The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1559

After walking in, Lyu felt the influence of the "God of another world".

The seats were almost full, and the gods and their families sat on the same chairs, discussing something with their surroundings happily.

In the center of the original drama stage, a huge silver curtain occupied the entire field of vision, making Lyu unclear what kind of medicine was sold in the gourd of the god of another world.

"Lyu! This way, this way."

Seele called to her.

But the cheerful atmosphere of the silver-gray girl disappeared when the two arrived at their seats.

"Oh, isn't this Xi'er? You came to the show too."

Sitting there is the embodiment of "beauty".

Wearing a hood that slightly concealed her real face, the goddess Freya sat beside Xier with a smile, and beside her was the tall and mighty young pigman Ota.

Xi'er's smile faltered instantly, and she responded vaguely.



Freya didn't say any more, and turned her gaze to the center of the stage.

Lyu had heard that Xier seemed to have some connection with the goddess Freya and Freya's family, but she didn't delve into it. After all, everyone has an unspeakable past.

Not even herself.

While Xier seemed to be waiting on pins and needles, the lights of the entire theater were gradually turned off.

"Oh, are you going to start?"

"I'm really looking forward to it, the gods of another world, what kind of enjoyment will Luo Pei bring us..."

"It doesn't look like an ordinary drama."

The gods discussed.

Not too long later, when all the lights went out, the silver curtain in the center of the stage lit up.

There was no sound in the venue, and the gods restrained the family members very well, and abided by the regulations that the performance should not be noisy.

"What kind of drama story does Lyu think it will be?"

"I have no idea……"

"Adventurous hero story? A princess meets a knight? Justice defeats evil? After all, you are a god from another world, so it's impossible to choose such a traditional theme..."

Looking at Seele who had regained her spirits while ignoring Freya, Lyu felt relieved.

The movie begins.

Seeing the picture lit up on the screen, Xier shut up instantly.

It was different from all the plays she had seen before.

The thin screen, where the environments and landscapes are literally real. And the melodious music that appears from all around adds to the immersive experience.

Then, as if the gaze shifted, a human figure appeared on the screen.

The gods were in an uproar immediately.

"Isn't that Hestia and Rope? What's the matter, can the two of them be actors in person?"

"This feeling of watching..."God's Eye"? "

"It is indeed very similar to "God's Eye", but "God's Eye" can't do that kind of continuous switching of perspectives, right? I've heard that the shadow magic of the ancient great elves can achieve this kind of two-dimensional and three-dimensional, and then have a seamless switching screen..."

"It's not the magic of the ancient great elves. I've seen that magic, but it can't make such a sound, and the conversion method is also very rigid."

"It's getting interesting..."

This novel viewing experience even made Freya's eyes shine.

The strong sense of immersion gradually diverted everyone's attention away from the actor's identity, and began to really think about the inner plot.

The beginning of the plot is very simple.

An adventurer who is tired of taking risks, and a goddess who loves her family are planning to leave the adventurer's city.

"Master Meili, all I see when I open my eyes is blood. The blood of monsters, the blood of former friends, and the blood of irrelevant people. The stench makes me unable to sleep peacefully."


"I...may not be fit to be an adventurer anymore."

"It's okay, let's go together. I will follow wherever you go."

Rope's superb acting skills, old-fashioned adventurer's outfit, and the skills of the lines all make the adventurers feel the same.

When did they ever have the idea of ​​"Lorne" in the curtain.

——especially when a companion dies

The labyrinth is not a paradise, it will devour human life, even adventurers with power beyond mortals will die if they are not careful in front of those dangerous monsters.

And the gods can fully understand the choice of "Merry".

If they had only one child whom they loved so much, and said these words in frustration in front of them, I am afraid that no god could refuse, and would definitely obey the thoughts of the child they loved so much.

Among the gods, the "Forging God" Hephaestus held his cheeks and smiled.

"Do it seriously, can't you do it well, Hestia..."

Although Hestia was kicked out of the house at the beginning, it is very gratifying to forge the goddess to see that loli goddess can be so happy and even participate in the unique drama performance of the alien god.

This at least proves that the Goddess of Kitchen Fire can survive in the lower realm and enjoy the fun of the lower realm.

There are many gods in the lower realms, but there are also many gods who return to the heavens. Except for forced repatriation for some reasons, the other gods cannot withstand the harsh living environment in the lower realms.

It was rare for Hestia to leave the heaven, and Hephaestus didn't want her to go back just like that.

She also considered that if Hestia was really in distress, she would give the Goddess of Kitchen Fire a place to live in a symbolic way.

Now it seems that it is no longer necessary.

Chapter 19 The Detonated Gods and Adventurers

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