The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1570

The black-haired youth asked while covering the walls of the maze with his palms.

"Maze, how many years has this dungeon existed in your world?"

Riveria was taken aback for a moment, then thought for a while and said.

"I don't know too well... It seems that before the gods descended, that long lost age had already appeared on the earth. No one knows how the dungeon was born, and no one knows when it developed. majestic."

"Then your hearts are really spacious, fighting with your life in this unknown area."

"With the eyes of your gods from the outside world, is it possible to see the details of the dungeon? Lord Luo Pei."

Finn asked.

As soon as these words came out, the members of the Loki family stopped moving forward, waiting for Luo Pei's answer with bated breath.

Although adventurers are with the dungeon, few people know the details of the dungeon.

They only know that the monsters here are inexhaustible and will continue to be born. The rest are just some taboos and habits about the dungeon. If you really understand the dungeon, no adventurer dares to pat his chest to guarantee it. The gods are also secretive about it.

If one can learn even a little bit from the gods of another world, it will become the most precious treasure of the Loki family.

"Self-regeneration of the environment; breeding monsters; aversion to adventurers; cleaning up garbage; the more dangerous the deeper you hover... These characteristics are known to all adventurers, and only those with a very clear and strong "will" can possess them. "

"Yes." Riveria nodded: "The dungeon is conscious, and this is a fact that any adventurer understands."

Rope smiled.

"So have you ever thought about where this consciousness comes from?"

"Isn't it... the dungeon itself?"

"Ha ha."

Rope smiled and shook his head.

"All the technologies that transcend the times in your world are built on crystals called "magic stones". There is power contained in the magic stone, and that kind of power can be simply called "biological energy". Have you ever thought about how huge a collection of will and energy can supply unlimited biological energy that can be used by all human beings for thousands of years or ten thousand years? Is the dungeon really just a few mountains, a cluster of strata stretching underground? "

Hearing this, not only Riveria, but even Finn and others were deep in thought.

They did ignore the problem.

If the dungeon is compared to a pool of water, then the behavior of adventurers killing monsters and collecting magic stones is like taking water from the lake, maybe each person only takes one drop, but countless people, countless years, such a terrible amount and time gather Together, the dungeon has never experienced energy depletion.

Is this really only a living city can do?

Even if it connects multiple leylines, such a huge expenditure has already turned the surrounding land into a barren state.

But what Luo Pei saw was that, not to mention the dry land, the grasslands and forests around Orari were even more lush than other places.

"Then... what's going on here?"

Finn couldn't think of an answer.

This kind of discussion has gone beyond their own knowledge content.

"Because this is the "center" of the world. "

said Rope, looking up at the ceiling of the cavern studded with wonderfully glowing crystals.

"And the consciousness of the dungeon is the consciousness of the world itself. It's just that it is not the kind of pan-consciousness that has no sorrow or joy, no likes and no evils. It is more like the embodiment of the selfish side of the world, and only loves the children born by itself. , follow the law of the jungle and prey on the strong. Of course, it will regard you group of adventurers who broke into the hatching nest as enemies."

A wry smile appeared on Riveria's pretty cheeks.

"But according to what you said, as the incarnation of world consciousness, why didn't we be wiped out or expelled the moment we stepped here? Instead, the relationship between adventurers, monsters and dungeons has continued for so many years."

"Did you forget? You are also its children."

Rope said with a smile.

"It is the embodiment of the "jungle and the selfish side" of the will of the world, but it is still part of the will of the world. You are also creatures born in this world. "Contradictions" not only exist in you mortals and gods, but also in the will of the labyrinth. "

The inability to violate its own contradictions.

Want to kill; can't kill; want to make monsters prosper; can't make monsters prosper.

Will is the unity of pan-thinking and the concretization of contradictions.

In addition, among the gods there is a powerful "God" Uranus who sacrifices the will of the labyrinth day and night, so the labyrinth can only express its dissatisfaction through some minor details.

Hierarchy masters, special anti-virus creatures, monsters flying outside the world, these are all products of compromise.

"Listen, the maze is singing."

Luo Pei closed his eyes and said softly.

"It's a long, old ballad full of helplessness and anger... It hates men and gods more and more."

The members of the Loki family were horrified by what Rope said.

For the first time, they had such a strong feeling of "being watched maliciously by others".

"Then, if this goes on like this, what will happen to us?"

The carefree Amazon girl, Tiona also folded her arms involuntarily.

For human beings, the term "hate of the will of the world" is really scary.

"Nothing will happen."

Rope said.

"Don't worry, the sky will fall, and tall people will bear it. Don't look at the gods in your city who are boring and very unreliable, but they are undoubtedly protecting you. Even until the end of the long time, the will of the labyrinth solved it Confronting your own contradictions, and starting to take full-scale action, that is also something that the gods who stand in the first echelon of biology need to consider."

"Is that so..."

The Loki family all heaved a sigh of relief.

"Before you do that, the maze is more tolerable than you think. Only if you don't die of its "little" dissatisfaction. "

Luo Pei looked at Ai Si, who was taken aback for a moment, and then walked to Luo Pei's side as if understanding.

The blond girl saluted respectfully.

"Ace Wallenstein, you're looking for a promotion, aren't you?"

"is teacher."

"Then make up your mind."

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