The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1588

"I've long felt that something was wrong with those bugs. If you have to fight them, you can just run away. It's also because of this reason that Tione was injured so badly, and several bottles of panacea were consumed..."

"Are you blaming me, Teona?"

"How dare you, sister, it's just that you really should prepare yourself some armor."

"Bare-handed is what I fight for!"

From a distance, Ai Si saw Luo Pei, then trotted over, and bowed slightly in front of Luo Pei.


Ace has completely regarded Luo Pei as her closest person.

Rope laughed.

"How's the harvest in the dungeon? Well, although you can guess one or two from the expressions on your faces, why don't you just ask?"

"It's not good, Mr. Luo Pei~"

Tiona had been sitting next to Rope since then, lying on the table.

"It's a bad luck to go out this time. If this bad luck continues a few more times, let alone buy your "elixir of aging", maybe even our house will have to be mortgaged to pay off the debt..."

"Stop talking about money, Tiona." Finn said with a smile, "It's good that everyone is safe."

"However, Mr. Luo Pei, you seem to be very satisfied with your trip to the maze."

Riveria's gaze turned to the two hooded girls beside Lopez, who were visibly on guard.

"Who are these two?"

"This is Rey and Marie."

Lopez said, and then patted Rey on the shoulder.

"Come on, these are my friends, you two don't stand still, say hello."

"Hi, I'm Mary!"


After the two girls lifted their hoods, everyone was amazed at each other's appearance.

Compared with the goddesses of Orario, Riveria, who is an elf royal family, also secretly admired the mixed temperament of abnormality and purity.

"Ah, she's a beauty."

Tiona looked up, watching Rey and Mari's mouths grow wide.

Then when she rolled her eyes, she pulled Aisi with her right hand and turned her back, whispering.

"You are in danger, Ais. I didn't expect Mrs. Luo Pei to be so popular with women. You can seduce two exquisite girls if you take a stroll in such a bad place as the maze. If you don't take the initiative, maybe Mrs. Luo Pei will leave you in the cold?"

"Tiona, what are you talking about?"

The blond girl tilted her head, unable to understand what Tiona meant.

The latter stomped angrily.


"Rey, Mari. It's a pretty good name."

Riveria smiled and asked the two heretical girls.

"Which family are you adventurers from?"

As soon as these words came out, even Mari's smile froze.

What kind of family are they? Not long ago, they were monsters that everyone shouted and beat. How could they answer Riveria's question.

When Rey was at a loss, Rope took over Riveria's question.

"They don't have family members yet."


The Loki family was a little shocked when they heard this.

Finn held his forehead.

Those who come to the Labyrinth without the boon or protection of adventurers are either fools or madmen.

Without exception, their fate was buried in the mouth of monsters.

——A maze is not a paradise.

"There is no family... so you are not an adventurer? If you are not an adventurer, you dare to run into the dungeon and come to this 18th floor "Maze Paradise". The two ladies are really lucky. "

"Yes, yes."

Rey smiled.

"If it weren't for Lord Luo Pei, the two of us might have died in the maze."

"The savior, that's great, I also want to be saved by a hero..."

Tiona sighed.

With her strength, now she is the only one who can save others.

"Although they are not family members yet, I plan to make them Hestia's family members." Luo Pei said with a smile: "She has been yelling at me for family members, and she can't be too casual, so I will come to the maze this time. I was going to pick a few for her, and I happened to meet Rey and Marie."

"God Hestia is lucky to have a partner like you."

Riveria only said this to take care of Ais's mood.

The specific relationship between Rope and God Hestia, as long as you have attended the premiere of the movie, you can see it without being blind.

The two are more than just "partners".

Lopez stood up, and Rey and Mary pulled up their hoods and followed closely behind him.

"Then let's go back as planned."


Go all the way to the exit of the maze.

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