The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1591


"All things are one" Yog Sothoth.

Although, it was slightly different from what he imagined.

Chapter 37 The Goddess of Time and the Higher Demigods

Looking at the beautiful girl walking out of the painting, Luo Pei felt that he should be surprised.

But in fact, I don't know if he was numb from seeing too many evil gods, and he only had a gentle smile in response to the "Master of the Future".

"Welcome, His Majesty Yog Sothoth, or is it better to call you Your Majesty Avgomon?"

"Either one is fine, which one is me. But if you have to choose, I still want you to simply call me "Yog". "

The white-haired girl took off the gloves on her palms, squatted down and swept her index finger over the spells on the ground.

"You see, whether it's "Yog Sothoth", "All to One" or "Avrgomon", it always feels a bit cumbersome to read them all in this language. Your names are Nyarlathotep and Shabu Nicholas, and you also call them "Shabu" and "Nia" briefly, right? "

"That's right."

"That doesn't need specialization for me either."

In the hands of the future lord, the incantation drawn by a high-level demigod gradually disappeared like water mist on glass.

Yog stood up, handed her gloves to Lopez with a smile, then leaned forward and gently touched the black-haired youth's cheek.

"Compared to the last time I saw it at the "Big Stone Pedestal", your soul is shining brighter and brighter. No wonder Hasta and the others are fascinated. "

"...I'd be happier if you complimented me in another way."

Rope sighed forcefully.

Bubbles is not the only god who uses this meaning to describe him, but every time he hears this, it makes Luo Pei quite embarrassed.

Yog grinned softly.

"Don't worry about it, just take it as my little joke. After all, you already know what that thing in your body is?"

Her fingers ran down Lopez's cheeks, pointing straight at his chest.

Rope nodded and was about to say something, but Yog shook his head.

"Just a response like that is enough, no need to put it into words."

Her sapphire-like eyes were brewing memories, and her voice became full of eternity.

"It really happened a long time ago... Maybe it's a bit strange for a god like me who plays with time and space to say it. It's really been a long time... Our mother..."

"...Do you need me to convey something to you instead of her?"

"No, the communication between me and her is not now." Yog said: "I am not the two guys Shabu and Naia. I strictly follow the established future and will not change it easily. That would be too much Trouble."

"That's it..."

It is indeed different from the other two "Three Pillar Gods".

Just like the title given to Yog-Sothoth by the outside world, the master of all knowledge, Yog-Sothoth has a very strong rationality, and this rationality is enough to overwhelm her instinct as an evil god.

The white-haired girl walked to the window, pushed it open, waved her hands a few times, and used a very subtle method to disarm Lopez's isolation magic from the inside, allowing the wind of this world to blow in.

The breeze lifted Yog's long white hair, and the girl pressed her long hair, smiling like a mirage.

"I'm always leading the topic. Doesn't Rope want to say something? It's rare for a god like me to be summoned from the outside world. Don't you have anything to say? For example, from Shabu's mouth. , my "handle" and other topics..."

"You know even that."

"I don't need to know, it all depends on what you think, Luo Pei."

"...Then let's pretend that neither of us knows."


The girl's silvery laughter echoed in the room.

"Interesting as always, you."

Rope is not surprised at the high degree of humanity displayed by Yog Sothoth.

Aside from the loftiness and majesty of this great god, Yog-Sothoth can be regarded as a first-class romantic figure even among the indescribable evil gods.

A long time ago, she had a strange hobby of bestowing "divine grace" on the shrine maidens or witches who worshiped her.

In other words, Yog Sothoth likes to manifest divine power to prostitute his female followers.

And often leave some incomplete heirs of demigods. Those demigods have no power, no glory, only a sad desire to see their god again, to be rewarded by Yog-Sothoth.

But few crippled Sons of God could get Yog's second response.

"Actually, the main reason for calling you this time is not a big deal. Now that the Kingdom of God has been built, I may only ask you for some understanding of "time" and "space". I just want you to help me achieve the goal of entertainment dominance in this world. "


Yog laughed.

"Rope, you are really special. I have heard countless requests from summoners. This is really the first time for you. Let me, as the "Three Pillars God" and "All Things Return to One", fight for your entertainment career... It seems Very interesting. "

"Since your eyes reflect the future of all things, don't laugh at me for such trivial things..."

"You're wrong, Rope."

The white-haired girl walked to Luo Pei's side and looked at the cheek of Luo Pei who was a head taller than her.

"I know the future, but I don't know the future. The opposite of omniscient and omnipotent is ignorance and incompetence, and I also have this characteristic. As a high-level demigod, you should be able to understand my words well? Or do you need me? Transmit the meaning of this sentence into your mind?"

"Well, I almost know..."

"It's time for you to get out of restraint and caution. As you can see, the majestic All-In-One in your impression is just a weak little girl at this moment."

"Yes, little girl."

Rope sighed.

"A little girl who can make the multiverse tremble just by saying her name."

The most respected of the three pillar gods, even the hostile ancient gods had to be respected.

"All things are one" Yog Sothoth is the god of gods, the embodiment of all foundations.

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