The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1586

Hearing Rey's worries, Luo Pei originally wanted to say something like "Those guys deserve it too?", but considering Uranus' commission and the smooth progress of the movie, too violent would refute his ultimate goal, so he He opened his mouth with a smile.

"Of course I have a way for you to enter Orario normally and walk on the streets and alleys."

Who is Rope?

The high-level demigod of the evil god, the occult almost beats the ancestors of the mystics of the entire multiverse.

Among his dizzying powers, secret techniques such as "Body Transformation" can be pulled out with a cart, and the bodies of two girls can be transformed in a mere way, making them look like human beings, just like eating and drinking easy.

"Also, that is to say... Can we leave the maze perfectly and enter the surface world?"

Rey covered her mouth, the surprise came too suddenly.

"Just you and Mary,"

Rope corrected him.

"I don't intend to turn all the heretics into human appearances. You are my servants, why bother to conform to the customs of the outside world? My ultimate goal is to bring you to the ground in their original appearance to enjoy Sunshine and breeze."

Maybe it was different from what Rey hoped, but the result was enough to surprise the two of them.

"Go to the ground!"

Mari happily wrapped Lopez around with her slender fishtail, then lay on top of his head and hummed a song softly.

Luo Pei didn't bother to push Mari away, just beckoned to Rey reluctantly.

"Come here, come to me."

"Yes Yes!"

Looking at Mari's performance and Luo Pei's smiling face, Rey suddenly realized something.

Things that she didn't even dare to think about before, lingering in her mind.

Mr. Luo you really not dislike our identity as a monster?

Rey's face was red, and she walked up to Luo Pei rather awkwardly, then knelt down in front of the black-haired young man, looking up at him pitifully.

"You, you really don't hate me?"

"How many times do you want me to repeat the same thing?"

Lopez put his hands on Rey's wings.

The singer-bird girl trembled all over, and stammered.

"Please, please be gentle..."


Luo Pei was taken aback for a moment, and then the thinking of some speechless girls diverged.

But the movement of his hands did not stop.

The powerful secret technique was firmly controlled by the demon in the palm of his hand. Under the ominous light, Rey gradually lost the characteristics of the "singer bird", until finally she turned into a delicate girl with blond hair.

This is only a general change, and the transformation is still in progress.

Luo Pei didn't want Rey to lose her characteristics, so he planned to give Rey the ability to switch freely between two forms.

But during the transformation, Luo Pei was thinking about things that had nothing to do with the two girls in front of him.

After the second movie was released, it was on the right track, followed by board games, novels, video games, and electronic communications. He wanted to use entertainment to dominate the world in all directions.

But the problem that followed was that it was too troublesome for him to do these things one by one, and he was too lazy to teach the natives of this world.

Coupled with the words of Shabu Nicholas from the last world, Luo Pei began to use his brain.

If you can call the incarnation of Yog Sothoth, the "All things are one", not only can you have a closer relationship with that great god, but you can also let that omniscient and omnipotent god help you with entertainment, and even more Learn from the gods of "time" and "space".

Should...will come?

Luo Pei began to consider the details of calling the Supreme God.


A place where time and space cannot interfere, in the kingdom of God of Yog Sothoth.

The One Who Returns All Things repeats its actions every day, and the meaning and meaninglessness are mixed together. Some mortal things may not be able to understand one billionth of the Supreme God in their entire lives.

Suddenly, the movement of the All-In-One stopped.

"Yug, I came to the door in person, don't you even do a little greeting?"

It was a charming female voice.

One of the three pillar gods, the incarnation of Shabu Nicholas came to its divine kingdom.

But Yog didn't want to talk to him at all.

If "Chaos" Nyarlathotep can sit and talk with it on an equal footing, then the Mother of the Black Goat, a god who is obsessed with her own divine responsibilities and ideas, feels that communication is unnecessary.

"That's what I hate about you, Big Bubble. If you were a humanoid creature, everyone would look at you with contempt."

The dark-haired girl sighed.

Without waiting for Yog's response, Shabu explained her reason for coming.

"Help me drag my Kingdom of God out of the seal of Nutz, the Winged One of Light. "

After a long time, Yog spoke slowly.

"Why do you and Nyarlathotep like to communicate with voice?"

"Maybe it was influenced by our common sweetheart?" Shabu smiled and said, "You should also know the purpose of my dragging the Kingdom of God, right? Don't pretend to be confused, Omniscient One."

"...I have no reason to help you."

Yog spoke in simple and long words of the gods.

"Among the times, the lifting of your seal is not now."

"I didn't ask you to forcibly break the ancient god's seal. I know you also have plans. It's just a little dragging out. Don't you even help with this?"

"No help."

"Really don't help?"

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