The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1579

But Rope said with a smile.

"I didn't see the feeling of being "drag" from the faces of Finn and the others. The first thing they did when they returned to Rivera Town was to go to the tavern to eat and drink a lot, in order to celebrate Aisi, your strength has improved to a higher level. "

"I've become LV.6..."

"I don't know much about the gift system in your world. You have to ask Loki for the data after you return."

Luo Pei took out a glass bottle out of thin air, filled Aisi with dream juice and handed it over.

The girl took it with both hands.

"However, I can guarantee that your "LV.6" is definitely different from other people's "LV.6". Even if you encounter "LV.7" adventurers or monsters with the exquisite swordsmanship in your mind, you will not be at a disadvantage. "

The Ashina swordsmanship that Lope gave to Ais comes from the skill in the game "Sekiro".

It looks simple and unpretentious, but it is extremely dangerous.

With the blessing of the unique "sharpness" attribute in that world, the enemy will be cut into several sections if he is not careful.

In reality, there is no blood bar in the game. Unless it is an "immortal" enemy, if you cut to the point, you will be really dead.

"These are all thanks to the teacher."

Ace's smile is very subtle, but it cannot be ignored.

"Without your guidance and all kinds of magical teachings, I might still be stuck at "LV.5", doing meaningless training with the air..."

"You underestimate yourself, you will be promoted even without my help."

Rope pointed to his blue pupils.

"I can't go wrong with my eyes."

In the quiet hotel room, only the sound of Aisi sipping juice remained.

Looking up at Luo Pei who was tidying up the desktop, some inexplicable emotions suddenly surged in the girl's heart.

She couldn't tell what it was like, but she just felt that her teacher was really excellent, without any flaws that were unworthy of his "god", it was almost as if he was perfect.

In this mood, Aisi also took a closer look at her even though she usually felt that she had no appearance.

"Yo! Ace! Are you still sleeping? I'll bring you something delicious... huh?"

The brown-skinned Amazon girl, Tiona carried a roasted pork leg, and wildly pushed open the door of the hotel.

Under the power of LV.6, the wooden door made a creaking sound, as if it was about to fall down the next moment.


"Ah, are you awake?"

Tiona looked at Ace sitting by the bed, then at Rope by the window, blinked, her expression changed from surprise to ridicule.

"Our Lord God really can't hold back. He even came to sneak attack while Ai Si was unconscious... Did you succeed? Let me see if there is blood on the bed sheet!"

"Tiona, teacher, he just came to take care of me."

"Is that all that's left on your mind?"

While talking, Rope gently raised his finger and put the food that Tiona brought into the plate.

The Amazon girl smiled heartlessly.

"What's the matter, love between a man and a woman is the most normal thing. A girl as good as Ai Si, with your status as a god, doesn't hurt you too much, does it? Well, but you seem to be with He The God of Stia has some relationship... Is this to develop Aisi into a lover?"


Ace's voice grew louder.

The thin expression and natural dullness does not mean that he can remain indifferent when he is said so.

She didn't want her teacher's noble style to be slandered by her peers.

"Amazon girls are always full of energy." Luo Pei laughed.

"As you said!" Tiona gave a thumbs up.

"Enthusiasm is the motto of our Amazon! I am also in a super single state! If Ace doesn't mind, Lord God can come and talk to me!"


Under Diona's active atmosphere, the room was filled with joy for a while.

"Speaking of which, are you going to go deeper?"

said Rope, looking at Tiona with the big Double Blades on her shoulders.

The Amazon girl nodded.

"I came to check on Aisi's situation. Since Aisi has no problems, we are going to go to the deepest part of the maze. Not only in terms of making money, but seeing Aisi's trial, we are all excited now. Rope Do you want to continue to come with us, sir? There are still many beautiful scenery on the lower floor?"

"I don't need it."

"Teacher, are you going back to Olalie?"

"No, I have some other matters and I have to separate from you for a while."

As for the heresy that Uranus begged, he should also check it out.

"But the maze is very complicated." Tiona said with some concern: "Even veterans will get lost in the maze. If you don't have a detailed map, you should have a hard time walking, right?"

"Haha, don't forget who I am."

Lopez threw all the remaining juice to Tiona, and the girl hurriedly took it.

"I can even tamper with the will of the maze. Do you think I will be trapped in the maze by the terrain?"

"Well, sometimes I do forget that you are a god..."

"Please be careful all the way."

"Oh, by the way, Ace, next is my little suggestion."

"Yes? Please tell me?"

"Your leg."

Rope pointed to Ace's smooth legs.

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