The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1575

Crunch, crunch, crunch.

The strange sound resounded through the reeds, and the chattering crowd stopped talking.

Aisi turned her head to look at Zenichiro Ashina's position, and suddenly, a gust of cold air rushed from the soles of her feet to the top of her head, causing the girl's pupils to shrink unnaturally.

I saw the red-eyed young man who was dead but still standing, stretching out a thin arm from the wound on his neck.

The black miasma swept over the sky and covered the sky, like the whisper of the god of death in the underworld, blowing Aisi's golden hair.

The arm took over the lotus blade in the hand of the red-eyed youth, and then slowly pulled out his entire body from the wound in a creepy state.

It was an old man with one eye and a scar on his face.

His thin body was covered with aqua blue short sleeves, and his helmet was a style that Aisi had never seen before.

Although it looked dry, as if a gust of wind could blow it away, the pressure that the old man put on Aisi was unmatched by the red-eyed young man just now.

If the enemy just now was a rusty sword, then the old man in front of him is like putting the knife in its sheath and preserving the bright killing sword.

"Do phantoms also have the way of survival that phantoms carry out... I don't care about it, I just feel sorry for my grandson..."

The old man sighed.

Aisi slowly drew out the blade again and asked cautiously.

"Who are you?"

She could ignore the red-eyed youth, but her intuition told her that when facing this majestic old man, she must know his name.

"Name? Is that necessary for a Phantom?"

The old man shook his head.

"However, if the little girl wants to know, the old man will tell you... Wei Ming Yixin is the old man's name, and the Wei Ming people in Pirate Country also call the old man "Sword Master". Of course, you don't understand these little girls..."

Although Aisi couldn't understand what the old man said before, she could still feel how powerful the word "Sword Master" contained.

It's not just Ais who is facing the pressure of the old Juggernaut.

The Loki family on the high platform also felt a strange sense of crisis.

It seems that even if they are LV.6, they will be beheaded without any suspense when facing that strange old man.

"Weiming is single-minded..."

"Are you ready, little girl?"

Wei Ming lowered the blade slightly with all her heart.

"The phantom's way of survival is to implement its meaning of existence... This old man will not show mercy."


Ace touched her stomach.

Unbelievably, the position that was attacked just now no longer hurts.

Probably her teacher cast some kind of magical magic, so that she could face the old man intact.

Ai Si understood that Wei Ming Yixin in front of her was the "trial" Mr. Luo Pei had prepared for her.

Seeing the blond girl wash away her uneasiness and see the resolute sword, Wei Ming also smiled, that smile was the same as when he repeated the experience of death fighting when he was young.

Whether it's old people, women or children, as long as they are considered worthy opponents, they will be killed!

"Going up!"

There was a faint thunder in the sky, and the figures of Wei Ming Yi Xin and Ai Si were intertwined.

Just the first time they fought against each other, Ai Si suffered a lot.

She was shocked to find that the sword technique she used was also used by the opponent, and she was even more skilled than her.

Climbing the carp, descending the carp, flowing water, one-word chopping, one-word chopping two consecutive, cross-cutting...

Carrying a more powerful "sharp" sword energy than Aisi, Wei Ming Yixin's swordsmanship is just like his title, it has already become a saint, and there is no extra movement in every move, and the knife cuts at Aisi's weakest place.

Soon, Aisi's ribs were attacked, and the sound of bone cracking came into her ears clearly.

Impossible, I can't be the opponent of the old man in front of me.

Ace clearly realized this.

Sheathing the knife into its sheath, and making sharp slashes across a radius of tens of meters, Ai Si looked at the few golden hairs falling in front of her eyes, and her breathing became exhausted.

Not to mention attacking, just dealing with Wei Ming's single-minded move, she has already expended 12 points of effort. The cross slash just learned was resisted by the old man with the same move and even stronger sword energy.

The magic that protects Aisi's body is constantly being cut, and the stored magic essence cannot be fully released again.

"Ha ha……"

Sweat dripped down the girl's forehead, and Aisi's eyes became blurred.

The hands holding the sword were extremely stiff. If it weren't for a stronger obsession supporting the girl, she would have been on the ground long ago.

You can't let the teacher down... This is a trial specially prepared by the teacher...

Wei Ming Yixin was still smiling.

"There's a hand, little girl, with this, my blood is gradually boiling..."

He stepped on the ground with his right foot, and after a dull sound, he unbelievably pulled out a spear from the soil.

With the appearance of the spear, Wei Ming Yixin's momentum skyrocketed again out of thin air.

"There are many things that I am proud of in my life, but in terms of comprehension of power, there are only two! One is the "thunder" I learned from Ba! "

The golden thunder surged in the clouds, and after the deafening flash, the spear was entwined with golden lightning power.

"And the other one is the karmic fire that will never go out after cutting off Shura's arm!"

On the blade of the lotus flower, all the black miasma disappeared.

It was replaced by a blazing, crimson flame of hatred.

Luo Pei did not follow the final BOSS template in "Sekiro" and simply shaped Wei Ming Yixin. He used the power of dreams to fuse "Yehuo Yixin" and "Pensheng Yixin" together, as Aisi's real test object , A mountain that needs to be crossed.

——The Sword Master of Thunder and Fire!

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