The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1555

"Haha, no matter what, that dwarf seems to be interested in you. Otherwise, if you dare to make such a request, Luo Pei, Hestia will dare to turn his face and leave."

Loki looked at the movie reflected on the wall, and Luo Pei who was playing the piano soundtrack, and sighed in his heart.

She's really been going through a pretty interesting process these days.

Looking at the birth of the "movie" that has never been seen before, Loki seems to have opened the door to a new world.

In the past, she couldn't imagine that those repeated drama performances, gathered together, and modified by "editing" in Luo Pei's mouth, would turn into such an exciting thing.

If this kind of thing comes out in Orario, those fun-seeking gods will definitely fall in love with it.

Just like she is now.

"Now, Rope."

"What's wrong?"

Luo Pei gave a pause, and the music stopped.

Loki scratched his head in embarrassment.

"That camera thing of yours...can you give me one? Watching you and my family making movies these days makes me feel a little itchy."

The goddess herself knew that this request was too much.

It's like asking for the fruit of other people's hard work.

But the problem is that Loki doesn't know how much that thing is worth. It can bring entertainment across the ages. In the eyes of the gods, it is almost equivalent to a priceless treasure, and it doesn't matter how much it sells.

Little did Loki know, what she wanted now was what Rope wanted.

The dark-haired youth smiled slightly.

"Do you think that thing is complicated?"

"Isn't it complicated?"

"Not at all. On the contrary, it's as simple as it gets."

Rope took out a magic stone camera and user manual from subspace.

"When I made this thing in the first place, it was for popularization. The process is very simple. The point is to introduce the energy in the magic stone into the screen device. As for the screen device, as long as you open that thing, ask a skilled craftsman to copy it, and you can take pictures. The screen, the screen is reflected."

"……that's all?"

"that's all."

In fact, of course it is more than that.

Although it is a fantasy world, there is no such unreasonable machine.

At the beginning, Luo Pei really wanted to start from scratch and climb the fantasy technology tree step by step, but when he actually held the wires and circuit boards and looked at the piles of books and manuals that piled up more and more, with a distorted expression, he directly became irritable. By modifying the rules, the magic camera in another world has been realized.

As a "higher demigod", he has this ability.

Like water flowing downhill, he who possesses the divinity of "royalty" issued orders to the world.

——I said it can work, so it can work!

And no matter who it is, as long as it is built according to the process, it can run perfectly.

As for the truth and reason?

Let them find the rules of the world to ask.

A little cheating does not affect the game experience. After all, the "happiness" brought by the follow-up is what Luo Pei wants to see.

"Thank you so much!"

Loki was holding the magic stone camera, like a child with a toy.

With Rope's editing and post-production music, the film quickly became a finished product, fresh from the oven.

Then Lopez and Loki brought the finished movie to the hall where Loki's family gathered.

The members of the Loki family, except for Ais's still indifferent expression, the others are discussing enthusiastically what form they will appear on the screen.

The appearance of Luo Pei made them all quiet, especially the girls, looking forward to the projector in Luo Pei's hand.

Once seated, the lights go off and the movie begins.

The melodious music filled the hall, and anyone who listened to it would give a pretty good score.

"Ah, that's me!"

"Wow wow, I didn't feel it when I was acting, so I'm so good-looking, and the music fits perfectly with the scene!"

"It's really good..."

"Hmph, of course you guys are not bad, but this uncle has played the role of a villain!"

"Don't be awkward, Burt. Generally speaking, once this movie comes out, we, who will finally be the leaders of the Meili family to eliminate the dark faction, will definitely enjoy a greater reputation in O'Leary... Well, very good."

At first they were able to talk, but when the movie got into the plot completely, even the members of the Loki family had read the script, they couldn't help but indulge in it.

It's just brilliant.

This feeling of scene switching and music switching, as well as that kind of delicate emotional expression, these are simply unmatched by drama.

They even had the illusion that every character in it was not played by them, but a living real person with the same appearance as them.

At the end of the hour and a half movie, the lights came back on.

Finn stood up on behalf of the Loki family and said.

"Lord Rope, we are very honored to be hired by you. There is no doubt that you have opened a new door for Olalie, so that the reputation of our Loki family will rise again. Regarding the reward , having enjoyed such a great favor from you, I think..."

"No, you deserve it."

Rope smiled and rejected Finn's request.

Money is just a number to him, and it would be great if everyone could be happy.

Loki stood up and shouted happily.

"Okay! Little ones! Let us take this opportunity to overwhelm the Freya family in one fell swoop and become the most famous family of Olali!"

Among the family members, lively echoes and calm laughter.

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