The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1545

Mihe, who is burdened with debts, the first thing he thinks about is whether to spend money or not.

The dark-haired youth laughed.

"Don't worry, it must be a good thing that even ordinary people can afford."

Rope's entertainment isn't aimed exclusively at the high-end crowd.

The more people feel "happy", the more power he has, which is naturally for the public.

Talking and laughing, a few plates of exquisite food were exhausted, but Hestia didn't seem to be full yet.

Although the gods lost all their divine power and power, they still have a convenience, that is, no matter how much they overeat, they will not gain weight. In addition, there are treats, which makes Hestia completely let go of eating.

"I'm so happy... This is the delicacy of the lower realm... I really want to eat this kind of food every day."

"How can this be impossible?"

Michelle said with a smile.

"I just took a look, and the consumption of this tavern seems to be quite high. Before Hestia establishes the family, and even the family is on the right track, there must be no way to afford regular consumption."


Looking at the frustrated Kitchen Goddess, Luo Pei suddenly had an idea.

He smiled slightly, Hestia said.

"Hestia, if you have no place to go for the time being, would you like to live with me? My family is quite big, and I don't need money."


"I'm not in the habit of telling lies."

"You won't be like Hephaestus, kick me out when you get tired of it?"


"Great! Luo Pei, you are a super nice person!"

Super nice guy, an upgraded version of the nice guy.

Rope smiled helplessly.

"However, you have to pay the price?"

As soon as these words came out, Hestia immediately hugged her body tightly and looked at the black-haired youth suspiciously.

"...I will not sell my body for mere money and food!"

"Where did you go?" Luo Pei said: "It's about my entertainment career. It just so happens that my first plan is about to start, Hestia, would you like to be the heroine of my movie? "

When it comes to the appearance of movie actors, who can compare with the gods?

Without any makeup, the gods who are naturally beautiful can easily beat beautiful girls of all races all over the world. Only a very small number of girls can get the title of "comparable to the gods".

"What is a movie heroine?"

Hestia couldn't understand what Rope said.

"Anyway, I won't let you do anything excessive."

Rope didn't answer directly.

"And if my plan is successful, you can really earn your own salary, not a salary that others hand out to you."

In the fantasy world, the evil god and the goddess teamed up to make a movie, which is very interesting to think about.


Hestia thought about it for a while, and finally "his own salary" overwhelmed the Goddess of Hearth.

She held her little hand with Luo Pei.

"make a deal!"

Mihe beside him applauded in congratulations.

After paying the bill, I said goodbye to Mihe and Nazha, and Luo Pei accompanied Hestia to buy some daily necessities. That night, Goddess Lori lived in Luo Pei's villa.

Look at the elegant and comfortable environment, bright lights.

The goddess who didn't need to sleep on the street was almost moved to tears.

The distance from hell to heaven is such a short step.

Chapter Eleven The Script of the Movie

Waking up in the morning, the sun shines in through the slightly opened curtains, and there are birds chirping outside the window.

Hestia took a deep breath of the fragrance of flowers, and gradually opened her sapphire-like eyes.

"This the life in the lower realms I'm looking forward to!"

The beautiful goddess pursed her lips into a cat mouth, stretched beautifully, then got dressed and got up.

Humming a little tune, Hestia walked in a villa that had just settled in and belonged to the gods of another world.

The corridors are decorated with various works of art. Although Hestia is a little tasteless, it is also pleasing to the eye, which is enough to explain the taste of the owner of this house.

The god of another world, Luo Pei... What a nice person!

Hestia thought happily, and then pushed open the door of the hall.

On the table was a breakfast she had never seen before, which was even more exquisite than last night, making the Goddess of Kitchen Fire's eyes shine.

"Good morning! Rope!"

"Well, good morning..."

Compared to Hestia's energetic greeting, Rope's response was more subdued.

The black-haired goddess came behind Luo Pei and looked at the names of a pile of books on the other's desk.

"On How to Make an Excellent Movie", "Photography - From Getting Started to Burying", "Even a Fool Can Learn, Basic Editing Techniques"...

Hestia picked up a book and flipped through it. The whole text was full of terms that she couldn't understand and made her brain hurt.

"This, is this a book from another world?"

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