The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1574

Not surprisingly, the attack was blocked.

But Kenichiro Ashina's red eyes widened.

"..."One word cut"? "

The blade began to go berserk, and Aisi felt more and more clearly the leap of something.

Around the battle between the two, countless reeds flew into the sky, like a moving storm of blades.

Imitating the flowing water, the blade bounces back beautifully, which is likened to a carp climbing a waterfall - "climbing a carp"!

The appearance of bouncing back the blade and attacking one after another is likened to a carp rushing down a waterfall - "xia carp"!

Flowing water is powerful, and it should not be head-to-head against strength. It should be soft and strong like flowing water—"flowing water"!

This is what the teacher said... Is Wei Mingliu's swordsmanship?

Swinging the sword more and more smoothly, Aisi successfully pushed the red-eyed youth into a defensive position. Coupled with the magic of wind wrapped around her body, the combination of wind and water makes her look like a koi jumping on the lake, whether it is breathing or body strength, it is almost one with nature.

"This is!?"

Finn's eyes widened.

He asked Riveria calmly.

"Rivelia, have you ever seen Lord Rope teach these skills to Ais during training?"


The elf royal family also looked solemnly at the blond girl on the battlefield.

"This kind of swordsmanship and skills are unheard of..."

All the Loki Familia turned their attention to the black-haired young man standing quietly outside the battlefield, who changed everything.

There was a smile on the corner of Luo Pei's mouth, as if he was not surprised by Ais's behavior.

Of course, those sword skills were directly etched in Aisi's mind by him, and there was no detail missing in every aspect.

The rest is to rely on Aisi's aptitude to use this power.

Finally, under Aisi's continuous onslaught and rebound, Kenichiro Ashina had a huge opening.

The blond girl didn't miss this flaw. She quickly stepped back dozens of steps, squeezing all the strength and magic essence of her body to the limit in an instant, and the breeze wrapped around her body also turned into a strong wind.

Putting the knife back into its sheath, Ai Si seemed to focus all her energy on the blade.

"—"Cross Cut". "

The unpretentious name represents Wei Mingliu's powerful moves that are listed as "stunt skills".

From top to bottom, from left to right, the slashes issued at the same time merged into a cross.

On Aisi's pitch-black blade, there was even a faint halo of pure white slashing.

After cultivating the sword to a certain extreme, the attribute of "sharpness" naturally opened the door to girls.

Even if the red-eyed young man resisted with a sword, it couldn't be offset. The white halo passed through the lotus blade and fell on him as it was.

The battlefield froze after this fight.

Everyone looked at the center of the battlefield with bated breath, wanting to know who would win, the sword girl or the humanoid monster with terrifying sword skills.

The battle of blades in a short period of time has conquered all the adventurers in Rivera Town.

A moment later, the red-eyed young man's chest glowed with a cross of blood, and he knelt down helplessly.

"I won!"

"As expected of Sword Princess!"

"Miss Ace is amazing!"

"After all, why are there such terrible monsters born in the maze? If I go up, I will be killed in an instant..."

The adventurers were cheering, but only Lopez nodded slightly.

After defeating Kenichiro Ashina, the training he prepared for Aisi has only just begun.

"Let me take a good look, do you have the courage and aptitude to surpass that "Old Sword Master", Ais...after crossing over, it will be the power you have been longing for all this time. "

Chapter 28 Thunder and Yehuo's Sword Master, Promoted Sword Fairy

After defeating her opponent, Aisi breathed a sigh of relief.

Just as she was about to sheath her sword and return to her teacher, Luo Pei, a slight murmur came from the red-eyed young man next to her.

"In the end...Even if it's an illusory shadow, I can't accomplish anything..."

As Genichiro Ashina stood up with difficulty, the cheers of the adventurers also stopped.

They were all incredulous, the slash that could almost rip apart the body couldn't show any effect on this humanoid monster?

In terms of shock, Aisi herself was the most shocking.

She knew very well that the "cross cut" just now not only severed the spine of the red-eyed youth, but also severed his heart and lungs.

Even "toughness" is too much.

It's almost like being immortal.

Ais focused on it, but Genichiro Ashina did not attack again.

He looked at Luo Pei at the edge of the battlefield, with a self-deprecating smile on his lips.

"So that's the case... This is your purpose... It's obviously an illusory shadow created by you, why did you give me such a clear mind..."

He rested the lotus blade on his neck.

"Forget it, in this way, you will get your wish..."

Then, something happened that shocked everyone present.

The red-eyed young man raised his sword and slashed himself, blood spattered three feet, bowed his head and lost his voice.

The rest of the people didn't expect that the humanoid monster with frightening sword skills would choose such a dramatic ending, ending with suicide.

Ai Si was also a little at a loss, looking at Luo Pei blankly.

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