The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1525

'The mechanical god's divine arts are all completed by divine constructs, and the various divine constructs on which it is built, it is not surprising what kind of divine arts it uses. This can be regarded as his unique advantage in walking on the road of technological gods. '

"That's it..."

Anyway, no matter what, Luo Pei is too happy now.

The feeling of massive gains in strength and leaping over powerful obstacles is unmatched.

‘Ape, do you want to see your trial completion reward? '

"Of course it depends, this is a trial of "making a choice". "

Luo Pei tapped his finger to open his long-lost pop-up window.

"Name: Rope

Bloodline: Great Old Ones

Occupation: Evil God

Rank: Senior DemiGod

Divinity: Kingship, Chaos, Time, War, Pleasure, Dark Matter. "

Not only the change of rank, but even Luo Pei's occupation of "Mystery Master" has been changed to "Evil God".

This proved that the system recognized his qualifications as a member of the evil god.

Luo Pei smiled slightly at the corner of his mouth, and continued to look down at the detailed introduction.

"The selection trial is completed, and the selection is "The End of Tyranny".

Reward Class: EvilGod

Description: You have proved your position with practical actions, you will gain resistance to any positive magic spells, and any of your chaos spells will be greatly increased. At the same time, you must also bear the negative effects of your identity. The lawful and good creatures in the multiverse who can detect the breath of the soul will be automatically isolated from you and will not respond to any of your requests and calls.

Rating: None.

Evaluation: ——The evil born because of the self should shine with glory. "

"Title: Destroy Knight

Description: As a war knight, you lead a world-destroying war, and the god of war is unprecedentedly cheerful. Your war divinity is further strengthened, and the war divinity will also be accompanied by the nature of destruction.

grade:? ? ?

Evaluation: - The destruction that everything fears. "

Even if he had expected it, Luo Pei couldn't help but feel the power of these two rewards.

As it is now, what will happen if Luo Pei is crowned as the true god, even he himself dare not imagine.

'Come on, Ape. '

Azalea said with a smile.

‘It’s already like this, quickly accumulate your strength, so that when you finally reach that position, let me wear the crown for you. '

"Hahaha, I will."

As for the completion of the trial mission, hidden plot investigation and other information, Luo Pei has been too lazy to open it.

He is now a high-level demigod who owns the kingdom of God, and he can detect those territories that belong to him. The ""D×D" in front of him is obviously in the sequence of territories.

——The territory is constantly moving closer to his divine kingdom.

Maybe a thousand years, maybe 10,000 years, maybe a hundred thousand years, under the rules of Pandora, the spirit of the kingdom of God, these territories will eventually merge with his kingdom of God.

"After such a dangerous battle, is the next world a vacation?"

asked Rope.

Azalea said nonchalantly.

‘The list of worlds is among the options, you can choose by yourself. Anyway, with your current strength, almost all the worlds can be called a vacation. Ape, go and have a good rest. '

"That's exactly what I planned. The short battle with Felak was more tiring than when I killed ten disobedient gods in Godslayer."

Roper opened the list of worlds, scanned around, and finally chose an interesting world.

After finishing all this, the black-haired youth stretched himself.

"Then, it's time to go back and enjoy a wave of life... Taste all the girls, indulge in lust, have fun, sing happiness..."

He summoned the "Magic Crown", and under the action of idealism, a light bridge leading directly to "D×D" was established.

As a newly cast deity bound to the soul, after Luo Pei was promoted to a high-level demigod, the magic crown has also undergone considerable changes.

For example, being able to fulfill the thoughts of the black-haired youth directly in the irregular multiverse void.

"Although it was useless in the battle with the incarnation of the ancient god just now, it is still very useful..."

Rope flicked the magic crown with his index finger.

Come to think of it, if he keeps accumulating strength, the magic crown can also keep improving, right?

This is the good thing about soul-bound artifacts. Maybe the starting point is a bit low for Luo Pei at the moment, but one day it can become a terrifying storm.

Walking on the Hongqiao, Luo Pei's whole body appeared out of thin air in a black and gold luxurious windbreaker.

— Returning to the world from which he came.

Chapter 125 Cheers to the Demon God and the Immortal Future (End)

In the underworld, there is a warm sun hanging in the purple sky, and the breeze is blowing. Today is also a comfortable day.

The floating city of the demon god floated along the sky of the underworld, and the demons on the ground have long been accustomed to this city in the sky.

Whenever the floating city appeared, they would stop what they were doing and pray to the demon god.

This is no exception whether it is a commoner or an aristocrat.

Because even a three-year-old child in the underworld knows that the floating city is inhabited by noble gods who are above the four demon kings, violent but protect the demons from all ages.

Above the floating city, Luo Pei is sitting in the further expanded, ridiculously large palace bedroom.

In his hands are the research materials of the Kingdom of God that he once wrote page by page, which can bury a city alive.

After reaching the high-level demigods and owning the kingdom of God, these materials have become useless waste products. Luo Pei is currently selecting useful things one by one, compiling them into volumes, and then burning all the useless materials.

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