The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1560

The palace-level music, the beautiful picture like an oil painting, the unheard-of scene zooming in and out and switching, and the unconventional plot have won rave reviews from the gods and adventurers.

Rope captured everyone's hearts with just one opening.

With the advancement of the plot, the leisurely life in the small town, which is out of the way, made some gods think in their hearts, should they also take such a vacation with their children?

And those unseen, extremely beautiful buildings are constantly refreshing the aesthetics of the gods.

Originally they thought that Olalie was already very beautiful, but when they saw the scenes in the "movie", they suddenly realized that Olalie was actually like that. Aside from the various gorgeous buildings in which the gods lived, the rest of the landscape was still an ugly look of stone and wood.

"Should we all join forces and invest in transforming Olalie?"

"Yeah, I also think it's necessary..."

"After reading it, let's go to Ganesha to discuss it. He has the most family members."

The gods were quite enthusiastic about discussing the transformation of Orario, but those who watched the excitement didn't care so much.

"God Hestia is so beautiful!"

Xier said to Lyu.

"And God Luo Pei is also very handsome! It's as if such a story really happened between the two!"


Even Lyu, who is not interested in performance stories, has to admit that this is something that crosses time.

She was also attracted by the plot in the movie.

The girl next door; the intellectual big sister where Meili works; and the dwarves and little people who often chat with Lorne. Even if Lucy could recognize that it was a member of the famous Loki family, she couldn't rely on reality for the roles played by these people.

The storyline is so real.

Soon, the small chatter in the arena disappeared.

--the reason is simple.

The first important turning point of the whole movie comes.

The music changed suddenly, and in the eerie atmosphere, the man in the black robe and hood played by Burt led his subordinates in black robes to appear on the stage.

They were walking in the rain and were about to finish their day's work. Lorne, who was holding a bouquet of flowers and intending to surprise his lord God, stopped them.

The continuation of the grievances will not end when one of the parties withdraws.

The hatred formed with the dark faction in the Lorne adventure made the former enemy come to the door.

Facing those enemies who had killed his companions, Lorne naturally had no reason to back down and run away. Besides, he is no longer just an adventurer now, he also needs to be responsible to the goddess who followed him to leave the most prosperous city, at least give her happiness in a short life.

Just when all the audience thought that Lorne would defeat the enemy and live a happy life with the goddess again, reality gave them a heavy punch.

Lorne collapsed beside the rainy road.

He did repel the dark faction, but he couldn't return to the embrace of the goddess after being seriously injured.

He can only watch the rain scatter the flowers in front of him, and finally apologize when death is approaching.


The scene was silent, and then some people who couldn't accept it stood up.

"Hey, Rope, what are you doing?"

"Woooooo... Lorne is so infatuated with his goddess. Even in such a cruel battle, he still hasn't let go of the flower given to the goddess..."

"Hateful dark faction..."

Not only the gods with bright and intense emotions, Xi'er is also full of sadness.

Just as she was about to say something to Lyu, a strong murderous aura made her shiver with cold.

Orta, who was sitting next to Goddess Freya, raised his head instantly, staring at Lyu who was next to Seele.


"...Sorry, I'm not feeling well."

After the murderous aura dissipated, Lyu looked at the armrest of the chair that had been crushed by herself, and covered her forehead.

The dark faction in the movie reminded her of the unpleasant past.

As members of the Astria family who held high the banner of "justice", Lyu's companions also died at the hands of those Orari dark faction leaders.

Exactly the same as Lorne on screen.

"It's okay, don't worry about me, Xi'er, I'll just calm down a bit..."

Recalling the tragic death of his companion and his past as a vengeful ghost, Lyu lowered his head deeply.


Although Xi'er was worried about Lyu's state, she said so herself, so she could only watch silently.

Lyu is a very strong girl, she doesn't like others to sympathize with her, Xier knows this very well.

Regardless of whether the audience accepts the plot or not, the picture on the screen is still advancing.

The grief of the goddess in the movie infected the gods, and they all wondered how they would feel if the lovely children of their families were killed so cruelly.


Die not in adventure, but in conspiracy and resentment, which is the most unacceptable.

When the plot progressed to the point where Lorne's ghost appeared and began to communicate with the goddess with paper and pen, everyone had a feeling of seeing the sun through the dark clouds.

At this time, some adventurers began to yell "Aren't ghosts monsters?" and the like, but were ignored by the gods and other spectators.

God and man who cannot see each other.

The living and the dead.

Only by talking with paper and pen, I still can't rest assured of the goddess' love in the faint handwriting.

This kind of beautiful love that transcends life and death instantly made the goddesses on the scene feel helpless.

Wiping their tears one by one, they praised the hero's infatuation, and envied the goddess named "Merry".

But as the saying goes, laymen watch the fun, and insiders watch the way, not all gods only pay attention to life, death and love. Some clever gods keenly noticed that Rope was buried in the depths and wanted to express the theme of "the difference between God and man".

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