The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1572


For the first time, Ai Si's face turned reddish.

She tugged at the corner of her miniskirt and said in a slightly helpless tone.

"This is Loki's request. She said that only in this way can I match my temperament."

"I knew it."

According to Aisi's naturally dumb personality, no matter how she thinks about it, she won't work hard on the battle attire.

If the blond girl chooses by herself, she will definitely push the practicality to the maximum, instead of these costumes that seem to be attending a banquet.

"Although it's really impressive in appearance, your carapace alone can't resist much damage, let alone your unprotected skirt."

"Hmm..." Ai Si nodded, "I'll change this clothes when I go back."

"No, I'll give it to you."

Luo Pei casually pulled out a string of galaxy-like curtains.

It was flying like a feather coat, but when Ai Si took it over, she found that it was just a superficial appearance.

This Galaxy Clothes is both flexible and strong, and in the hands of Aisi, it can be turned into what it wants with its will. Even a simple girl like Ai Si knows that such a dress must be worth a lot to the outside world.

"Teacher, I..."

As soon as Ai Si wanted to refuse, Luo Pei raised her hand to stop her.

"For the next battle, this suit is necessary." Luo Pei smiled and said, "You don't want to be cut in two by monsters, or the powerful enemies that are coming, right? Well, although you are broken into several sections I can also resurrect you, but that kind of feeling is definitely not good..."


"This distance should not be a big problem, and the wide field is also very suitable."

Luo Pei clenched his palm lightly, and the whole world shook violently.

In Ais' eyes, the maze seemed to be "alive". The spar shattered, soil appeared, and white reeds grew out of the soil.

The sky is also turning into night without knowing it, and the bright moon hangs high above the head.

The adventurers in Rivera Town reacted instantly, living in the maze, if they were not vigilant enough, they might have fallen into the belly of the monster long ago.

"What, what's the matter?"

"Is the disaster of the maze coming again? Damn it! Rivera town has been rebuilt more than 330 times, and it still doesn't let us go."

"Adventurers above LV.2 hurry up and gather, let's go see what happened!"

The adventurers scrambled to put on their equipment, and then rushed towards the center of the mutation.

Not long after entering the town of Rivera, the Loki family members who were still negotiating with the store were stunned, and they thought of a possibility by coincidence.

"No way?"

Riveria frowned.

"Is it possible that Mr. Rope is planning to be in the security class..."


Finn smiled wryly.

"This is what I told the lord, there will be no monsters and other people disturbing here, and the place is very spacious..."

"Ace's trial begins now!? Is it too hasty?"

"Come on, let's go and have a look."

Unlike the adventurers in "Maze Paradise", Ais was staring at the "miracle" scene in front of her with wide eyes.

"Answer your question just now, this is your trial."

Rope said calmly.

"I temporarily replaced the will of the labyrinth, twisting and changing the monsters in the state of "layer master" with the power of "dream". Without a doubt, Ace, the one before you is your first enemy. "

"And the swordsmanship you will learn is called "Ashina Ryu". "

"I have buried the seeds in your brain and soul. Feel and awaken in the confrontation with the strong blade. I will witness at this moment, witness your growth and transcendence."

Ace clenched the black rapier in her hand.

Among the reeds, there was a young man with his back to her.

That kind of humanoid monster youth held an oriental samurai sword in his hand, and the handle of the knife bloomed like a lotus flower, exuding black ominous aura.

Turning around, the scarlet and irrational pupils made Ais's heart tremble.

——like a knife cutting across the neck, the sharpness of death.

More and more adventurers gathered here. They stared dumbfounded at the abnormal situation in front of them, as well as Ai Si and Luo Pei as the central point, and they couldn't figure out what happened.

Under the roaring golden thunder in the sky, the humanoid monster raised his long knife.

Pure killing intent permeated the "Maze Paradise".

Chapter 27 "Sekiro" Ace Wallenstein

More and more adventurers gathered on the crystalline plain of this "Maze Paradise", they stared blankly at the reeds that did not belong here, and the red-eyed young man standing with his back to the moonlight.

Humanity? Adventurer?

Many people had such doubts, but when they noticed the purple magic stone on the young man's forehead, they sat on the ground in horror.

"That, that's a monster!"

"Humanoid monster? And holding a magic weapon? What happened to the maze..."

"Look, that's the "Sword Princess" of the Loki family, and the God of Miracles who is in the limelight recently! "

"The gods came to the dungeon? Could it be that this change was caused by the gods?"

Thousands of questions could not be answered, and some adventurers couldn't bear it and wanted to ask for details.

But a spear stopped them all.

"The head of the Loki family, Finn the Brave? "

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