The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1535

Judging from their willingness to seal their almighty power and come to the lower world to share joys and sorrows with human beings and enjoy the fun, it can be seen that these gods are really going crazy from boredom.

This kind of interesting thing is simply the best food for the barren spiritual world of the gods.

Like spring beasts with beautiful faces, they immediately ordered their families to start inquiring about the "God of another world".

"Where is the god of another world!?"

"Loki and her family seem to have invited the god of another world to their residence..."

"Damn Loki! You don't call me such an interesting thing!"

Such scenes were staged in the various resident families of Orario.

The gods were like locusts crossing the border, and after finding out where the "God of another world" was, they rushed to the luxurious residence of the Loki family.

The handsome men and women stood at the gate of Rocky's family and slammed on the iron door, causing Rocky to open the door immediately. The scene was as spectacular as grabbing half-price potato chips in the supermarket.

"Wow! It's the first time I've seen so many gods gather together with such enthusiasm, it's a bit too lively..."

The Amazon girl with the title "Great Cut", and Olalie's rare LV.6 level adventurer, Diona Silut was amazed.

Next to her is a straight girl with golden hair who has the title of "Sword Princess" and the fame of "Looking as good as the gods".

Ess Wallenstein was also surprised by the enthusiasm of the gods, but due to her indifferent personality, her expression didn't show it.

"Ais, it's not okay to go on like this." Tiona scratched her head, "Where are Loki and that otherworldly god now?"

"...In Loki's room. Ever since Loki brought that gentleman back to the station, they have been staying in the room. The captain and Riveria are accompanying Loki."

"We have to ask our Master God to think of a way. If this continues, our gate will be torn down by those gods."


Aiz and Teona come to Loki's room.

From afar, they could hear the voice of their main god yelling.

Pushing open the door, Finn, the head of the Loki family of the villains, was smiling awkwardly, holding on to the goddess with short red hair, preventing Loki from throwing himself on the black-haired young man across the street.

"Oh oh oh! There's more! There's more, Rope."

"... I have no reason or position to be your storyteller, right?"

Luo Pei was holding a white porcelain teacup, drinking the black tea that Loki sent.

"As of the words just now, that's the limit of the information I can reveal to you about the other world. I don't bother to say the rest."

"Don't be like this! Luo Pei! What's the difference between you and a villain who flirts with a girl and then leaves... Woohoo, I want to hear... It turns out that there are other worlds besides our world, and so What a different scenery..."

"Stay away from me, Loki, your nose is running out."

Rope raised his head, motioning for Finn and Riveria to control their main god.

The beauties of the elf royal family and Finn kept laughing. It is estimated that the embarrassment of today is more than the total of the usual year.

"I really lost to the gods of your world."

Rope said.

"I thought your so-called "boring" was similar to me, and it turned out to be almost terminally ill. You are also a goddess anyway, please pay attention to your majesty? "

"Dignity? That kind of thing is nothing!"

Loki said nonchalantly.

"The gods of our world would even kill themselves for fun, I don't want any dignity compared to "entertainment"! "

"Loki, being preached..."

"Loki was preached by the gods of another world, and he is not ashamed, but proud..."

"Hey! I heard it all! You little bastards!"

Loki called to the door.

Diona walked in with a smile, followed by Ace.

"Loki, the gods outside are almost piled up into a mountain. If you think about a way, tomorrow Olalie will report that Loki's family has been trampled down by the gods..."

"Damn! Those hounds that smell blood."

Loki bit his nails, thinking hard.

Then she said to Teona.

"Tiona, you go deal with it first!"

"Me?" Diona pointed at herself and blinked her eyes: "Stop joking, okay? If gods and adults are so easy to deal with, are they still called gods?"

"Just tell them that I will temporarily hold a "Banquet of the Gods" in half an hour, and tell them to stop making trouble! "

"Okay... I'll just say what I said? It's troublesome to deal with gods..."

Teona walked out the door.

Ace followed her.

But the moment she turned around, Ai Si found that the black-haired young man sitting on the guest seat gave her a bright and gentle smile.

In order not to be rude, Aisi also nodded in response.

After the two girls left, Loki, who watched that scene, smirked again.

"Oh, are the gods from another world also attracted by my Ais? I understand, I understand. Even if I am a goddess, I am always fascinated by Ais, especially the fair skin. ..."


Riveria immediately stopped Loki's unrestrained speech.

Going any further would damage Ais' reputation.

Loki's expression froze, and he knew that he had gone too far.

Then, like a face change, the goddess with short red hair changed from joking to serious.

"If you don't want to talk about interesting things, let's talk about other things..."

Loki stared at Rope sharply.

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