The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1556

But Rocky's emotions did give them a sense of hope for the future.

Looking forward to the world's first movie, the scene of cheers after the release of O'Leary.

"Rope, when do you plan to hold the performance?"

"Let's set it on next Monday. Rocky, you have to help me find a venue during this period. I need a big, closed building with a wide view."

"No problem, leave it to me!"

Loki stretched.

"The job is completely dismissed, so I should take the children and leave. I won't be in the family residence for two weeks. I guess the other children will die in a hurry..."

The Loki family members nodded, and they also wanted to go home.

Before leaving, Ai Si nodded slightly to Luo Pei, as if expressing something, and Luo Pei smiled back.

This is an agreement between the two, after the work is over, Ais's personal training will start until the next expedition of the Loki family begins.

After the servants made of mercury sent Loki and the others away, Rope knocked on the door of Hestia's room.

"Are you really just shy, Hestia?"

The black-haired youth asked.

After a while, Hestia opened the door of her room.

Chapter 17 The Night and the Goddess, the Rapid Growth of Sword Princess

In the room, Hestia's expression was still a little blushing, but her emotions were far less extreme than when Loki was there.

The petite goddess turned sideways and invited Lopez into her room.

After Luo Pei walked in, he turned on the lights in the house.

"Sure enough, is that still the case?"

The black-haired youth asked, and Hestia nodded.

The Goddess of Kitchen Fire walked to Luo Pei's side and sat down, lowered her head, looking at her hands on her lap.

"I can't figure it out anymore..." Hestia said: "In the dream world created by Rope, you always confuse me with words like acting...During this time, I know very well that you I have a good feeling, but I don't know whether your good feeling is true or not..."

The gods feed on pleasure.

They yearn for difference, for novelty.

The appearance of Luo Pei itself is like a shot of powerful nutrition, affecting the nerves of the gods, and after getting along with Hestia for almost a month, it can be regarded as a preliminary understanding of Luo Pei's character. If the goddess doesn't like the visitor from another world, Rope, I'm afraid Hestia herself won't believe it.

She is attracted by Rope, who is mysterious, almost omnipotent, and brings new ideas all the time.

But with that came fear and insecurity.

Even among the gods whose private life is chaotic, Hestia is the purest type of goddess. She has the freedom and ease of a god of longevity, but because of this purity, she is restrained from Lopez's trial.

Gods are very stubborn.

She doesn't want a love that ends without a problem, or even where the other party is just for fun.

"Rope...let me explain first."

Hestia whispered.

"There are also some gods in the heavens who feel challenged because of my title of "Virgin Goddess", but without exception, I ignore them at all, because I know their rotten personalities well... So, if you are caught by me Attracted by its particularity, then let’s forget it..."

"I thought you were angry, I took advantage of you in the name of work."


"Hestia, come, look into my eyes."

Hearing this, Hestia raised her head and looked at Lopez's pupils which were almost the same color as hers.

Rope said slowly.

"I have straddled the universe of nothingness, and I have experienced countless battles, some of which even now give chills to the back. And just as your symbols are those burning stoves in every household, in my symbol, there is" happy" kind of thing. I am indeed the type of entertainment first, but at the same time, because of those Shura field-like experiences, I think that eternity is what can really inspire me compared to short-term joy. "

"Rope, what do you mean..."

"Come here, Hestia, there is no need for you to worry, I am very serious now."

Luo Pei stretched out his hand, and his smile became warm under the light.

To like and love this kind of thing doesn't have to be the kind of life and death to promote its nobility.

Sometimes, getting along casually like this, talking casually, and then inviting like water is enough to move people's hearts.

Hesitating, Hestia passed her little hand over.

"You, if you dare to just play, I will never let you go! I will curse you to death!"

"It's better to say that at that time, you couldn't even leave if you wanted to."

Luo Pei pulled Hestia over and hugged the petite goddess in his arms like a domineering president.

"Since the relationship is confirmed, I will never let go of it, so make up your mind, Hestia."


Hestia looked up, looked at Rope's side face, and burst out laughing suddenly.

"So that's why everyone is praising the lower realm. Compared with the boring and unchanging heaven, the lower realm where you can get the unknown and different encounters...even being able to get acquainted with a god from another world like you, Luo Pei, is really very interesting. ..."

"Like it?"

"Yes, I like it."

Hestia paused, and then said with some regret.

"It's just that after being busy for so many days, I still don't even have a family member..."

"let me help you."

Rope rubbed Hestia's head.

"Want a family member? What a simple matter. But let me check carefully, and not let any man go to your family, because Hestia belongs to me now."

"What a distorted possessiveness..."

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