The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1522

That is where there is no black and no white.

Up and down, left and right, life and death, even thinking and time have disappeared.

After formatting and deleting this area, where even the space is difficult to define, only Ferak himself still exists.

The flow of data in the eyes of the God of Technology dimmed. Even a powerful incarnation used more than 70% of his divine power to use such a level of magic.

But Felak didn't think that would kill the two men.

Although the summoner is a "higher demigod", his divinity and divine power are extremely terrifying, almost reaching the range of a small god. And Shabu Nicholas is the "Three Pillar God", even if he is an incarnation with almost overdrawn divine power, he should not be underestimated.

Underestimate the existence of the hateful evil gods, whose corpses have long been buried in the ancient dust.

The twisting realm was activated, and Felac protected his body, leaping in the formatted realm.


In the analysis of divine power data, there are things that cannot be deleted at the central point of formatting.

Felak is very familiar with that thing, and he was almost defeated by this power once.

The great magic of the Supreme Mother, the filthy tree of life.

"But the use of this magic spell means that you really have nothing to do... This is good, no matter what conspiracy you have, or how the behavior of the caller disappoints us, everything is over."

Ferrac pointed the staff at Shabu Nicholas, and the crystal at the tip began to absorb Ferrac's divine power continuously.

In the beautiful and disgusting tree of life, Shabu, with long black hair and a white dress, raised his head and smiled at Ferrak.

Her cheeks were peeling off like paint.

This is the result of the avatar reaching its limit.

The powerful data processing ability made Ferak think a lot before launching the attack.

After the phosphorescent fragments loaded by the power furnace, the God of Technology suddenly discovered that the Chosen One was not in the tree of life.

Shabu abandoned the Chosen One? Or did the Chosen One fail to enter the shelter of the Tree of Life?




"I'm here..."

The four arms of the dark blue demon firmly grasped Ferak's shoulders and hands.

Luo Pei's body was almost completely destroyed, and it was pieced together from fragments.

Bearing that level of magical attack at close range made his soul on the verge of death.

Pain, a feeling he hadn't felt for a long time, was tormenting him with an effect ten thousand times stronger than that of Ling Chi.

But the only thing that hasn't changed is the high spiritedness and fierceness of the blue pupils under the shattered mask, as well as the fierceness that is willing to fight for life.

"The taste of 'time', in the battle with me, you stepped into the long river of time in that state..."

That's right, at that moment, Luo Pei exhausted all his divine power of time like never before, forcibly broke through the blockade of an incarnation of an ancient god, and entered the eternal river of time.

Just for a second.

But enough.

Luo Pei's four arms began to brew different divine light.

Kingship, Chaos, War, and Happiness merged together, and there was no sign of using divine magic at all. He wanted to use the purest destruction to dismantle the Mechanic God in front of him.

"Fallen! With your status as a "higher demigod", do you want to annihilate my incarnation? Don't think about it! "

"Of course I know the lack of strength, but what if I multiply it by ten?"

Resisting the ravages of the coma, Luo Pei pulled his usual ironic smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Lend me your unique skills."

At this time, the power of countless times emerged from the void.

Before the black hole attack came, the magic of time used by Rope towards the depths of the dark universe finally had an effect.

——"Divine Art. Simultaneous Copy"

Rope copied the time of the attack on Ferak at this moment by time translation, and all of them hit the controlled Mechanic God.

No explosions, no glitzy scenery.

The god of civilization and technology, Ferak's incarnation was completely still in the dim stream of data.

Shabu suddenly appeared behind Felak, and sent a seed of the filthy tree of life into the god-driven furnace of the Mechanic God.

Frozen, coming after noise and terror.

Chapter 123: The Dawn of Victory and Glory Belongs to Demons

The phenomenon of formatting is declining, the main messenger is silent, and the self-healing power of the multiverse has the upper hand again.

Scenes that can make people feel at ease and be watched slowly emerge.

Since Luo Pei set foot on the demigod, he has never encountered such a dangerous death fight. Even the first "demigod" opponent, the ancient snake man, could not bring such a feeling of cold sweat behind his back.

The time to fight with Felak is not long.

In this short period of time, as long as there is a slight carelessness, a mistake in observation, or a mistake in judgment, that is the kind of death that even kills the soul, and it cannot be saved no matter what.

And even so, Rope still suffered an unprecedented blow.

Fortunately, the result is satisfactory.

The collection of Rope's five divine powers completely offset Ferak's self-defense countermeasures and the remaining divine power in his body.

The seed of Shabu Nicholas' filthy tree of life made Felak gradually transform from a mechanical divine life into a flesh and blood body.

In this way, victory is a foregone conclusion.

No longer looking at the defeated Mechanic God, Shabu sensitively caught Lopez who was unable to maintain the most basic actions and drifted away with the vacuum environment.

The bone mask of the black-haired youth was completely broken, revealing a weak smiling face.

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