ferak.

The Mechanic God stretched out a metal palm, and the big black hole in the center began to tremble.

The black hole kept compressing, and finally turned into a small stable black ball, floating in Ferak's palm.

"Divinity. Black hole gravity."

In a daze, ten copies of the little black ball were made in Feirac's hands.

Under the action of the divine construct "Black Hole Gravity Well", Ferak mixed the power of the big black hole with divine power, and firmly controlled it ten times in the palm of his hand.

Not only that.

Felak is still pouring divine power into it.

That heavy pressure made it impossible for the principles of the universe to penetrate in, and the figure of Ferak in Luo Pei's spiritual sight was blurred.

Facing the angry blow from the incarnation of the ancient god, Luo Pei did not dare to be negligent, and tried his best to shuttle through the void and the subspace, while trying to dry his brains for analysis, while holding the magic spell sent by Shabu in his hands .

The five gods, kingship, chaos, time, war, and happiness are like angry beasts filled with oil, squeezing Luo Pei's soul with all their strength, turning everything into divine power.

"As long as you format your existence and this vast starry sky, it will still be that gorgeous multiverse!"

The ten small black balls in Feyrac's hands disappeared.

The moment Luo Pei detected his nerves, the ten black hole compression bodies that looked like death knells appeared on his face miraculously.

In that one-hundred-thousandth of a second, that is, a gap of one nanosecond, the faceless mask on Rope's face burst open.

He tried his best to use two kinds of great magic spells one after another, one is the first light of chaos in the four arms of the demon god, and the other magic spell is mixed with the power of boundless time, flying to the deep space of the universe after the world barrier is broken.

Then, the phenomenon of "formatting" came.

The expansion of the ten supernatural black holes made everything lose its color.

The world barrier was completely broken, and the ancient land of the multiverse that spread across several galaxies became a battlefield.

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