The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1589

The closer they got to the surface, the more excited Rey and Marie became.

By the time the two heretic girls were standing at the exit of the maze, looking up at the real blue sky and white clouds, they couldn't help but sit on the ground.

This is also a new life.

The Loki family thought that the girl's emotions were too violent after she was born in danger, so they didn't pay much attention to it.

Luo Pei walked up to the two girls, knelt down and patted their shoulders, and said softly.

"It's over. Welcome to O'Leary, Rey, Mary."

"Well... the sunlight on the surface is really great..."

Rey wiped her tears and helped Mari stand up.

Riveria asked.

"Master Luo Pei, I'm afraid we have to return to the station first, and equipment maintenance is urgent. If you have nothing to do, would you like to come to our place for a cup of tea?"

"Another day, I have to arrange these two girls, and the second movie."

"I made a slip of the tongue." Riveria smiled and waved her hand: "Then see you later, Lord Rope."

"Teacher, take care of yourself."

The blond girl said goodbye to Luo Pei politely, and then went home with her partner.

"Let's go too." Luo Pei and Rey said, "We'll be at the place where you live in the future in a while, and there's a goddess there, although it might look bad, but you have to get along well?"

"I, we will do our best!"

The three of them walked out of the maze completely and followed the adventurer's road.

During the period, Mary and Rey were amazed at the coming and going of Olalie's people, and the peace and prosperity. At the same time, they felt a little tingling in their hearts, and they really felt what the adventurers were killing monsters for.


Accidentally, Mari bumped into someone's body and sat down on the ground.

"Are you all right, Mari?" Rey hurried over to check on Mari's situation.

"……Feel sorry."

The person who was hit didn't seem to intend to pester her, and just apologized casually in a hoarse and deep voice, and then walked towards the maze with her huge backpack twice her size on her back.

Luo Pei kept watching the little human girl with short dark brown hair enter the maze, and then looked back.

"Master Luo Pei, what's wrong?"

Rey asked curiously.

Rope shook his head and smiled.

"It's nothing, compared to that, let's go home quickly, I have to teach Mary what to do next..."

Now is not the time to worry about other things.

The call of the one who returns everything and the start of the second film are the top priorities.

Chapter 36 The Last Three Pillars of God, Yog Sothoth Arrives

Back at the villa, Hestia, who had been happily running to greet her, saw the smiles of the two beautiful girls behind Luo Pei froze on her face.

Hestia and Rope haven't known each other for a long time.

But she has a very straightforward and serious personality, and once she admits a relationship, she will use that relationship to demand herself.

So until now, she always uses the identity of "Lopey's lover" to claim herself, without hiding it at all.

But it was only natural for her to react when she saw that her lover brought back two exquisite beauties when she went out.

"Explain it to me, Rope!"

Hestia sat across from Rope, patting the table.

"Didn't you say that you went to the dungeon with the children of the Rocky family? Why did you suddenly bring back two girls? Love the new and dislike the old? Start chaotically and end? A showdown at the speed of light?"

Rope smiled and spread his hands.

"Calm down, Hestia, I did go to the maze..."

"Are you trying to say that you picked up these two children who are obviously not family members from the dungeon?"

"That's right."


Rope simply admitted that Hestia didn't know what to say.

She tilted her head and looked at the cautious Rey and Marie, thinking carefully whether she had forgotten some common sense. An ordinary person who is not an adventurer should stay away from a dangerous place like the dungeon.

"They are the "heretics" of the labyrinth, and you can also understand them as monsters who have gained sanity. At the request of Uranus, I had contact with them to a certain extent, and planned to reach a consensus with Uranus and Ganesha to help these children living in the dark corners of the maze. "

"First, first time meeting, Lord Hestia, I am Mary..."

"I'm Rey..."

After listening to Rope's brief explanation, Hestia opened his mouth, and his gaze switched back and forth between Rey, Marie and Rope.

Then she frowned and said while rubbing her temples.

"Sorry... I didn't hear you very clearly. Are you saying that these two are... monsters? You brought them back from the dungeon? Really, even if you want to have an affair and don't want me to find out, you have to find a decent excuse... Bar."

Hestia couldn't go on.

In front of her, Rey had already shown her original posture.

The golden feathers, wings, bird claws, and the image of the singer bird in the monster guidebook were reflected in Hestia's pupils.

This made Goddess Loli run to the back of the sofa in fright.

"Song, song, song, singing man and bird? No way? Rope, you really..."

She is a goddess who doesn't care about the world, and the lower world has been sealed with divine power. Maybe bumps and bumps that don't care in the heaven will become fatal injuries in the lower world, so it's natural for Hestia to be afraid of monsters.

"Calm down, take a deep breath, what are you afraid of when I'm here?"

Then Rope told Hestia about the heretics in detail, and answered Hestia's many doubts, and the Goddess of Kitchen Fire finally settled down.

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