The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1537

Screams, cheers, and roars sounded from the group of gods.

Some gods with intense emotions even hugged and wept with their companions.

——Another world really exists.

This news alone is enough to make the gods who are tortured to the point of madness by "boredom" rejoice.

Not to mention the gods from another world, standing in front of them with a smile.

"I am Ganesha!"

Among the gods, a tall man wearing an elephant-head mask stood on the table and shouted with open hands.

"My compatriots! Don't let the gods of other worlds laugh at you! Now I, Ganesha, will host this banquet. Everyone stand up in an orderly manner and ask questions one by one!"

"Ganesha, is this Loki's banquet?"

"It's okay! I'm Ganesha!"

Looking at the gods like the kindergarten children, Luo Pei held his forehead weakly.

Loki elbowed the black-haired young man, and said with a smile.

"Ropey, don't you see it? Isn't it interesting?"

"It's really interesting... It's the first time I've seen such a god..."

Lope's eyes reflected these gentle and joyful gods.

"However, I don't hate the atmosphere."

The gods in other worlds are nothing more than fighting and killing, showing off their power, and fighting for power. After throwing all these away, in this labyrinth city where Olalie is, the gods who seal their divine power really look like a paradise.

"First, number one!"

Ganesha shouted.

Among the gods, someone immediately raised his hand, then parted the crowd and walked to the front.

"Yes, yes, yes!"

It was a handsome man with blond hair.

"I, Hermes, will be the first questioner! Do you have any opinions?"

"How can there be no opinion, you should let me come!"

"Hermes, you are too cunning!"

"I can't hear it~ Who told you to slow down~"

Hermes lowered the brim of his feathered hat, walked up to Rope, and saluted very politely.

"It's our first meeting, God of another world, I'm Hermes."

"Heh." Luo Pei smiled, pulled a chair and sat down: "Seeing that the banquet is so lively, if you have any questions, just ask."

"That's really grateful..."

Hermes asked with a smile.

"First of all, although we can feel that you are not extraordinary, does Mr. Luo Pei have anything to prove that you are from another world? It's not that we don't believe you, it's just that everyone wants to open their eyes..."

"Yeah, yeah, here's one for Rope!"

"The power of a different world god, woo woo woo, I really want to see it!"

What's going on, this feeling of getting more and more serious kindergarten children...

The corner of Luo Pei's mouth began to twitch, and he raised his hand helplessly.

In an instant, the divine power of war surged and transpired, and the power of the scarlet sword soared into the sky. After smashing the roof of the hall, it soared ninety thousand miles.

The gods who were still cheering one second lost their voices collectively the next second.

They stared blankly at the scarlet giant sword hanging in the sky, the power in it made even gods tremble.

"Just kidding...Hey, Ganesha, can you do something similar when there is no seal in the heaven?"

"I am... I am Ganesha..."

Faced with the doubts of his companions, Ganesha was as wilted as a dried radish, obviously impossible to do such an exaggerated thing.

The initiator of the question, Hermes, also widened his eyes, looking up at the greatness of the "Sword of Dispute", and feeling the power that definitely does not belong to this world.

After the roof was destroyed, the members of the Loki family rushed in immediately, intending to protect their main god, but after seeing the scene in front of them, the adventurers also opened their mouths.

At the same time, the whole of Orario, or a little further away, the whole world saw the black clouds surging in the sky and the huge scarlet sword standing in the center.

——A powerful and terrifying force capable of destroying the world.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

Loki's wailing broke the peace of the gods.

She lay on the ground in a frustrated and bent forward position, holding the fragments of the roof with tears in her eyes.

"Our family's resident... the luxurious big house that our children bought with hard-earned money..."

She stood up abruptly, grabbed Rope by the collar and shook while crying.

"How are you going to compensate me! Just show them something different! Why do you make it so exaggerated!"

"...Don't shake it, I have already controlled a lot of power here, otherwise your city will be destroyed by coercion in the blink of an eye."

Luo Pei stretched out his hand, retracted the divine power of war in the sky into his body, and then spread his hands.

"So, are you satisfied?"

"Full, satisfied..."

"It's an exaggeration. Is this the power of the gods of another world? No wonder they can cross the world and reach here."

"There is no doubt! It is definitely the strongest god of another world at a real price! Hahahahaha!"

The gods who were taken aback quickly became heartless again.

They were not fools, and Luo Pei didn't get angry under Loki's behavior, so it can be concluded that the mind of this god of another world is not a dangerous person.

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