The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1584

"Yes, the "Giant Cang Waterfall" is ahead. Although I don't know if Mari is in the great lake now, but my speed and eyesight are good, so I can find her right away. "

"Don't worry, we have plenty of time."

Luo Pei looked at the winding passage ahead, and then at the wall next to him.

Immediately, he waved his hand lightly, causing a huge explosion in the maze, awakening countless sleeping monsters, and then fleeing screaming under the power of the gods.

Rey blocked the flying stones with her wings, squinted her eyes, and couldn't understand why the gods suddenly started destroying the walls of the maze.

But after the smoke cleared, she realized that they had already reached the top of the "Ju Cang Waterfall".

There is only a wall between them.

"This is more convenient."

Luo Pei smiled slightly and walked into the hole.

After Rey sighed helplessly, she flapped her wings to keep up.

——"Giant Cang Waterfall".

It was a truly huge waterfall that started from the twenty-fifth floor of the lower area.

The width is about 400 meters even by visual inspection, and the height is also double that. Perhaps because of the reflection of light, the rushing water has a blue emerald color, and the scenery of the fascinating waterfall is enough to make people forget that this is a dangerous underground city.

The cascading waterfalls converge into a bottomless lake, and the raised crystal peaks form the islands in the lake and the cliffs on the shore. There are countless monsters flying in the sky, and among them is the "singing bird" of the same race as Ley singing.

But they didn't have the clarity in Rey's eyes at all, only the cruelty occupied by animal nature.

Ley watched a pair of singing birds fighting for a big fish in the water, and after they fought like beasts, she felt a little ashamed of being a member of the same family, and even Luo Pei hid her wings behind her when she looked at her. As if this could make the noble and beautiful god in front of her temporarily forget her identity.

"Put your chest out," said Rope.

"Luo, Mr. Luo Pei...?"

"You are my servant now, don't feel inferior because of some inexplicable things."

The black-haired young man walked behind Rey, and put his hands on her delicate shoulders.

"I can tell the difference between you and them."

Rey immediately had no other thoughts except for a surge of emotion in her heart.

Although the time was short, she confirmed that the god in front of her was the dawn sun that was absolutely elusive for heretics.


Her mellow and pleasant tone was a little trembling, and she tried her best to hold back her tears, preventing her from crying in front of Luo Pei.

Then Rey spoke to her god.

"Please wait here for a while, when I find Mari, I will bring her to you."

"Then I'll enjoy the view of the waterfall here and have a drink."

Lopez beckoned, and a velvet red chair appeared behind him, and he sat on it with his legs crossed.

Not daring to delay, Lei Yi spread her wings and flew towards the "Ju Cang Waterfall".

This class is very large, and it would take a long time for Lei Yiguang to fly back and forth. During the search, Rey kept her flight trajectory as low as possible so that other monsters would not notice her, and then used her sharp eyes to search for traces of the mermaid in the lake.

Unfortunately, the mermaids found several of them, but none of them were their companion Mari.

Just as Rey was about to pull up a little, a small cry caught her attention.

"Rey, Rey..."

Soft as the sound of flowing water.

Rey swept her gaze and found a girl as beautiful as a pearl hiding behind the crystal.

On her long hair is a hair ornament made of seashells, her upper body is a beautiful girl, and her lower body is a forked fishtail shining with blue light.

The mermaid girl was waving happily, obviously very happy for Rey's arrival.

"Marie... how could you run to the shore."

Mermaids are water monsters with "charm" in the water, but their fighting power on land is really no different from that of dead fish.

Seeing Mari struggling with her tail and trying to get into the water, Rey flew towards Mari anxiously.

But who knew, it was her sudden change of direction that made several singing birds in the sky notice Rey and Mary.

Driven by the instinct of the labyrinth monsters, they began to flap their wings and flew towards the two screaming.

"Rey! Quick! Water!"

Mari seemed unable to speak completely. She greeted Rey anxiously, intending to take her underwater to avoid being chased by the singing birds in the sky.

Rey also understood this.

Just as she plunged into the water, she found something behind Mari that shouldn't have appeared.

It was a weird creature with a crystal on its neck, and it had a big mouth. Obviously, it also found the mermaid girl who was originally hiding behind the crystal.


Following Rey's line of sight, Mari also found the monster behind her.

In her panic, she moved the fish tail more vigorously, but the difficulty of the mermaid on land meant that she could not move quickly.

That's too late!

Ley gritted her teeth, and insisted on changing her target, desperately trying to save Mari despite a few attacks from the singing birds in the sky.

"Rey! Don't come here!"

Mary also became anxious.

She wanted to use the ability of the Song of Destruction to drive away the crystal monster, but she couldn't die. This kind of monster living in the "Giant Cang Waterfall" is very resistant to the sonic attacks of mermaids and singing birds.

Mari was so anxious that she was about to cry, so she could only pick up the surrounding crystal fragments and throw them at the monster.

But how much is her strength? It can only arouse the fierceness of the monster.

Just when the monster reached the dangerous position and Mari closed her eyes in fright, a gust of wind hung down from the sky of the giant waterfall.

"You heretics' fighting abilities are really problematic..."

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