The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1554

In this world where gods and humans meet, although the labyrinth city Orario is the undoubted center of the world, it does not mean that all adventurers and family members gather there.

There are still quite a few gods who are attracted by other places and live in the outside world.

Ares, the god of war, is a typical example.

That god even transformed the entire kingdom's army into family members. Even the lowest-level family members possessed much more power than mortals.

Similarly, this group of girls under the moonlight also belonged to the family of the gods in the outside world.

The goddess of the moon and chastity in charge of the heavens, and the family of Artemis.

"Ah, it's such a beautiful night, but we actually have to date a monster in the forest, it's so miserable..."

"Stop complaining. Monsters proliferate abnormally in places outside the labyrinth city. This situation is not trivial, and there may be a huge conspiracy hidden behind it."

"That's what I said, but I really want to take a bath... What do you think? Lord Artemis."

The object of the family girl's questioning was a girl with long, straight aqua-blue hair.

Her appearance does not need to be distinguished, and her brilliance can be recognized at a glance as the goddess of the lower realm.

It's just that compared to those gods who Olalie has no power to restrain chickens, the "Moon God" Artemis is dressed in military uniform and armed with weapons, and obviously has the fighting power no less than her family.

Hearing the family's question, Artemis shook his head.

"Be more cautious, the situation of the land here is very wrong..."

"Land? Well, it seems that it is indeed different from the usual color. But Lord Artemis, what does the different color of the land represent?"

Artemis didn't speak, she squatted down, took out her dagger and stabbed it into the roots of the nearby trees.

From the position where the sharp edge was cut, the inside of the tree was completely withered and rotted.

Luna's expression became a little more dignified.

"It's normal that you don't know."

Artemis sheathed the dagger.

"In ancient times, there was a monster. It withered hills, eroded oceans, destroyed forests, and absorbed energy from all life. Even though this monster was finally sealed by the ancient great elves, it still caused a lot of damage at that time. A big disaster...its name is Andaris. This phenomenon of abnormal monster proliferation is very likely a sign of Andaris' recovery."

Luna's serious tone made all twenty of the family girls hold their breath.

Artemis stood up and showed the girls a relieved smile.

"I hope there is a problem with my judgment? Maybe it's just that the seal of Andaris is not stable, and its power has escaped to the outside. Well, my premonition has always been very bad..."

Luna looked into the distance.

From the gap in the forest, she watched the ruins that had experienced countless years of wind and rain.

An ominous power emanated from the ruins, causing Artemis to tighten his grip on the bow and arrow on his shoulder.

...Hopefully, everything is fine.

Artemis and her family continue to move towards the end of the goal, the ancient sealed place Alsos.

Chapter 16 Post Production and Music, Upcoming Masterpieces

For two whole weeks, Lope, Loki, Hestia, and Loki's family members stayed in the dream theater.

Since food and water and shelter are readily available, there is no need for them to return to reality.

The seriousness of the adventurer himself, coupled with Luo Pei's careful teaching and constant editing, finally produced his first film on the first day of the third week.

Special effects? Not at all!

Gods and adventurers only play for real!

Dubbing? a piece of cake!

The equipment captures the live sound at 360 degrees in all directions, and can complete the work of dubbing the lines while shooting!

music? Versatile to the point of perfection, Rope has something to say.

In this world where there are pianos and multiple musical instruments, it is definitely a hundred times easier to compose a movie than when he made these magic stone cameras.

When everyone returned to Rope's villa after exhaustion, this long and novel experience was over.

It is undeniable that these adventurers who can only fight have some experience and skills that are not usually used.

Especially Hestia, as the heroine, after she made continuous mistakes, it seemed that her acting skills became more and more proficient because of her self-esteem as a god.

But the only flaw is that...

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

At the end of working hours, Hestia, who broke away from her serious state, screamed and ran out of the living room, locking herself in the room.

"Oh, this is still too exciting for the little dwarf..."

Loki put it on Luo Pei's shoulder familiarly, and smirked like a good buddy.

"How does it feel to take away the first kiss of a famous virgin goddess in the heavens, Rope."

"Pretty good."

Rope smiled shamelessly.

"It was also a great experience to appreciate Hestia's shy expression afterwards."

"Hahahaha, you really are on our side."

Although Luo Pei's movie "Love Between God and Man" is essentially a light love story, in the final analysis there is still such a thing as a kiss scene.

Luo Pei specially saved the scene for the last filming. If there was no one around, only him and Hestia, the Goddess of Kitchen Fire would definitely not want to shoot it.

This is the situation where Hestia's favorability for him has improved during the ten days of getting along.

The purity of Hestia is evident.

It's just that she herself is too unable to hide things, and in that drowsy state, Loki can easily catch her and make words out of her.

"Well, I thought about it, let's cut that scene."

"Oh? Don't want others to see your intimate gesture with the little dwarf?"

"I'm very possessive."

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