The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1590

"So, Uranus and Ganesha are still hiding such a big thing."

Hestia The Thinker.

"So, the monsters in the labyrinth are turning in a good direction again? Just like the little humans, elves, and dwarves, they can become other communicable subhuman races..."

"The only thing that can be determined at the moment is the "Heretic". What the other monsters were like in the past, and what they are still like now. "

"What a pity..."

The goddess looked at Rey and Mari with pity.

"Isn't being accepted by anyone, living a life of wandering all day is uncomfortable? Why didn't Uranus and Ganesha announce such an important matter? It's better for everyone to think of a way together than the two of them secretly working hard."

"Just like you feel sympathy for Rey and Marie now, Uranus is worried that if the "monster with human intelligence" is announced, it will cause adventurers to hesitate when facing monsters, and this will often make them lose life. "

"Did Rope decide to help them?"

"I've made a commitment to use movies and entertainment to open doors in the world for them."

"Is there anything I can do to help?"

"Hmm... Let me think about it..."

Rope thought for a while and said.

"Probably not. Hestia, you just have to hide this news. It's not time to announce it yet. As for the identities of Rey and Marie, you have to declare that they are your family members."

"In that case, it's a trivial matter!"

I don't know if it's "family" or "don't worry", but Hestia seems happy anyway.

She's probably softer than most of the other gods in Orario.

As soon as they heard about the tragic experience of the heretic, let alone accusing Luo Pei of having an affair, even the news of the new movie was forgotten.

"Rey and Mari?"

Hestia puffed out her chest confidently.

"With me and Luo Pei here, don't worry! The tragic situation of the heretics will definitely be resolved!"

"Yes, thank you Lord Hestia..."

"Then come with me, and I will take you to the room where you will live in the future!"

"Hestia, don't come to me after making arrangements for Rey and Mary. I need to deal with some things alone in the study room of the second building. Try not to get close."

"I know, I know."

Obviously, Hestia has been completely attracted by heretics, and wants to have a good communication with Rey and Marie.

After Luo Pei left the main building of the villa, he came to the second building at the back, which was temporarily used to store sundries.

After entering the study room, the black-haired young man cast a powerful divine spell on this area without any hesitation.

After a few breaths, the building has been cut off from the world by Rope.

In this way, no matter how big a disturbance summoning Bubbles would cause, it would not affect the outside world.

Although Rope doesn't think Yog Sothoth, "All things are one", will come here with great fanfare, but the experience of "Blaster" Cthugha has to be guarded. He and his favorite girl turned into dust.

"Lord of Future and Time, Avgomon..."

If it is said that Ulm, the "Primeval Eternal", is a god who is benevolent and tolerant, and encourages the mining of knowledge. Then "Lord of the Future and Time" Avgomon is the embodiment of the angry side of Yog Sothoth.

Avgomon only appears when provoked, and it is worshiped by many known and unknown religions as the "Destroyer", "Tyrant of Time", "Lord of the Future", "Light of Fury and Purification".

Few existences have actually seen it. It is rumored that its image is like a conglomerate of distorted eyeballs, symbolizing the end of those greedy for forbidden knowledge of the universe, and its appearance is often accompanied by blinding and deadly light. When the light shines, there will be a "forbidden plague" that can destroy a civilization.

No other god but Avgomon himself could cure this plague.

Although it sounds dangerous, compared to Yog Sothoth's other nameless incarnations that are not recorded in the classics, Avrgomon is already a good choice. Moreover, Rope also has a different friendship with Yog Sothoth, and his "time" divinity is something from that great god.

"Hate silver, iron, aluminum, red branches, shark blood, crabs... well, the ritual is no different from that of "Prime Eternals". Just replace "enter" with "fall". In addition to the more stable channel after the introduction of divine power, it is linked to hundreds of millions of stars..."

Rope easily wiped out the sundries in the study, and began to use his divine power to draw a magic circle calling for the "Master of the Future" Avgomon.

The entire space trembled under the powerful divine power of the high-level demigod. If it weren't for the part of Luo Pei's spirit to protect the ground, it wouldn't be able to hold up here for even a second.

But at this moment, Luo Pei heard the sound of high heels colliding with the ground.

The black-haired youth felt incredible at first.

This is a different space created by him with divine magic. Without his permission... No, even with his permission, it is impossible for anyone to come in at the critical time of drawing the calling circle.

Is there anyone in this world who can break through the magic of a high-level demigod? Do not make jokes.

The sound of high-heeled shoes was getting closer, and Luo Pei temporarily stopped what he was doing, frowning and staring at the door.

With his full perception, he couldn't detect the door that was only separated by a wall.

Turning the handle, the door was gently pushed open.

A beautiful foot wearing white high-heeled shoes decorated with blue butterflies appeared in Luo Pei's sight.

Then, a slightly cold female voice sounded.

"The summoning ceremony is flawed. If you want to call me, there are three incantations written in the wrong order starting from the second paragraph. The most outstanding feature of the Berens incantation system is that it can be interchanged from beginning to end to achieve the meaning of "time loop", This is why I like to use this spell as a starting point for my summoning. "

It was a girl who didn't know how to dub her compliments.

The long white mist-like hair is slightly curly, and she wears a blue flower hair ornament on her head, which complements her pupils of the same color, like a cold beauty who has come out of a country of ice and snow. She is wearing a slightly modern white gauze dress, and the combination of blue and white highlights the sense of fantasy.

The white-haired girl continued.

"However, these are just innocuous little things. Even if I don't pay attention, I will largely respond to the summons. And you haven't studied the Berens spell, so it's understandable. But you have already become a "higher demigod". You can't just pick up what you like to learn, not only the majestic and powerful magic arts, we have unlimited lives, and all kinds of secret spells should be more delicately grasped in our hands, otherwise you will be ashamed of your "strongest secret spell" The title of "Sorcerer". "


"Surprised to see me spontaneously appearing without summoning?"

The girl shook her head.

"Time is me, and I am time. It's no surprise to see some 'future' moving ahead." I haven't had time to congratulate you. I watched the battle to annihilate the "God of Technology" Ferak in the last world. It was very exciting, Rope. "

There is no doubt that the girl in front of him is exactly what Luo Pei wants to summon.

"God of the future and time" Afgomon.

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