The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1533

— Comrade, vodka.

The voices of comrades-in-arms seemed to echo in my ears.

Bell bit the bottle cap with his teeth, drank the wine with a heroic attitude that did not match his appearance and age, and strode towards the opposite direction of Olalie.

He didn't know where to go.

But it must be a place where he can feel at ease.

Belle Clooney now has a more definite dream.

That is to become the "revolutionary hero" of those proletarian people in this world whitewashed by gods and adventurers!


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Chapter 4 The Labyrinth City and the First Encounter with the Goddess

Watching Bell Clowney leave resolutely, Luo Pei touched his chin, feeling very amused.

Of course, this can't be regarded as the demon's entrapment of Bell, at most it can only be regarded as pointing a new path for the young man who yearned for a hero.

And it's useless to say that the book is useless, but Rope still retains some extremely subtle power in it.

If Bell Craney could really be firm in his mind, he might be able to cultivate some killer moves such as "Communist Ripple Rush" and "Material Iron Fist" to resist those adventurers who received the favor of the gods.

Congratulations, congratulations, congratulations.

The black-haired young man left the follow-up development to fate, turned and walked towards Olalie.

After approaching the magnificent main gate, the Ganesha family guarding the gate immediately noticed Luo Pei's outstanding temperament.

However, in the center of the lower world, in the labyrinthine city of Orari, there are more than a thousand gods living here, and they have long been used to contacting the gods who came suddenly.

"Master Shangshen, please come this way."


The guard warmly invited Luo Pei to the next cabin.

Smoothly making tea for the black-haired youth, the doorman started one of their jobs.

"Excuse me, have you just come to the lower realm?"

"Hmm...According to the definition of you humans, a few days ago should be considered just now?"

"Thank you for your cooperation." The young man said with a smile: "Please don't be offended, my lord, this is the rule of Olali set by the great gods. All my lords who come to this city have to register. These The rules are still made by your compatriots."

"It's okay, follow the normal process."

Of course, Luo Pei would not fail to embarrass the business-like guards.

After confirming some irrelevant information, the guards respectfully and politely sent Rope into Orario.

Standing on the smooth stone road, Luo Pei looked at the interior of this labyrinth city.

Shops, hotels and clock towers, squares and skyscraper facilities, people in outdated costumes coming and going, filled with scenes of large and small products.

Although limited by the times, this city can only be regarded as mediocre in Luo Pei's eyes, but there is no doubt that after the baptism of the gods, this is the most prosperous city in the world.

You can see armor, leather armor, adventurers carrying large bags and holding weapons everywhere. Extremely subtle abnormal energy fluctuations emanated from them, and they probably just returned from an adventure in the dungeon.

"Vibrant, nice city."

Not just humans.

Rope also saw a variety of other demihuman races.

Cleanliness, proud and beautiful elves; orcs with animal features; little people with a height of less than 100 centimeters; cool-clothed, enthusiastic Amazon female warriors; and strong and thick dwarves.

But the most outstanding among them are those handsome men and beautiful women in twos and threes.

The gods who completely sealed the powerful power and pursued the fun of the lower world without age or death. Some gods are even working for humans to earn money for expenses, but there is no dissatisfaction on their faces, only enthusiastic smiles.

Compared with the dull and boring upper realm, the gods love the lower realm and those ephemeral children.

——The coordination of gods and mortal things depicts a landscape full of fantasy and beauty.

After entering the city, Luo Pei took off his hood. The human beings might just be amazed at his appearance, but some gods were much more surprised when they saw Luo Pei's expression.

The feeling that Luo Pei exudes is definitely not extraordinary.

But some gods couldn't recall whether they had seen Rope in the upper realm.

This is no small matter.

The upper god whose age unit is "billion" can say that everyone has known all the gods in the upper realm once, and it is almost impossible for them not to know the gods of the lower realm.

Immediately, some good gods couldn't bear it anymore and wanted to come and talk to Luo Pei.

But due to Luo Pei's aura of rejecting people thousands of miles away, he was embarrassed.

"Ah! Today is really fun... I killed a lot of monsters."

"Tiona, don't act like a heavy chariot every time. Thanks to you, a lot of magic stones have been chopped up during this expedition, and they can't be used to make money in the guild."

"I'm sorry, sister, it's just that I haven't moved my body for a while, so I messed up a little..."

"Well! It's all good! To celebrate your return from the expedition, I will pay out of my pocket tonight, and let the little ones have a good drink!"

"It's rare that Loki is so generous, I won't show mercy? Haha!"

In Luo Pei's sight, a group of typical adventurers came head-on.

Amazon sisters with giant twin blades and empty hands. The beauties of the elven royal family holding a staff, the heavy armored warriors of the dwarves, the little humans with spears on their backs, and the expressionless girl with blond hair and golden eyes with a rapier.

At the head is a god.

A girl with short red hair, wearing a blue dress that looks like a gym suit.

——The Loki Familia.

After the two families of "God" Zeus and "Goddess" Hera failed to conquer the strongest monster One-Eyed Black Dragon, one of the two families occupying the top of Olalie.


Loki also saw Rope who stopped.

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