The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1580

"That star suit has a powerful reshaping function. I strongly recommend that you replace your blue boots with black tights, which will not only be more aesthetically pleasing, but will also make your body It is a little more convenient to move, and it can make up for the shortcomings of your miniskirt."


Ace thought about it seriously.

But Tiona grasped the point at once.

"Socks? Lord Luo Pei, do you like girls wearing stockings?" The Amazon girl scratched her head: "Usually speaking, isn't it better to have bare legs, because you can see a lot of skin..."

"You don't understand, there is a feeling called hazy."

Lopez smoothed out the folds of his blouse and said with a smile.

"I'm not going to say goodbye to Finn, please help me to inform him. If there is a destiny, we will meet in the maze. If I am busy with things, we will meet again at the Loki family on the return journey." Bar."

"Oh well!"

After leaving the town of Rivera, Rope walked towards the interlayer of the maze where the heretics were.

Chapter 31 The mighty god, the golden singer and bird girl

When Luo Pei took over the consciousness of the labyrinth, he already knew the details of where the heretics were hiding.

Below the nineteenth floor, or in the mezzanine of the "big tree labyrinth".

This also explains the contradiction of the maze in disguise.

Obviously, it itself knew the location of these heretics, but the maze consciousness acted as if it hadn't seen it, tolerantly leaving a living space for those children who were not recognized by any party. But because the heretics are different, it doesn't stop the monsters from hunting the heretics.

I am afraid that it is this kind of contradictory consciousness that can give birth to such contradictory creatures as heretics.

Luo Pei walked all the way in the corridor of the "big tree labyrinth", and the monsters he encountered were intimidated by his majesty and did not dare to approach easily.

He whispered softly in his mouth, as if communicating with some existence.

"Don't worry so much, I won't do anything... Since you don't like the heretical children you created, why do you want to leave the soil for them to live? You have a contradiction that you can't overcome, let me Let me solve it for you."

It is none other than the labyrinth that existed under the earth from ancient times to the one talking to the demon.

After Rope took away its consciousness and control, it fully realized how different this god was from ordinary gods.

That kind of filth, like the power of a highly poisonous pool, made the will of the labyrinth deeply fearful.

After passing through the labyrinth of big trees, what Luo Pei saw was a cave full of quartz. Probably because of the proximity to the labyrinth grain storehouse, there are also dreamlike emeralds mixed in those quartz.

Not attracted by the scenery, Luo Pei came all the way to a pool of spring water.

The transparent and pure water can even be seen clearly at the bottom. When you reach out to scoop it up, the spring water feels icy cold to the touch.

And beneath that deep spring there were caves leading to strange places.

There was no need for Luo Pei to move, when his feet touched the spring water, those water streams would automatically separate, gently supporting him to move forward into the depths of the cave.

According to the judgment of the Olalie Adventurer's Guild, this place belongs to the "unexplored class". Only in this kind of place that adventurers don't know, heretics can live in peace, without worrying about being killed suddenly.

Because they were born monsters, they cannot be tolerated by humans.

Because they have human hearts, they cannot be accepted by monsters.

When Luo Pei set foot on the ground again, the surrounding vision widened.

No longer narrow caves, but rocky lands of quartz and shimmering moss.

It was very quiet all around, only the sound of water droplets falling.

The black-haired young man's sharp eyes can see, and he is holding his breath in the darkness, observing his aliens.

There are all kinds of singing birds, which are half-human and half-bird, with gargoyles and griffins hanging on the top, and those who crawl on the ground are half-human, half-snake Lamia, unicorn rabbits, beast barbarians, warriors, etc. Shadows, human spiders, unicorns...

According to Olalie's division, these monsters come from all the floor areas, the upper floor, the middle floor, the lower floor, and the deep floor.

But without exception, they all radiate hostility.

Strong alert, Luo Pei could even hear the heavy breathing of some weak monsters.

"No need to hide, come out."

Rope said to the dark cave.

"I came here entrusted by Uranus, not an adventurer. If you have compatriots with judgment, you should be able to easily distinguish this."

After the black-haired youth's voice fell for a long time, there was no movement in the cave.

But maybe it was the name of the old god "Uranus" that gave the heretics courage. With a rustling sound, a figure cautiously walked out from the rock wall.

It was a lizardman covered in red.

The vertical pupil of a cold-blooded animal, a long sword in his right hand, and a scimitar in his left hand. The scale-covered torso is also equipped with breastplate, waist guard, shoulder pads and knee pads. Environmental factors prevent them from being properly maintained, but they are still well-armed.

The lizardman stopped vigilantly ten meters away from Rope.

"Uranus... You just said that Uranus sent you here, right? Are you a god? Are you the same god as that Ganesha?"

"Maybe there's a difference, but it's okay if you think so."

Among Orari, Uranus and Ganesha conspired with the two gods to protect the heretics, so it is not surprising that Rope's remarks about the lizard people.

"Then, what is the Lord God doing here? Usually that black-robed skeleton comes here..."

"Regarding your future, Uranus please put it on my head, and it may also be beneficial to me. I will see you with my own eyes when I come to the labyrinth by the way."

"I, how should I trust you?"

The situation of heretics makes them afraid to trust others easily.

Because many companions have died at the hands of seemingly benign adventurers, some adventurers even think that heretics are rare species, and they will capture and sell them to other kingdoms besides Orario.

Regardless of how beautiful the gods and adventurers render Orari, the filth of the human world still exists.

Especially the nobles of those kingdoms.

"It's too troublesome to explain one by one..."

Luo Pei sighed, and then snapped his fingers in the inexplicable eyes of the lizard man.

"I don't need you to trust me, you just need to believe in the facts before you. You just need to know that if I have the idea of ​​harming you, you won't even survive a second."


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