The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1576

The temperature of the flame and the electric current of the thunder stinged Aisi's beautiful cheek.

During the interactive practice with Captain Finn, the girls have never been so desperate. Wei Mingyixin, who possesses the two powers of karma and thunder, is completely above the threat of Finn, and has arrived in this world LV.7 or There is still a step up.

On the high cliff, Refiya couldn't sit still any longer, she gritted her teeth and jumped off the top, ran all the way to Luo Pei, grabbed the corner of his clothes with both hands and pleaded.

"Lord Luo Pei, Aisi can't beat that monster at all! If this is your trial, let it stop! Aisi will die!"


Rope smiled and raised his fingers.

"Be quiet, Refia, everything is under my control. Look carefully at the eyes of Aisi, are those eyes desperately trying to escape?"

Refiya was taken aback, and looked at Ais according to Luo Pei's words.

The blonde girl's body was trembling, but her eyes were still stubborn and stubborn.

——She desires power more than anyone else.

Refia clearly understood this.

A strong person who can be an opponent does not appear all the time. Aisi will neither disappoint her teacher nor give up this rare opportunity for trial.

"Besides, my seed doesn't only contain Ashina's swordsmanship..."

The old sword master leaped high, and the lightning above the spear spread throughout the sky, turning the handle of the spear into a golden beam of thunder, and smashed it fiercely towards Aisi.

Aisi didn't dare to take it hard, so she could only temporarily distance herself.

But Wei Ming Yixin laughed jokingly, thrust the lotus flower blade into the ground, and quickly took out a musket from his bosom.

"If you hesitate, you will lose!"

Just as in the "100 Forms of Swordsmanship" written by German swordsman Michael Hunt, the hundredth form is "My lord, the times have changed", the convenience and secrecy of guns are above the blade. , even if it is difficult to exert its due power in this kind of magical world, it is still a means of sneak attack to win.

Ai Si, who was in the process of retreating, did not have time to split the bullet with her sword, and the lead bullets fell on her body like raindrops.

The Cloak of Galaxy resisted the piercing damage, but the impact really made the blond girl go mad with pain all over her body.

"That's the end, little girl...let me put an end to the illusory shadow at this moment."

Holding the Karma Sword wholeheartedly, Wei Ming charged forward amidst the surging red lotus flames.

His blade is entwined with a fire of hatred that can burn people's hearts, and it intensifies under the deliberate blast of the old sword master, which can easily turn people or other things into ashes.

The Loki family couldn't watch from the sidelines, they rushed down one by one, trying to save Aisi.

But at the moment when the burning fire sword fell on Aisi, the blond girl supported the ground with her left hand, and the black rapier in her right hand blocked Karma's blade at an inconceivable angle.


Wei Ming Yixin let out a voice of surprise.

The karmic fire on his lotus blade is gradually being absorbed by Aisi's blade.

The light of flames was reflected in Jian Ji's pupils.

After killing countless people, the fire of resentment appeared, and this curse was turned into a skill, the sword skill that let the flames attach to the blade, its name is——

"Tooth Slash!"

That was the return of the flames, the tyrannical red lotus's lord-killing roar.

Ais attached all the karmic fire on Weiming Yixin's blade to her own blade, and returned it to the old sword master as a weapon.

With the flames stretching to the end of his sight, Wei Ming was overwhelmed by his own karma.

At the same time, although Aisi did not update the attribute bar through the main god, she could clearly feel that some kind of shackle in her body between the chaos of life and death had been broken.

"Sword Princess" Aisi Wallenstein, advanced to "LV.6"!

Chapter 29: The End of the Sword Fight, The Female Sword Master of the Labyrinth

"what is that?"

Riveria stopped in her tracks, watching Ais's actions in shock.

"Ais bounced back that level of fire magic...?"

If Riveria were to use the old man's flame attack, he would have to recite a rather long incantation.

But this kind of attack, in Aisi's hand, just swung the sword back in full, and its power was even better.

Maybe it's because Riveria didn't have much contact with Rope, and because Rope stayed with Ais all the time, except for the scarlet sword that crossed the sky that day, it was very difficult for Riveria to deal with Rope. What is the real feeling of being a powerful god in another world.

At this moment, the beauty of the elf royal family realized that the black-haired young man who stood quietly was indeed an existence that did not belong to the same dimension as this world.

How long has it been since Luo Pei and Ai Si met each other?

three months? two months? or shorter?

But it was such a short time for an adventurer, he forcibly taught the "LV.5" adventurer under Riveria's nose, to the point that even she couldn't understand it at this time.

...Is this the greatness of the gods of another world?

"Regiment, regiment leader?"

Diona was carrying the big double blade, she didn't want to go, she didn't want to go, she just stood there awkwardly.

"Aisi's attack just now should have LV.6, right?"


Finn sighed.

"It's not just LV.6. It's unheard of in history to use such a sword skill without reciting a spell, and instantly rebound such powerful flame magic."

"Then shall we go and help Aisi?"

Tione asked with a headache.

The members of the Loki family were speechless and could only ask for Luo Pei's opinion.

The latter just smiled slightly.

"Just look at it, Ace is even better than you imagined, especially under my teaching and strengthening."

His name is Rope, the most powerful demigod in the multiverse, destined to be crowned with the true crown of gods.

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