The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1539

The heavily armed Loki Familia breathed a sigh of relief.

"I didn't expect the gods to be so scary after releasing their power. Could it be that Loki also has such abilities?"

Tiona asked with lingering fear.

"Hmph! How is it possible? If that fellow Loki is so powerful, I'll eat those stones on the spot!" said the werewolf teenager Burt dismissively.

After nothing happened, the Loki family members who were out of tune with the cheerful atmosphere here planned to leave.

Only Essie Wallenstein was still staring blankly at the holed ceiling.

"What's wrong, Ace?"


The blond girl shook her head and followed the Amazon girl.

The power of the gods... If I could have that kind of power, my father and the black dragon back then...

After a few small episodes, the atmosphere of the banquet gradually became intense.

There are constantly gods coming to contact Luo Pei and communicating with him freely. There were also some gods who couldn't wait to ask Luo Pei what kind of entertainment in another world they planned to create, but Luo Pei smiled mysteriously and didn't answer.

Throwing it all out prematurely will make the fun a little less.

"Hey! Luo Pei, I don't care what you want to do, you have to pay me compensation!"

Loki quarreled in front of the black-haired youth.

The goddess did not have the self-consciousness that she was a stranger in the morning, and her tone was completely familiar.


Rope is also happy to play with Loki.

He reached out and took out a huge gemstone from his coat pocket.

"Is this enough to pay for the damage to your house?"

"Eh? Eh? Enough, enough."

Loki didn't expect that Luo Pei would actually give the money. After holding the gem in his hand, the goddess instinctively judged how high its value was.

This made some poor and white gods envy and hate.

You must know that after coming to the world from the upper realm, the gods will not carry any things from the upper realm.

This has caused some gods to live in extreme hardship in the lower realms. Sometimes they have to eat the last meal without stopping, and they have to rely on some god friends who are good in the lower realms to help them.

"Loki! Your dilapidated house is not worth the price, is it? Hurry up and return the gem! Don't let the guests think that we are all greedy misers!"

"Yeah, that's very rude."

"Shut up, you poor gods!"

Loki cursed at the booing gods.

"You guys who receive the relief money don't know the cost of the family! I was the first to find out about Rope, and the god who entertained him. I have no problem with taking the money!"

"Che... Loki is still the same."

"Hahaha, this is the only way to do it, I am Ganesha!"

"Nobody mentioned you, Ganesha..."

The noisy gods soon ushered in the second heavyweight guest.

"It seems I'm late, sorry."

The silver-haired beauty wearing a bold gown, Freya walked in gracefully from the main entrance.

Seeing Freya, Rocky is like a mouse seeing a cat, and his whole body has a tendency to explode.

But the other gods, especially the male gods, all have the same fascinated expression.

——Freya is the "God of Beauty".

As a "god of beauty", she has the charm enough to charm all things, and this charm will not dissipate due to the sealing of divine power and power.

The silver-haired goddess walked into the banquet hall naturally.

"I just saw an incredible display of power outside. The owner of that power is the god of another world that Olalie is now rumored to be? It's so exaggerated that I'm scared."

Freya's eyes swept across the gods, and then fixed on Luo Pei.

The black-haired youth also smiled back.

"...It is indeed an unusual god."

Freya's "eye" can't see the depth of the high demigod at all.

But she, like other gods, has the ability to detect the presence of higher dimensions.

The divine power of "war" that has not been dispelled from Luo Pei's body is like a sharp knife sharpening Freya's nerves, making her heart ache.


But this not only didn't embarrass Freya, but also felt like licking honey with a knife.

She walked slowly, walked to the side of the black-haired young man, and extended her hand generously.

"First meeting, Mister God of Another World, I'm Freya."

The beauty's smile was brighter than the most beautiful flowers, and all the male gods who were watching her were easily distracted.


In contrast, Luo Pei only gave a brief introduction, and then politely shook Freya's hand.

The silver-haired beauty narrowed her eyes.

She could clearly see that this god from another world was not under any "charm" effect, just like she was just an ordinary goddess.

What Freya doesn't know is that, not to mention that Lopez's abnormal state resistance is ridiculously strong, he himself is well-informed, and the girls who are as beautiful as Freya are probably more beautiful than most people have ever seen. Naturally, it is impossible to feel any strangeness because of this appearance.

"Hmph! Are you deflated? You lustful goddess."

Loki laughed at Freya without hesitation.

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