The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1571

Luo Pei pressed one hand on the wall of the maze, and a huge divine power emerged, continuously exerting pressure on the will of the maze, temporarily usurping its control over the entire maze.

It emits a negligible amount of energy, which annihilates the entire surrounding monsters.

Everyone in the Loki family, except for Ai Si, knelt hard on the ground, looking like they were having difficulty breathing.

"Maybe for your companions, this is just an easy money-making expedition. But for you who call me "teacher", I don't intend to make it easy for you. During this expedition, I want you to be promoted to "LV.6", or even "LV.7". are you ready? "

Ace nodded resolutely.

"Thank you teacher, no matter how difficult it is, I am ready."

She has her own goals, she wants to gain power.

The olive branch dropped by the outside gods, Aisi will firmly grasp it and never let go easily.

Even if the danger you face will be life-threatening, isn't adventurer a profession that dances on the blade?

If you are not in danger, how can you talk about breaking through yourself.

"very good."

Rope smiled brightly.

"Then move towards the position of "Sword Master", I will prepare everything, Ais. "

Chapter 26: The Labyrinth Paradise and the Sword Fairy's Trial

After Lopez's serious speech, the Loki family became nervous.

But they were relieved when they found out that the God of Miracles didn't intend to immediately display incredible powers and put Ais into a trial.

In their imagination, the meaning of what Luo Pei said was that they might use the power of some outside gods that they didn't know to call out powerful monsters from deep inside. At that time, not only Ais, but they themselves will also face a very difficult battle.

This made the Loki family members who were not well supplied and had not adjusted their mentality to have a toothache.

But fortunately, the God of Miracles seemed to only target Ai Si, and magnanimously let them continue to the safe level they were planning to go to.

"Hey, Tiona, do you think that Miss Aisi is getting too close to that god?"

Holding her wand, the elven girl Refia asked the Amazon girl in a low voice.

"Huh? Is there?"

Tiona didn't seem to care about this, she glanced at the last god and the blond girl in the army, and said indifferently.

"Did you hear that too? Ais called Mr. Luo Pei a "teacher". Isn't it natural for a teacher and a disciple to get close? Moreover, Master Luo Pei is also preparing to train Aisi Devil, and he is probably talking about the details of the training right now. "


Refiya's anxious little face flushed, and she couldn't form a complete sentence for a long time.

"I think...that's the kind...Miss Ais and Mrs. Luo Pei seem to have some...more than the relationship between teachers and students...Well! It's mainly Mrs. Luo Pei, I suspect that he has taken a fancy to Miss Ais Otherwise, how could I do my best for Miss Aisi!"

"Just look at it, that's Ais's own business, don't care about humans or gods, as long as two people see each other, isn't it normal for intercourse and love? What's more, Mrs. Rope and Olalie are different gods. , He is very powerful and domineering, sometimes I look at him and I am eager to be conquered. It is also a good choice to dedicate the treasured virgin to the gods of another world."

As an Amazon female warrior, Tiona has a wild concept of mate selection.

Originally, this race was famous for "snatching men".

There are no male warriors in the Amazon, and the babies born by Amazon women are all female without exception.

Because of this characteristic, they often use force to rob the men they like, and use them as husbands or pets, and those sad guys who seem to be lucky almost end up being squeezed into mummies or turned into reproductive machines fate.

In the eyes of Amazon female warriors, "strong" is the best choice for mate selection.

The pure elf blushed when she was told, and turned her head away from embarrassment.

"I'm ignoring you!"

"What, isn't it the topic you raised, Refia? The elves are so strange..."

Tiona felt baffled.

I am afraid that the Amazon girl will not be able to understand the redundant reserve of the elves in her whole life.

Chatting, killing many monsters along the way, and collecting magic stones along the way, finally the Loki family and Rope arrived at the rare safe level in the maze.

The eighteenth floor is "Maze Paradise".

Going north through the forest from the tunnel cave in the south, the first thing that appears in front of you is the prairie with crystals scattered everywhere. The emerald green field that spreads out in the center of the floor and the clear and cloudless underground sky are quite spectacular. A giant tree rises from the center of the grassland, known as the central tree, and there is a tree hole under the root, from which you can go to the nineteenth floor.

"Are you here again?" Tiona muttered, "Although the scenery is nice, I can't even like it..."

"Haha, don't complain, this is also a necessary expense. We can't just take our supplies and take risks in the dungeon, right?"

Finn comforted his regiment.

What is directly proportional to the beautiful scenery here is the price of goods here.

It is almost several times higher than the ground, because it is built in the transfer station and rest point of the underground city, and the difficulty of consignment and delivery of various materials is scary.

Rope looked at the town made of planks and stones, and the entrance was written with "Rivera Town" on an arch made of wooden pillars and flags.

"Lord Rope, we plan to repair and increase the material reserves in Rivera Town. In order to cope with the adventures of the next month or even longer, if you feel bored, you can go sightseeing on this floor. The scenery here Still pretty good."

Finn said with a smile.

Rope nodded, and then called Ace.

"Ace, come with me."

"is teacher."

Ignoring the needle-pricking sight of an elf girl who has the qualifications to become a "Lily Beast", Lopez took the most beautiful flower among the Loki family and started wandering around the "Maze Paradise" on the eighteenth floor.

With the breeze blowing, the maze-like blue sky and white clouds give people a refreshing feeling.

Luo Pei abruptly broke off a piece of crystal, put it in his palm and looked at it carefully.

Ace thought several times before asking.

"Teacher, what should I do about the trial you mentioned?"

"Ais, before I answer this question, you first answer me a question."

Lopez glanced at Ace's outfit.

"As an adventurer, what's the matter with your sexy backless battle suit and fluffy miniskirt?"

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