The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1592

The two walked out of the building.

While walking, Yog stretched out her small jade-like hand and said to Luo Pei.

"Take my hand."


"Don't you really want to do this, Rope? Like Naia and Shabu, I don't reject it."

The white-haired girl said.

"Although I always seem to be hiding something, approachable but unapproachable, but in fact that is just my own characteristic as a god, and Luo Pei doesn't have to worry about it. We got along very well when we were at the "Big Rock Base" ? You held my hand like this back then..."

"...Then it's not just me holding your hand, my whole body is in your hand, okay?"

The last time I met Ulm, the "Imperial Eternal", Rope was held in the hands of the silhouette that connected the sky and the earth the whole time.

"Hehe, why bother with these details."

Yog revealed it casually, and then said.

"The next step is to meet your pet in this world, right? Entertainment is the master, since Luo Pei wants to go this way, it's not okay to be too exaggerated."

"I think so too, but one of my current girls is very jealous..."

"It's okay, it's okay, just leave it to me, I'll take care of this little thing."

The quicksilver doll opens the door of the main hall, and Rope and Yog walk in.

There was no need for Rope to show the magic stone camera to the one who returned all things. Yog read its essence when he came to this world. After the white-haired girl sat on the sofa, she casually created a magic stone camera out of thin air.

"According to the characteristics of this civilization, it's not a bad starting point."

Yog dusted the camera again.

"Fictions, movies, video games, the entertainment industry... I have all this kind of knowledge, and it is perfect to assist you in achieving the desired result. Well, there is one more thing."


"Congratulations on becoming a father again."

Luo Pei was taken aback for a moment, and then immediately thought of who it was.

"His Majesty Shabu?"

"That's right, the mother of the black goat came to ask me to help her impatiently." Yog shook his head and said, "But I can't help her pull the Kingdom of God out, I can only let her be in my God Kingdom temporarily." She lives in the country as a cradle for newborns. Her name is Saya, and Shabu intends to make her a true god."

"Even though I have become the father of several children, I don't have much real feeling..."

"After your coronation ceremony, you will have it. Those children will undoubtedly become your exclusive servant gods. This is an established result that no one can change." Yuge said.

"I haven't had time to ask you, does Rope like my image?"

"If I don't even like this kind of image, then my taste is too horrible."

"That's good."

The appearance of the girl chosen by the All-In-One can only be described as "perfect", and there is not even a little bit of dislike.

When the white-haired girl picked up a cup of steaming brandy mixed with black tea, Hestia's noisy voice came from the corridor.

"Rope, let's act quickly. Those children are too pitiful. As a goddess, I can't just sit idly by. We can go to Uranus to discuss the follow-up actions..."

Hestia's voice stopped abruptly.

She saw Yog Sothoth sitting on the sofa.

The white-haired girl smiled and nodded at Hestia.

"It's the first time I've met you, the elf inside the world, I'm Yog, a companion from the same place as Rope, please give me your advice in the future."

With words like a spring breeze, Yog doesn't have the slightest bad temper of other evil gods.

If "Blaster" Cthugya or "Inhabitant of Darkness" Nyogda were here, they wouldn't even bother to say hello, and anyone who dared to have objections and doubts would be directly gifted to perish.

"Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... Another one!?"

Filled with Hestia's frantic voice, and the light laughter of Rope and Yog, another god from a foreign land appeared in the villa of the demon.

For the world, nothing has changed.

Chapter Thirty-Eight Demons and Whores

I don't know if it is the influence of the rainy season, but Olalie's rain falls like broken beads.

From Hestia's mouth, Rope learned that the intermittent light rain has lasted for nearly a month since he entered the maze.

This made some of Olalie's poorly repaired houses start to seep, and adventurers and gods cursed.

But as the center of the world, a place favored by the gods, you can always hear some interesting conversations in the streets and alleys.

"It's all your fault, my clothes got wet!"

"It's none of my business!"

"Aren't you the Rain God?"

"What kind of rain god am I? I'm the river god! And even if I'm the rain god, now that everyone in the lower realm has sealed their divine power, I can't be blamed! Idiot!"

"I don't care, anyway, you have to buy me a drink today."

"Crazy! You are still Thor, should I also blame you?"

It was probably just this kind of conversation, and there was an atmosphere of coexistence between God and man.

Walking in the rain with Luo Pei, Yog took small bites of hash browns in his arms, and the rain had no effect on her any more than it did on Luo Pei.

In a small area around the white-haired girl, even the "sound" of rainwater falling could not be heard at all.

This is not what Yog did, she just stood there, and the whole world deliberately avoided disturbing the one who returns to everything.

"Do you like this food?"

"Talk about whether you like it or not... I don't even bother to remember what it feels like to like it. It's just that it should be good, so I'll try it." Yog shook his head.

"If I don't use the five senses of human beings, the world is just a simple symbol in my eyes."

"It's no wonder that those believers who worship you know the danger, but still want to get your gift. For them, the one who returns everything is too far beyond their own dimension."

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