The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1544

"The Mistress of Abundance" is a small two-story stone building, and in terms of the size of the tavern, it is the largest one in the vicinity.

Stepping on the evening sun, Rope opened the door, and the din of adventurers rushed in.

The clinking of glasses and the laughter speak volumes about the popularity of the tavern.

The burly dwarven female store manager stood behind the bar, entertaining guests with food and wine. In the kitchen there were orc girls with cat ears scurrying about. The clerks who greet customers to order are all waitresses, and there is even an elf girl among them.

The guest's doorbell rang, calling a girl with a silver-gray ponytail.

She was wearing a green uniform and had a pretty appearance, but compared to the perfect beauty of the gods, she was more like a gentle girl next door.

"Welcome... oh! Isn't this the God of another world that everyone has been discussing recently?"

The girl was surprised when she saw Lopez's appearance.

Recently, "God of another world" has become the topic of Orario.

"There is also God Mihe, Miss Nazha, and an unknown goddess."

"What is "Unknown Goddess-sama"! I have a name! My name is Hestia! "

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry~ I know you now~"

The girl's exclamation triggered an even more enthusiastic wave in the tavern.

The adventurers laughed and raised their glasses to Rope.

"God of another world, how about Olalie? Isn't she amazing!"

"To find this good tavern, the eyes of the gods in another world are not bad!"

"I heard from the main god of our family that the giant red sword in the sky that day was your power. It really scared me, I didn't expect the god of another world to be so strong..."

"Idiot! Our gods all came to the lower realm with sealed power. It is normal for you to be frightened by the sudden appearance of divine power."

Noisy, but Rope didn't hate it.

Following the silver-gray-haired girl to a remote and relatively quiet corner and sat down, Hestia immediately picked up the menu and ordered.

Like Loki, this unaffected character is very pleasing to Rope.

After ordering, the waitress named "Xie Er" walked away briskly after delivering four glasses of beer.

Luo Pei's gaze stayed on Xi'er for a while, and asked Mihe with a little deep meaning.

"Mihe, can the gods and mortals of your world give birth to offspring?"

Mihe was taken aback, with a slightly embarrassed expression on his face.

"Sorry, I haven't experienced it. It's just that those god friends who have had chaotic private lives for such a long time in the lower realm have left no descendants. It's impossible to think about it... right?"

"Oh, that's how it is."

Hearing this, Luo Pei didn't say much, just picked up the beer and drank it.

"You are a life saver! Rope!"

Hestia took a sip of beer and lay comfortably on the table.

"Hephaestus kicked me out without giving me any money... If I hadn't met you and Mihe, I would have been hungry all night."

"Yeah, it's an uncomfortable experience to be hungry."

Mich laughed.

"But in another way, this kind of fun that can't be felt in the heaven is quite interesting. What do you think, Hestia?"

"Interesting ghost! Watching others eat delicious fried potato balls, but I can't eat them. There is nothing worse than this!"

"Hahaha, that feeling is really bad." Luo Pei chuckled.

Soon, the waitress in the tavern brought the big meal.

All kinds of delicious food made of high-grade ingredients and meat, not to mention Hestia, even Nazha, a dog girl who has always been taciturn, is also interested, but Nazha has no intention of interrupting the communication between the gods, just sitting in Mihe Eating silently by my side.

"By the way, Luo Pei, I remember you and Mihe were talking about "immortality" just now, what's going on? "

Hestia bit a chicken leg and asked vaguely.

Once the hunger problem is resolved, Hestia as a god seeking interesting characters takes over.

"That's what you heard."

Rope nodded.

"I plan to study Mihe's potion, get a clear understanding of the potion ingredients in this world, and then make a potion that can make ordinary humans "immortality". "


Hestia spit out the beer all at once.

"...Really? The gods can't do that kind of thing, right?"

"Who stipulates that if the gods can't do it, I must and can't do it?"

"I'd like to believe that Rope can do it," Meeher said.

"Maybe it's a little presumptuous. If Luo Pei really made the potion of immortality, I wonder if you can let me take a look at it? Mysterious potion production in another world. As a medicine god, I am also very curious."

"Not a big problem."

"Can it be done? Why do you want to make a potion of immortality, Luo Pei?" Hestia asked curiously: "Could it be that you also want to take in the family like us, and then let the children of the family Are you as immortal as you? Do gods from other worlds also have the ability to sign family contracts?"

Rope shook his head.

"I don't have much interest in the family for the time being. If I have to say it, it should be influence, right? Being able to make that kind of immortality potion should be able to focus the eyes of the world on me. This is very important for what I want to achieve. The entertainment industry helps."

Moreover, the first movie he prepared also has a linkage relationship with "Pharmaceuticals of Immortality".


Hestia's eyes became even more curious.

"What entertainment business requires you to gather such a large influence?"

"This will be kept a secret for the time being, because you gods are also my intended audience, so you can't lose your sense of mystery, tell everyone you see."

"If you don't have to spend a lot of money on entertainment, then I'm really looking forward to it..."

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