The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1523

"You made it, Little Rope."

"With the rank of "higher demigod" just promoted, I successfully killed the powerful incarnation of the ancient god... Should I be proud? "

"Unique, you are the first." Shabu lovingly touched Luo Pei's head: "I have seen it all the time, that decisiveness and strength. You have grown from a human being to being able to block a goddess The real strong man in front of him."

"The injury this time is really serious, I can feel it... But fortunately, it's not the kind of injury that cannot be recovered... It's just that it may take longer to recover this time."

"It doesn't matter, you have already passed that hurdle, there is no obstacle that can stop you anymore, all that is left is to accumulate strength, little Luo Pei will be able to become one of us."

"That's the best thing I've heard in a while."

Luo Pei stretched out his hand and looked at the broken back of his hand.

"The embryonic form of the kingdom of God, the personality of a high-level demigod... If it weren't for the unbelievable pain now, I would definitely hug you excitedly..."

Shabu smiled softly, and held Luo Pei in his arms with his backhand.

"But I can hold you."

Shabu, who has the image of a big sister in black and straight, said.

"This avatar of mine is about to collapse. At the very end, I will give you another gift. Although it is not something worth showing off, at least it can make your injuries recover quickly. From the last of my avatar vitality."

"Hahaha, that's really thanks to Sister Shabu's great kindness... To be honest, I can hardly stand the pain now, the self-healing of the soul is so painful..."

"Remember to double this kindness to me when we meet later?"

Laughing, Shabu's incarnation collapsed a little faster.

But in the dust of the collapse, some pure life force overflowed, becoming the best desire of life in the multiverse, flowing into Rope's broken body.

At this time, Ferak, who had been standing aside all this time and had more than 90% flesh and blood, spoke.

"The Chosen One is indeed your victory... I didn't expect that the power of time you hold could break free from my lock..."

"It's not dead yet."

Shabu's eyes were cold, and he wanted to give Felak a final blow.

But her body is not allowed to move at all, she even gave Luo Pei the last power of her incarnation, what remains here is just a silhouette like a mirage, which will soon dissipate.

"Don't put on that expression, Shabu Nicholas, I'm just like you, wandering on the verge of returning."

Ferak's only electronic eye looked at Rope.

"Caller, I have learned from your blow that you have indeed embarked on the path of chaos and evil by virtue of your own choice. Do you really have no regrets?"

"I have never regretted the choices I made."

"If you regret it now, I can still notify the council and let them give you a new life..."

The Mechanic God paused for a moment, then continued mockingly.

"It's me who said too much. How can I go to the "higher demigod" by my own will, how can I be a generation of gossip... It's a pity that "Snake"'s thoughts fell through in the end, and he made a wedding dress for others. "

"Are you envious?"

Shab raised his head and looked at Ferak arrogantly.

"It's not yours anymore, little Luo Pei belongs to me... belongs to us."


Ferak ignored Shabu Nicholas.

"Caller, if you defeat my incarnation, it means you officially declare war on our order camp. Are you ready?"

Facing this question, although Luo Pei's smile was stiff because of pain, it carried a hint of meaning.

It's not Felak's fault either.

After the god's incarnation dissipates, everything will return to the god's body, and even other gods cannot change this fact.

It is impossible for him to imagine that the only great god in existence who never moves, does not care about world affairs, and is qualified to interfere with this phenomenon, "All things are one" Yog Sothoth is waiting for him in the space of nothingness. The returning interception of this incarnation of Felak.

"Don't be an eyesore in front of me, go back quickly." Shabu scolded.

"We never mind having another war with you. If you want to take action against Little Luo Pei, you have to pass my level first."

"……so be it."

After speaking, Ferak's figure disappeared from the gradually recovering multiverse and returned to his mechanical kingdom.

After Ferrac left, Shab's silhouette also began to fly away from the ankle.

"Looks like the time has come."

Shabu gently kissed Rope's forehead.

"Let's rest and recuperate here, little Luo Pei. Just leave the rest to that big bubble, it will take care of you."

The black-haired big sister showed a smirk again...

"Don't forget the little secret of Yog-Sothoth I told you. Hurry up and hold that soap bubble in your arms like me. You can feel like the master of time and space, but you can't find it with a lantern. I will be very, very looking forward to this opportunity..."

Rope smiled wearily.

Shabu Nicholas returned to her kingdom of God.

Luo Pei didn't even bother to look at the reminder that the trial had been completed for an unknown number of times.

Looking up at the dark and gorgeous cosmic space, Luo Pei slowly closed his eyes and fell into a deep sleep.


The rainbow light leaps for a moment.

The return of the incarnation of the gods will not even take a second. After Felac intends to integrate his thinking, he hastened to inform the council of the important event of "the fall of the elector".

That is the legacy of "Snake".

The crystallization of the life of the great god who is the source of order, neither order nor chaos itself can intervene, something that drifts completely randomly.

This kind of thing would fall into the hands of Chaos, and Felac felt a sense of crisis after a long absence.

But he soon noticed something unusual.

For such a long time, his incarnation thinking has not merged with the deity in God's country.

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