The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1561

Human frailty and divine immortality.

And that connection beyond those limits.

"What a story..."

"It was a worthwhile trip, this kind of thing I've never seen it called a 'movie'? Simply amazing! "

Among these gods, there is one god whose focus is even more strange.

Uranus, who came from the Adventurer's Guild and wanted to see what the gods of the other world were going to do, watched the movie from head to toe with a blank expression. Shrunk sharply.

This is it!

It can dilute the acceptance of abnormalities by the masses, or even beautify them.

If this concept can be extended to monsters, then those "children" in the dungeon...

The sudden lucky revelation made the old god feel like a treasure.

Uranus stood up and walked out of the theater.

He has already made up his mind that after this turmoil is over, he will meet with Luo Pei no matter what.

After that, the development of the plot is as in the script.

Encouraged by her lover's dead soul, the goddess stepped out of her sorrow and moved towards the sunshine.

She turned the friends of Lorne in those small towns into her followers, returned to the city of adventurers, and after a hard struggle, completely wiped out the dark faction, ushering in the dawn of dawn in the city.

Until the last breeze blows, the hero's last handwriting appears, and the picture freezes on Hestia's gentle expression that has let go and seems to have inherited something.

Well, only Rope knows how many times this scene of Hestia was filmed.

After all, it is not easy for that silly Goddess of Kitchen Fire to show such complex emotions with her facial expressions.

At the end of the soft piano performance, the audience suddenly realized that more than two hours had passed.

Slowly there was applause, followed by cheers.

Wave after wave, one after another in the largest theater in O'Leary, without stopping for a long time.

The gods got what they wanted, and got what they wanted.

And the effect is no longer "satisfactory", it is completely overjoyed and absolutely shocked.

This kind of thing called "movie" that they just knew the name, its excellent storytelling has completely conquered the hearts of the gods.

"This kind of story... is really unheard of."

The goddess of beauty, Freya, also applauded.

She became even more curious about that god from another world.

This kind of curiosity eventually turned into a bone-piercing impulse, which made Meishen want to find out what happened to Luo Pei.

After a dark scene, the lights came back on.

At this time, Rope himself has appeared on the stage with Hestia.

The black-haired young man smiled and used the spell of loudspeaker casually.

"How do you guys feel about my entertainment?"

"Rope! Rope! Rope!"

Lopez addressed the entire audience, and was answered by loud cheers repeating his name.

Hestia was also amazed at the enthusiasm of the dark crowd.

Goddess Loli never imagined that the finished film would elicit such an enthusiastic response when filming.

In Hestia's memory of the filming, all she has left are those facial expressions and embarrassing lines that were repeatedly filmed.

But Hestia likes this feeling of attention.

"I'm glad that everyone is satisfied. I'm afraid many people can see that the purpose of my setting up this story is not just pure love or to promote justice and beauty. It has a more fundamental proposition—that is, the difference between gods and humans."

"Of course I know that everyone here has their own views on that difference, or they are relieved, or they forget it. But I want to take this opportunity to give you a perfect opportunity."

"As a god of another world, I have a lot of power that you don't know or understand. And this power is something that can be turned into reality and affect the rules."

"Then, it's the last easter egg of today's movie."

Luo Pei waved his hand with a smile, and a table appeared on the stage, with five dream potions in glass bottles neatly arranged on it.

"To all the audience who bought movie tickets today, you can use your movie tickets to participate in the final auction - the auction of these five "elixir of youth", each with a starting price of 500 million fare. "

"I solemnly swear in my name that anyone who drinks this potion, except gods, will gain the ability of "immortality". In this way, the distance between God and man can be shortened a little, right? "

"Please think carefully and seize this miraculous opportunity."

There were no more cheers.

The entire theater can hear a needle drop silently.

Just now... what did the god from another world say?

Let mortals obtain the potion of immortality?

Does such a thing really exist?


Freya's red wine glass couldn't be gripped tightly and fell to the ground.

She stood up abruptly, unable to maintain her elegant goddess style, she looked at the shining glass bottles on the stage with a shocked expression.

As Luo Pei said, the miracle is there, the demon god handed out the olive branch of eternal life to the mortals.

Silence, and then a din that shattered the theater sky.

Soon as the news was delivered, the gods and people of Olalie were completely boiling.

Chapter 20 The Elixir Announced, the World's No. 1 Auction

What does immortality not limited by lifespan represent?

Maybe the gods don't have much real sense, because they already have a life that never fades.

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