The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1526

Of course, by the way, he is also conceiving entertainment whimsy for the next world.

"My lord, the hot tea you want."


The black-haired young man took the black tea from the maid.

After Shabu Nicholas left, coupled with the strong demands of his girls, Rope finally sent back most of the black goat cubs and replaced them with demon maids born and bred in the underworld.

Although the convenience is a bit reduced, it has to be said that the listening is pleasing to the eye.

The beauties of the entire underworld are gathered here in Luo Pei, and there are even vague rumors that Luo Pei's floating city is like the world's largest beauty exhibition hall, where demons, fallen angels, angels, gods, monsters, girls of any race are all welcome. can be found, and the beauties among them are only responsible for serving the devil god.

These black-haired youths just laughed it off.

His taste can be picky.

Looking at the information in his hand, Luo Pei asked without raising his head.

"How about the construction of the South World Park and the Great Library?"

"The World Park has been built." The maid bowed her head respectfully and said, "But the library is still closed because we can't finish sorting out the wonderful books you donated in a short time."

"Speed ​​up, I can't let my group of girls continue to stay in the house. Canna has already complained to me that her sister dragged her to watch magical girl anime all day long, and she couldn't stand it anymore."


It has been almost a year since that near-death battle ended.

During this period, Luo Pei tasted all the girls he liked, not to mention the sisters of Serafulu and Cang Na, and even Cang's interested family members. Not to mention Rias and Akeno Himejima, they are regular guests on Lopez's couch.

"Master Luo Pei, is the arrangement for tonight's dinner the same as usual?"

"As usual."

"Understood, I will inform all the concubines right now."

After the maid left, Rope finished binding the last volume and threw it into the changing white gospel.

No, maybe it is not appropriate to call it "white gospel" now.

That already belonged to Luo Pei's kingdom of God, "Pure White Paradise".

"Let's go out for a walk..."

Luo Pei spread leisurely, heading towards the newly built World Park.

An amusement park that integrates all the cultural characteristics in the world is extremely comprehensive. This is the only part of Luo Pei Floating City, which is used to provide entertainment for Luo Pei and his girls.

Passing by the promenade of the original Greek style, the oblique sun was suddenly blocked.

Luo Pei raised his head and looked outside the floating city.

It was a snake big enough to enclose a vast floating city, with wings on its tail, and "infinite" power radiating from its body.

Orpheus would often change back to its original shape and stretch its body like this. After a long time of baptism, although she still wanted to go back to the interdimensional gap to see it, at best it was at the level of "nostalgia". The entertainment in the world has been successful. Bind the originally indifferent Infinite Dragon God.

Luo Pei greeted the giant snake with a smile, and Orpheus blinked the snake's pupils in response, and continued to float and wander in the sky.

"Wait for me! Sister Heige!"

"Meow! Kunou, if you can't catch up with me again, I'll eat up all your secretly hidden snacks~"

"Sister...bad taste..."

"Hahaha, Baiyin must take care of Jiuzhong's snacks! If you drop it on the ground, you will lose!"

Three pairs of girls with animal ears are chasing and playing.

Heige, the cat demon, snatched Jiuzhong's snacks, and together with Baiyin, teased Jiuzhong, who is a canine fox monster.

Rope couldn't help shouting.

"You guys should be careful when you play. There are no railings to stop it. It won't be fun if you fall down. Kunou can't fly yet."

"Meow, don't worry, Master Luo Pei~"

Hei Ge responded with a laugh while jumping on the pillar.

"I will ensure the safety of little sister Kunou, you, stop nagging like an elderly grandpa~"

An elderly grandpa?

The handsome black-haired young man pursed his lips, making up his mind to let this increasingly outspoken cat realize his mistake tonight, and would not let her cry or let her go.

After brushing shoulders with Black Song and others, Rope arrived at the southern world park.

But compared to him who was dull, the girls like Serafulu, Gurefia, Canna, and Gabriel had already started drinking tea and chatting in the courtyard, laughing cheerfully from time to time.

"You finally came out of the room." Serafulu said with a smile: "I was teasing Cang Na just now, if you lie down for a while, you might become a vampire who can't see the light."

"It's not as exaggerated as you said, Serafulu." Gurefia said, "Lord Luo Pei still goes out often, didn't you go to the graduation ceremony of Canna and Rias with us last time?"

"It's a joke, a joke, Gurefia is always so serious."

"I am the head maid of Lord Luo Pei, so I must be serious."

"Are you still the devil king of the underworld? I don't see your interest in the devil king."

"...that's what you forced on me."

Listening to the girls' bickering, Luo Pei walked over to them and sat down.

he asked.

"How are you feeling recently?"

"Our side is still the same, very happy." Seraflu turned her gaze to an archangel: "But Miss Gabriel seems a little unhappy."

"What's wrong? Gabriel."

"It's still a church thing..."

The twelve-winged Seraphim Gabriel was lying on the table, the wings behind his back were a little listless.

"After the peace meeting of the gods, some radical fanatics in the church could not accept reconciliation with fallen angels and demons, and there was a lot of trouble. We have been subtly changing their beliefs throughout the year, and I am almost exhausted ..."

"Do you need my help?" Rope asked, pointing at himself.

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