The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1597

"Talk with me for a while, Chun Ji. When did you come to this street?"

"Yes, yes!" Chun Ji stammered in response: "The concubine's arrival was not long ago..."

"Sold in by human traffickers?"

"Yes, yes. My concubine's home is far away in the east. Because of committing a serious crime, I wandered all the way here. Before I died at the mouth of ogres, I was rescued by robbers and sold into this Fengyue Street... ..."

Was it a girl who had no experience in dealing with people? Luo Pei just asked casually, and Chun Ji told her all the details without reservation.

If this is a girl who has stayed in Fengyue Street for a long time, she will definitely say some pleasant things, and will not bring out words that will disappoint her.

"Oh? That's it, that was really hard work."

Luo Pei picked up the colorful balloons in the corner and weighed them in his hand.

"Does Chun Ji like it here?"

"A concubine... should I like it?"

Chun Ji asked Luo Pei without her own opinion.

She didn't know that the guest liked that answer, and she was afraid of saying something that would annoy the guest.

The dark-haired youth was amused by this question.

"It's your own feeling whether you like it or not? Don't worry, it's enough to answer me truthfully."

"That concubine just doesn't like it... I don't like this place..."

"If you don't like it, would you like to come with me?"

Rope said.

"I'll buy you and follow me."


Chun Ji couldn't understand why the topic jumped so fast.

This guest had only spoken a few words to her, and he knew her name and level of experience, so he actually wanted to redeem her.

"Master, I heard that the race of concubines is very rare, and the price of virgins is also very high. For you, it is more cost-effective to buy a concubine for one night..."

Kind girl. Rope thought so.

Obviously he was standing in the oppressor's position, Chun Ji instead analyzed the pros and cons for him.

The black-haired young man scratched his face and asked.

"Do not you know me?"

"I'm sorry, I haven't met you...but you must be the god of a certain family, right?"

"Well, if you don't know him, don't know him, it doesn't matter."

Rope said.

"Chun Ji, go and call the person in charge of this brothel, I want to talk to her about buying you."

Luo Pei no longer intends to ask the opinion of this young girl who doesn't understand anything.

Chun Ji was taken aback for a moment, then bent down to salute.


Taking small steps, Chun Ji walked out of the Japanese-style room.

In less than a moment, Chun Ji returned with an elf woman.

"Chun Ji, you are a member of the Istar family. According to the rules, the family cannot be bought. Didn't I tell you many times? Besides, Lord Istar also specifically ordered me that no matter who comes to buy you They can only choose to have a good night, and they can't take people away..."

"I'm sorry, but the guest is God, and that lord wants to see you..."

"Master God?"

The paper door was opened, and looking at the black-haired young man sitting there, the elf woman's somewhat irritable expression froze.

"Lord Luo Pei?!" She asked in disbelief.

"Why did you appear here? Goddess Ishtar set up a feast for you in the palace and has been waiting for you since the afternoon!"

"Where am I, do I need to report to you or Istar?"

Luo Pei's words were full of indifference, which was completely different from when he communicated with Chun Ji just now.

"While I'm in a good mood, don't talk nonsense in front of me. I want this girl, hurry up and make a price, don't waste my time."

Chapter 41: The Flame Behind the Calm, the Wrath of the Demon God

Give the elf woman three more courages, and she dare not decide Chunji's fate without authorization.

This was an order issued by Goddess Ishtar herself, and she even heard that Chun Ji was carrying the big plan of the family on her shoulders. If there is responsibility for dereliction of duty, she will be the first to be targeted within the Istar family.

In this happy street full of desires, there is no family warmth like an ordinary family.

But in front of him was the God of Miracles, who was appointed by the goddess to hold a big banquet and entertain the whole world...

The elf opened his mouth again and again, but couldn't utter a complete sentence for a long time.

Looking at the other party's reaction, Luo Pei also understood, knowing that such a pawn can't make his own claims, so he didn't intend to embarrass the elf anymore.

"Take me to the palace of Ishtar."

Rope said calmly.

"Chun Ji's business is over today."

As he spoke, he casually took out a bag of Farley from his pocket, and it was still on the ground.

Feeling relieved, the elf didn't even look at how much money the gods gave him. After picking it up, he nodded and bowed in reply.

"Yes, Lord Luo Pei. I will arrange for Chun Ji to rest now, please follow me, and I will lead you to the palace of the Lady Goddess..."

Haruhime, led by her servants, is like a leaf fluttering in the wind and rain, unable to resist any decision.

With gentle steps, the blond fox girl turned her head and glanced at Luo Pei again before leaving.

"You just need to sit quietly in the room." Rope said, "Since you hate this street, I will let Istar hand you over."

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