The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1538

"Oh, these are really lively."

Hermes pressed his hat and retreated into the group of gods.

Ganesha coughed lightly, then yelled loudly.

"After the question of the first person, the gods of another world showed their undoubted persuasion! So who is the second person?"

"Me, me, me! I'm coming!"

"Get out of the way, you should let me come!"

"I also have something to ask..."

Just as the gods were arguing endlessly, the voice of an elderly man overwhelmed the crowd, and sounded in the banquet hall.

"How about giving this opportunity to the old man?"


"Isn't it? That gloomy old man from the Adventurer's Guild came out of his cellar..."

The person who came was an elderly god with silver hair and silver beard and a strong figure. His eyes were full of sharp brilliance, making people afraid to look directly at him.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, the god of another world, this old man is Uranus, who is the main god of the Orario Adventurers' Guild."


Rope tilted his head.

"What doubts do you have?"

"This old man wants to know the purpose of Lord Luo Pei coming here as a god from another world."

The eyes of Uranus are like those of a falcon.

"Go to the Three Treasures Hall for everything. You came here with such a huge power. What exactly do you want to achieve? Is it harmless to Olalie... or is it harmful?"

As soon as these words came out, the gods fell silent again.

Yes, aside from the novelty of being a god in another world, Rope's own goal is also very important.

This is the lower realm, where they live together with their children. An unlimited god with enough power to destroy the world is simply like the most dangerous disaster.

If you are not careful, you will lose everything.


It can't be done, the second watch and the third watch will soon be overwhelmed...

Chapter 7 The God of Another World Proclaiming "Happiness"

Hearing this, Luo Pei laughed loudly after a while.

"Hahaha, I finally look like a god. I thought all of you were only running around for entertainment, but it turns out that some people have noticed my real danger."

"So, what's your answer?"

Uranus frowned

The black-haired youth waved his hand and said indifferently.

"Don't worry, I didn't come here to "destroy" or "dominate", I have my own ideas. "

Lopez held up his palms, and the fluorescent light like star fragments danced.

"Honestly speaking, the entertainment in your world is too backward. Maybe my arrival can give you a little change, making the world more cheerful and interesting. By the way, let's take a look at the scenery of your world. Other than that Think nothing else."

He is on vacation, and he wants "entertainment" and "happiness" to occupy the mainstream of this world.

For this reason, Luo Pei has just experienced a difficult battle that almost killed him, so Luo Pei will not let this idea change.

——Rope is getting tired of ruling and dominating.

"Entertainment, entertainment, is it possible that Your Excellency Luo Pei intends to promote entertainment in another world?"

Some gods couldn't help asking.

Rope nodded.

"I can guarantee that it is a good thing that will never disappoint you, and it will never cause harm to this world, saving your boredom and poverty. How about it? Do you want to join hands with me?"

"Oh oh oh oh oh!"

The emotions of the gods were once again pushed to the highest point.

That's what they want, different entertainment, something out of poverty.

If the god of another world can give them a gentle gift, then let alone cooperation, even if they are allowed to run around on behalf of them, there will be no problem at all.

The gods of this world are so boring.

Even the slightest bit of entertainment must be held tightly in your hands until it is squeezed dry.

"Is that so... this old man understands."

Uranus stared at Luo Pei's blue pupils, and his guard gradually disappeared.

A smile of anticipation appeared on the corner of the old man's mouth.

"Please forgive me for my meddling, honored guest. This is just a performance of a god's responsibility to his people."

"I understand."

Rope laughed.

"I like your straightforward character. It is much more convenient to ask everything and get the answer."

"Then, this old man will not bother Your Excellency Rope to enjoy the atmosphere of the banquet." Uranus said with a smile: "Olali welcomes all visitors, the god of another world."

After the words were over, Uranos stopped staying and immediately returned to the Adventurer's Guild.

Unlike other gods who do nothing, this old god has a great responsibility on his shoulders.

Through the altar and the divine will, he is suppressing the will of the dungeon, so that the monsters and the existing order of Orario will not go wild.


"It looks like it's over."

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