The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1541

"Eh? Ace Carbon?"

The person who came was a beautiful girl with blond hair and golden eyes.

With inexplicable emotion in her eyes, Ess Wallenstein pointed directly at Rope.

"Is there any problem? Miss." Luo Pei asked with a smile.


Ais organized her words, looked at Loki next to her, and asked.

"Excuse me, is that kind of power you are born with?"

"Ai Sitan, what silly things are you asking? Lopei is a god, a god from another world, of course his power is born..."



Lopez ignored Loki's expression of hell, and answered Esther Wallenstein's question.

"I was very weak in the beginning, so weak that maybe you can stab to death with a sword now. But through continuous hard work and some luck, I finally got to where I am now. I can tell you proudly and responsibly that I Most of your strength comes from your own hard work."

Even with the great help of the evil gods, if Luo Pei didn't work hard enough, he wouldn't have achieved what he is today.

When Rope said this, there was nothing wrong with it.

"...Are you kidding me?"

Loki scratched Akane's short red hair.

"Impossible? Your power, which can destroy the world three or four times, is actually acquired through growth? Where did you come from, an incredible monster?"

"People say that about me all the time."

Rope laughed, and then turned his gaze to Aisi Wallenstein.

"Do you have any other questions?"

"there is none left……"

After getting the answer, Ais, who seemed to be relieved, laughed.

Jian Ji, who often lacked facial expression, laughed, and even Loki, who was a goddess, was stunned.

As soon as Aisi bent down, her blond hair hung down like tassels.

"Thank you very much for your clarification."

"Where, I'm very glad to be able to help you, lovely Miss Ai Si." Luo Pei paused, and continued: "But unfortunately, with the "upgrade" method of your world, I am afraid that Miss Ai Si may go through a period of time. It is impossible to reach one ten-millionth of mine in ten thousand years or one hundred thousand years..."

"……What does it mean?"

"The limits of the world."

"Woooo! Not allowed!"

Like a hen guarding its cubs, Loki stood in front of Aisi angrily.

"Even if you are a god from another world, you are not allowed to peek at my family's Ai Sitan, I... um!"

Before the fairy red short-haired myth could finish speaking, she took a helpless elbow from Aisi.

The goddess immediately collapsed to the ground.

After being interrupted by Loki, the conversation between Ace and Rope obviously couldn't continue.

In fact, Jian Ji really wanted to ask Luo Pei more, this existence from another world with terrifying power visible to the naked eye, she had stayed at LV. Ace, too, was growing restless.

In order to face the strongest monster, the black dragon, Ais needs strength.

The black-haired young man smiled knowingly, and waved goodbye to Loki and Aisi.

Walking on the streets of Olalie, Luo Pei took a deep breath of the fresh morning air, gently shaking his fingers to blow away the smell of alcohol all over his body with the breeze.

Then there was another clean and cheerful handsome man.

Pedestrians on the street saw Luo Pei and whispered to friends next to him, seeming to recognize his identity.

In Olalie, where news spreads faster than the wind, no big news can escape word of mouth from adventurers and gods.

But the residents looked at Luo Pei without any abnormality that "the other party came from another world", and some were just pure curiosity.

Facing these gazes and the smiling faces of the gods who say hello from time to time, Luo Pei wandered aimlessly on the streets of Olalie, looking for a residence that suits his heart, while conceiving what kind of movie to show in this blank world of the entertainment industry .

A story like adventure might work, but it's certainly not the best one.

The adventurers of Orario are adventuring in the dungeon every day, and the gods also listen to the stories of the dungeon told by their families every day. They are highly resistant to adventure stories and cannot cause shock effects.

The starting point of the first part is going to be a blockbuster.

It is suitable for relaxation after adventure, relaxation, passion that is not usually can also be love...

Thinking of this, a smile appeared on the corner of Luo Pei's mouth.

"Enthusiasm emerges..."

In the ancient times without any video camera equipment, he started from scratch and dominated the entertainment industry in the entire other world. The demon god on vacation is full of energy.

But Rope needs more leverage before it can get underway.

Not only the rumors of the identity of "God from Another World", but also a more grandiose influence that can make the entire Orario and the world boil, so that when his movie comes out, it can instantly produce the same effect as a chemical reaction .

Thinking this way, the black-haired young man walked into the small house with a "House" sign hanging on it.

Soon, after the on-the-spot inspection led by the clerk, Luo Pei bought the most luxurious villa in the East District of Olari with precious stones and rare treasures.

Chapter 9 The Elixir and the Blue Ribbon Goddess

What is the most indispensable thing for adventurers to adventure in the dungeon?

Some would say wine, some would say magic stones, some would say the woman after the battle——

But really old adventurers scoff at these answers.

In the adventure of the dungeon, the most indispensable thing is excellent equipment.

Sword blades, spears, armor, magic wands, these equipments involve the life of an adventurer, no matter how sloppy they are, they cannot be sloppy about the equipment.

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