The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1542

In the northeast of Orari's city, there is such a place where there are endless streams of adventurers every day.

A huge building that looks like a volcano. This is where the "God of Blacksmithing" Hephaestus and his family reside.

They produce the most top-notch equipment in the city of Orario. Any adventurer who has used the works made by the Hephaestus family will be full of praise for the quality of the weapons and armor.

However, in the building that was filled with the sound of hammers all day long, today is slightly different.

The fiery red-haired goddess, "God of Forging" Hephaestos was covered with frost, ignoring the girl's struggle, she lifted it to the gate with one hand, and then kicked the girl's ass.

"Get out of here!"


The girl who was kicked out of the gate was a young beauty with long hair as black as ink.

The long hair is tied into double ponytails on both sides, and she is wearing a bold pure white backless dress. The most eye-catching thing is her blue ribbon that wraps around her back and under her chest, which makes her uncomfortable like a chest support. The chest that matches the age of the appearance is more and more eye-catching.

Her name is Hestia.

Not long after coming from the lower realms, the goddess of the holy fire and hearth.

"You, what are you going to do? Hephaestus."

Hestia wanted to protest, but when he saw Hephaestus' angry expression, his tone immediately faded.

"You still have the nerve to ask me what to do?"

Hephaestus said angrily.

"Obviously I let you live here out of good intentions, but in the end, Hestia, you didn't do anything, just lazily nestled in my house all day, eating and living for nothing, showing no effort at all."

"I... Hephaestus..."

"Your leisurely life is over, goddess of waste wood! Go and experience the harsh life of the lower realm for me! Don't even think about entering the gate of my house again!"


With the sound of Hephaestus closing the door, Hestia officially ended her leisurely life as a rice bug.


Walking on the streets of Orario, Hestia sighed.

The goddess who lacks the real sense of the lower world does not understand why Hephaestus loses her temper so much. There are many gods who do not go out in the heavenly world, let alone three months, three years, thirty years, or three hundred years.

But whether she understands it or not, it is certain that she will not have dinner tonight.


There was a sound in her stomach, and the Goddess of Kitchen Fire became even more depressed.

"Although the food in the lower realm is delicious, but now I'm envious of not having to eat in the heavenly realm." Hestia muttered: "Whether it's Loki or Hephaestus, everyone looks down on people... Just wait, I want to build a family that won't lose to anyone!"

The goddess said cruel words, but her body would not become full from these words.

Hestia glanced around, the delicious fried potato balls made her salivate, and she wished she could buy a bag immediately.

The most desperate thing in life is this.

What you want is right in front of you, but you don't have the money.

"Do you want to start looking for the family members now? But I'm so hungry."

While wandering around like this, Hestia also caught a few people and asked if they would like to join her family.

But without exception, those people have either already joined the family, or they don't want to join a family that has nothing.

Several invitations failed, and Hestia was depressed.

It turns out that the lower realm is such a cruel place, and she couldn't imagine that she usually lives in the heaven realm without going out.

Just when Hestia was about to give up and planned to find a place to sleep for a while today, her eyes turned to a small shop on the corner of the street.

——It's really a small shop.

The emblem of "Human Body with Healthy Limbs" is hung on it, and it exudes the fragrance of medicinal herbs.

Anyone can tell that this is a herb shop.

And at the door of that small shop, a blue-haired male god exuding a gentle temperament was talking with a black-haired youth god.

Hestia's eyes widened, and his expression became a little happy.

She knew the blue-haired male god.

The God of Herbs named "Mihe" used to be a god friend who could chat with Hestia in the heaven.

Penniless and hungry, the Goddess of Kitchen Fire suddenly had the idea of ​​fighting the autumn wind.

However, Hestia, the black-haired and blue-eyed male god, did not recognize him.

Hestia tilted her head and thought for a while, seeming to recall what Hephaestus had said a few days ago about the "God of another world" Rope.

But the goddess who is in a state of hunger at the moment obviously doesn't want to care about this big news.

Hestia walked towards Mihe and Rope.

As she approached, she heard the two gods talking.

"Really not?"


Michelle shook her head with a smile.

"Maybe you don't know very well, things like the miraculous effect of "immortality and immortality", not to mention potions, even if we use divine power to do it ourselves before we go to the lower realm, it is impossible for mortals to achieve it. Immortality is the privilege of the gods, a miracle that cannot be replicated. "

In this world, what gods can do is extremely limited.

Perhaps those adventurers could extend their lifespan by ten, twenty, or thirty years because they received the grace of the gods, but after all, it was still extremely short for the gods.

This is the most fundamental and insurmountable barrier between God and man.

"That would be wonderful."


"Mihe, tell me, if I can make a potion that makes mortals immortal, will it sell for a high price? And extend a lot of personal influence?"

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