The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1587


Yog Sothoth looked at Shabu Nicholas, who was showing a faintly fierce look, and knew that the mother of the black goat would never give up until she achieved her goal.

"The three pillar gods are the biggest pillars, and it is not a trivial matter to "sacred son", especially since you still want to crown that larva as a real god... Even Nyarlathotep just gathered an adopted daughter. "

"Cthulhu, Cthugya can do it, but I can't?"

"After all, the four elements are inferior to our three pillar gods. Your thoughts are too exaggerated. Now is not the past."

"Hehe, you are worthy of His Majesty Yog Sothoth, the One Who Turns All Things into One. "

Shabu sneered.

Just as she turned to leave, Yog finally let go.

"I will not move your kingdom of God, but you can accept my blessing and let the son in your womb come to my kingdom of God. It can also be regarded as a small gift from me to Luo Pei who is about to meet. "

"That sounds like... huh?"

Shabu tilted her head.

"What? Has Xiao Luo Pei finally made up his mind to call you?"

"Among the causes and results related to me, this is an established cause... Soon."

Yog Sothoth asked again.

"Daughter of Luo Pei in your womb, have you prepared the name of God?"

"Of course, I am the most competent mother."

Shabu lovingly stroked his belly.

"Her name is Saya."

Daughter of the mother of the black goat, princess of life, ruler of the unclean and the cubs of the black goat.

"Well, I'll tell Lopez..."

The Kingdom of God of All Things Returns to Peace, but the surging vitality takes root in the Kingdom of the Supreme God.

Chapter 35 "Master of the Future" Avgomon, Returning from the Labyrinth

Half a month in the maze passed in the blink of an eye.

During this period, while helping Rey and Mary to adapt to their new bodies, Rope was thinking about what kind of ritual should be used to summon Yog Sothoth, the "one who returns all things to one".

This great god is very different from other evil gods.

There are countless incarnations of Yog Sothoth, and each of its incarnations has powers similar to those of some gods.

Just look at Tavel Yat Umr, the "Imperial Eternal", and you will know that the incarnation of this supreme being will have an independent kingdom of God, the "Giant Stone Pedestal". Neither God Nyarlathotep nor Shab Nicholas possessed it.

The method of knocking on the door like Steins' Gate is definitely not feasible this time.

He has to weigh which incarnation of Yogbubble to summon. Of course, Rope himself is very inclined to Umr, but the ancient immortals are often inconvenient to leave at the "giant stone base", and the summoning will fail in all likelihood. It was a waste of effort.

"God of the Future and Time" Avgomon...?

"Hey, Luo Pei, there are so many people! Is this the human society?"

"Mari, don't be too conspicuous..."

Lopez and the heretic girl are waiting for the Loki family on the eighteenth floor of the labyrinth, in the town of Rivera in the "Maze Paradise".

Both Rey and Mari wore the usual costumes of adventurers, with their hair covered by hoods.

Although Luo Pei didn't know that they already had a perfect human body, there was no need to hide it so hard, but the girls liked him and didn't bother to persuade them.

Mary watched curiously the people coming and going in Rivera Town.

Usually, her adventurers who passed by the "Giant Cang Waterfall" or came to collect materials just carefully observed secretly, and never appeared in front of people openly.

Because Mari also knew that with her mermaid characteristics, even if she appeared and waited for her with good intentions, it would be nothing but swords and magic.

But now it's different.

Under the gift of the gods, she already has the qualifications to wander in a rich and colorful society.

Sitting on the round table outside the tavern, Luo Pei temporarily interrupted the consideration of the summoning ceremony, and said to Mari and Rey with a smile.

"It's too early to be surprised. This is just a gathering place for adventurers in the maze. The ground is the base camp of adventurers. The maze city of Orario is a place where gods and mortals dance together. But honestly, maybe Maybe you will be disappointed, just based on the degree of splendor, that city is not even as good as the maze you are in."

"But there are a lot of people there!"

Mary said excitedly.

"I haven't seen a lot of people!"

"Master Luo Pei, is there really no problem with this?"

Rey pulled her hood back, her pretty cheeks were hidden in the shadows.

"I always feel very uneasy. I heard Ferrar say that the eyes of the gods have the power to distinguish between true and false. If Mary and I go to Olalie and are seen by the gods..."

"Not to mention what kind of things those gods are, they are also worthy of seeing through my secret techniques. Even if the world is turned upside down, what's the problem if you reveal the true gods in front of them? Don't always think about it, I have said everything that needs to be said, everything It's all about me."

Luo Pei pushed the food on the round table in front of Rey and Mary.

"Let's try to see if human food suits your taste. You must be getting tired of eating the "grain depot" in the maze all the time, right? "

Rey and Mari nodded, and then started to look at the not-so-rich meals on the table.


"It is indeed different from the food in the "grain bank", and it is tastier than those berries..."

Luo Pei smiled, playing with a glass bead in his hand, and looked at the entrance of Rivera Town.

At noon, a group of adventurers soon arrived in Rivera Town.

It's the Loki family.

However, unlike the high spirits before the separation, everyone in the Loki family, especially those in charge of melee combat, looked unsightly, as if they had been robbed of a lot of money.

Taking a closer look, almost all of the external weapons of the Loki family have large and small corrosion marks, as if the weapons were soaked in some corrosive pool.

If such an expensive weapon is damaged, I am afraid that the money earned from this expedition will not be enough to pay for it, so it is no wonder that everyone has a bad face.

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