The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1583

Rey looked at Luo Pei and said softly.

"Her name is Mari, and she is a mermaid who lives in the "Giant Cang Waterfall"...My lord, if your plan needs her, then let me take you to meet her?" "

"My name is Rope, and I prefer this title to "God-sama". "

Rope laughed.

After the heretics whispered to each other, it turned into murmurs of cheers in various tones.

The long and panic-stricken life seems to fade away, and they will usher in a new transformation.

Unlike the gods who insisted on conservative treatment of Olalie, the gods who could break the rules and possessed real power were willing to accept them, and generously bestowed the first ray of dawn in this dark labyrinth.

Chapter 33 God? I specialize in killing gods

In the passage of the grotto in the underground labyrinth, Lei Yifei looked at the black-haired young man walking in front of him in mid-air.

To be honest, this is not the first time she has seen a god.

Although Uranus' family member "Sage" Ferrar is usually in charge of contacting the heretics, but as the earliest group of heretics, Rey is also fortunate to have met the "God" Uranus and the "group leader" "Ganesha these two gods.

Serious old gods are not good at getting close; elephant-faced male gods jump out happily.

The feeling that the two gods gave to Rey was completely incomparable to that of God Luo Pei in front of her at the moment.

It is not so much a poisonous flower exuding a seductive fragrance, but rather a star with a sense of majesty and intimacy that contradict each other.

Want to get to know this god who is willing to extend a helping hand to monsters without discrimination, but shrinks back because of biological instinctive fear.

I'm afraid, this is the god with the power of a complete god, right?

Rey thought so.

"Heretics... are you having a hard time in this labyrinth?"

Hearing Luo Pei's question, Rey lifted her spirits, lowered her flying altitude, and answered behind Luo Pei.

"It's not very hard, Mr. Luo Pei."

The songbird girl said.

"There is a relationship between the "grain bank" in the maze, we are not short of food, and the place where we live is also hidden in the cracks between the classes. Just beware of monsters and adventurers from time to time, and you can't come to the floor casually. "

"Have you ever killed an adventurer?"


Rey was taken aback, and slowly fell from the sky to the ground.

Luo Pei paused and asked back.

"What's wrong?"

"No... I'm just thinking about how to answer your question."

"Simple, right? Yes, or no."

Rey was silent, then said.

"Since I was born in the labyrinth and gained sanity, I have never used my own strength to kill anyone. The same is true for Reed and the others. We yearn for peace and sunshine, so how can we use killing to bury our hopes... But we haven't found out yet My compatriots may have killed those adventurers when they had to, because..."

"Okay, that's enough, no need to explain."

Lopez waved his hand, stopping Rey from explaining.

"Don't over-interpret my question, I just want to know whether you are hopelessly stupid or retain the most basic biological instincts."

"I don't understand your words..."

Rey tilted her head, a perplexed expression on her beautiful face.

She thought that Luo Pei was investigating whether the heretics were guilty of murder, and she also wanted to try her best to explain something to those compatriots who were riding a tiger.

After all, it is rare to meet such a capable and benevolent god. If he bears the taint of "murder" and hates the god, it is very likely that his hopes will be dashed once again.

But obviously, Rope didn't mean that.

"Do you think I'm a god against killing? Quite the opposite."

The black-haired young man took out a fluorescent metal watch and said calmly while looking at the time.

"I don't want my new minion to be a piece of shit that's been overthrown by a hopelessly stupid name called "racial harmony." It's good that you persist in yearning for peace, but if you blindly forbear and retreat, then I may personally correct your wrong concept. "

"what do you mean?"

"In the future, when you meet adventurers who draw their swords at you, communicate with them once according to your insistence. If the communication fails, you are not allowed to escape. Kill them for me."

Rope said coldly.

"Dignity needs to be defended with blood, not flinching. To be my servant, you heretics have to keep this in mind. Don't worry about any big troubles. Since I am your main god, you will follow my orders It is up to me to bear the consequences of my actions.”

"But, Mr. Rope..."

Rey looked sad.

"Killing and being killed will form a chain of hatred. Those adventurers are your compatriots, that is, the children of the city gods and adults on the ground. We will cause you trouble..."

"So what about gods? I specialize in killing gods. Whoever dares to stand in front of me disrespectfully will never return to the heaven."

The singer and bird girl was awed by Luo Pei's murderous intent.

She had never heard of such a ferocious god.

Not only does it not show hospitality to humans and other demihuman races, but even the gods of the same race are not regarded in the slightest.

But thinking that they were the root cause of the gods' violence, Lei Yi's heart beat faster and faster a few times, her eyes were slightly moist.

In the blink of an eye, the murderous intent melted away like spring snow, and Luo Pei's smile returned to his face.

"Of course, this is just a special situation, and our general direction will not change." He looked ahead: "I feel a lot of water vapor, is the "Giant Cang Waterfall" just ahead? "




The singer's daughter was startled, and nodded quickly.

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